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  • MON : 2019.004 : Not available for external loan
    Speaking about torture
    war on terror | moral obligations | legal counsel | academic freedom | Yoo, John Choon | Gaza Strip | pornography | music torture | body | masculinities | cinematography | Kahrizak prison (Iran) | rape | sexual torture | public opinion | attitude to torture | art criticism | suffering | pain | physical torture | imagery | spectacle | historical aspects of torture | paintings | arts | torture representation | literary criticism | Youssef, Saadi | Muslims | poetry | national socialism | World War 2 | Amery, Jean | prisoner treatment | prisoners of war | survival | Levi, Primo | analogy | Nazis | war crimes | Abu Ghraib prison (Iraq) | torture victims | extraordinary rendition | international cooperation | mass media | American Psychological Association (APA) | academics | complicity | domestic implementation | UNCAT | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | parliament | civil society | advocacy | torture definition | international intervention | SERE (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape) | torture effects | brainwashing | wall-standing [torture method] | sensory deprivation | Hebb, Donald Olding | programme development | politics | impunity | psychological torture | Obama, Barack (Administration Of) | judicial oversight | torture methods | accountability | torture justifiability | Bush, George W (Administration of) | government policy | CIA | armed forces | interrogation techniques | torture effectiveness | discourse | writing | personal narratives | torture | censorship | poems | Guantanamo Bay detention camp (United States) | detainees | United States | Palestine, State of | Israel | Iran, Islamic Republic of | universal
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