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ART : 32706 : Not available for external loan | |
Solitude, psychological science and the Cold War imagination | |
English | |
20230700 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Williams, Charlie | |
sensory deprivation | social isolation | Suedfeld, Peter | Zubek, John Peter | experimental psychology | relaxation therapy | hallucinations | Hebb, Donald Olding | film | popular culture | psychological effects | brainwashing | behavioural research | interrogation techniques development | Cold War | historical aspects | sensory manipulation | universal | Canada | United States | |
Critical quarterly ; vol. 65, no. 2 | |
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ART : 31737 : Not available for external loan | |
Beyond torture : knowledge and power at the nexus of social science and national security | |
English | |
20221200 | |
Rohde, Joy | |
psychologist complicity in torture | personality change | Hebb, Donald Olding | psychological effects | Cold War | sensory deprivation | interrogation techniques development | experimental psychology | risk factors | financial support | economics | historical aspects | professional ethics | debate | social sciences | CIA | armed forces | American Psychological Association (APA) | war on terror | United States | |
Free full text | |
History of the human sciences ; vol. 35, no. 5 | |
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ART : 23024 : Not available for external loan | |
By any other name : an exploration of the academic development of torture and its links to the military and psychiatry | |
English | |
20160000 | |
Springer | |
Gold, Efrat | |
Canada | United States | experimental psychology | sensory deprivation | physical restraint | psychiatric hospitals | professional ethics | complicity in torture | psychologists | mentally ill | students | psychological effects | social isolation | brainwashing | interrogation techniques | Hebb, Donald Olding | international cooperation | CIA | behaviour modification | financial support | programme development | research | Zubek, John Peter | armed forces | psychological torture | psychiatry | |
Psychiatry interrogated: an institutional ethnography anthology / Bonnie Burstow (ed.). - ISBN: 978-3-319-41173-6 | |
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ART : 13739 : Not available for external loan | |
Science in Dachau's shadow : Hebb, Beecher, and the development of CIA psychological torture and modern medical ethics | |
English | |
20071000 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
McCoy, Alfred W. | |
United States | Canada | Germany | science | interrogation techniques | research | financial support | medical ethics | experimental psychology | psychological torture | complicity in torture | CIA | Hebb, Donald Olding | Beecher, Henry Knowles | Holocaust | informed consent | World War 2 | professional ethics | sensory deprivation | history | debate | |
Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences ; vol. 43, no. 4 | |
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ART : 13631 : Not available for external loan | |
Alfred McCoy, Hebb, the CIA and torture | |
English | |
20070400 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Brown, Richard E. | |
Canada | United States | complicity in torture | behavioural research | deception | financial support | experimental psychology | sensory deprivation | solitary confinement | CIA | McCoy, Alfred W. | Hebb, Donald Olding | interrogation techniques | persuasive communication | |
Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences ; vol. 43, no. 2 | |
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