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ART : 26094 : Not available for external loan | |
Dissipation of the fog surrounding the bioethical dilemmas in the war on terror | |
English | |
20200100 | |
Elsevier | |
DeSilva, R. | |
bioethics | Hippocratic oath | medical ethics | commentary [publication type] | mental health | medical complicity in torture | Guantanamo Bay detention camp (United States) | military psychiatry | military medicine | war on terror | moral dilemmas | United States | |
Ethics, medicine and public health ; vol. 12 | |
ART : 13217 : Not available for external loan | |
Den 'gode læge' og lægeløftet | |
English | |
20060522 | |
Christensen, Vibeke Brix | |
Denmark | universal | Debate | health personnel | medical ethics | Hippocratic oath | |
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Ugeskrift for læger ; vol. 168 | |
ART : 24592 : Not available for external loan | |
Weaponising medicine : 'tutti fratelli,' no more | |
English | |
20060500 | |
BMJ Publishing Group | |
Koch, T. | |
universal | United States | war on terror | armed conflict | military medicine | health care delivery | international humanitarian law | bioethics | doctor's role | politics | government policy | prisoner treatment | torture | medical ethics | professional obligations | editorial [publication type] | morality | doctor-patient relations | Hippocratic oath | military nursing | Bush, George W. (Administration of) | conscientious objection | military personnel | confidentiality | information disclosure | complicity in torture | moral dilemmas | interrogation | professional ethics | |
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Journal of medical ethics ; vol. 32, no. 5 | |
ART : 13145 : Not available for external loan | |
Lægeløftet : hvorfor skal vi stille etiske spørgsmål? | |
Danish | |
20060400 | |
Skadborg, Mogens Kim | |
Denmark | feature article [publication type] | health personnel | Hippocratic oath | Doctors | ethics | |
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Ugeskrift for læger ; vol. 168, no. 15-16 | |
ART : 13169 : Not available for external loan | |
Lægeløftet bør forbyde misbrug af lægevidenskab | |
English | |
20060320 | |
Hansen, John-Erik Stig | |
Denmark | debate | death | health | health personnel | medical doctors | medical ethics | Hippocratic oath | |
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Ugeskrift for læger ; vol. 168 | |
ART : 13111 : Not available for external loan | |
Elsket museumsgenstand eller uundværligt kompas ? : lægeløftet er gennem århundrederne blevet omformuleret, så det passede til nye guder, nye erkendelser og indsigter og nye samfundsformer | |
English | |
20060227 | |
Larsen, Klaus | |
Denmark | culture | health personnel | medical ethics | medical doctors | Hippocratic oath | |
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Ugeskrift for læger ; vol. 168, no. 9 | |
ART : 13112 : Not available for external loan | |
Er lægeløftet forældet og umoralsk? | |
English | |
20060217 | |
Jensen, Jens Winther | |
Denmark | editorial [publication type] | culture | health personnel | medical ethics | Hippocratic oath | medical doctors | |
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Ugeskrift for læger ; vol. 168, no. 9 | |
MON : 2000.320 : Not available for external loan | |
Ethical codes and declarations relevant to the health professions : an Amnesty International compilation of selected ethics and human rights texts | |
English | |
20001200 | |
Amnesty International | |
universal | declarations | agents responsible for violations | health personnel | health care delivery | human rights | international instruments | international humanitarian law | prisoners | torture | medical ethics | medical doctors | nurses | psychologists | Hippocratic oath | |
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Amnesty International (comp.) | AI | |
ART : 06622 : Not available for external loan | |
Kan lægeløftet gradbøjes : dødsfald blandt og lægehjælp til de tyske flygtninge i Danmark 1945 | |
Danish | |
19990600 | |
Lylloff, Kirsten | |
Denmark | history | international instruments | human rights violations | refugees | health | health personnel | health services | medical ethics | German refugees | World War 2 | DADL | Hippocratic oath | |
Historisk tidsskrift ; vol. 99, no. 1 | |
ART : 05922 : Not available for external loan | |
The Nuremberg code : Hippocratic ethics and human rights | |
English | |
19980328 | |
Shuster, Evelyne | |
universal | Hippocratic oath | human rights | Nuremberg trials | medical doctors | |
Lancet ; vol. 351, no. 9107 | |