Show record 1 to 10 of 11 from RCT
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  • ART : 28928 : Not available for external loan
    Parental post‑traumatic stress and psychiatric care utilisation among refugee adolescents
    refugees, adolescent | emotional trauma | intergenerational effects | sex factors | fathers | refugees, adult, male | depression | anxiety | second generation | mothers | refugees, adult, female | socioeconomic factors | time factors | length of stay | regression analysis | cohort studies | longitudinal study [publication type] | torture victims, adult | war victims, adult | war victims, adolescent | PTSD | refugees, adult | child of impaired parents | mental health care utilisation | torture victims offspring | Red Cross Centre for Tortured Refugees (Stockholm) | psychiatric status rating scales | psychometrics | International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) | Sweden
    European child and adolescent psychiatry ; vol. 31, no. 12
  • ART : 30587 : Not available for external loan
    A mental health profile of 900 newly arrived refugees in Denmark using ICD-10 diagnoses
    Denmark | refugees, adult | International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) | psychometrics | prevalence | Iranian refugees, adult | Afghan refugees, adult | Pakistani refugees, adult | age factors | country of origin | mood disorders epidemiology | somatoform disorders epidemiology | PTSD epidemiology | mental disorders epidemiology | psychological assessment | mass screening | cohort studies | Aarhus (Denmark) | mental health status
    Sustainability ; vol. 14, no. 1
  • ART : 29093 : Not available for external loan
    Trajectories of antidepressant use before and after a suicide attempt among refugees and Swedish-born individuals: a cohort study
    BioMed Central
    Sweden | suicide, attempted | cross-cultural comparison | Swedes | refugees | depression | drug therapy | antidepressive agents | drug use | psychiatry | International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) | mental disorders epidemiology | anxiety | PTSD | risk factors
    International journal for equity in health ; vol. 20, no. 1
  • ART : 29180 : Not available for external loan
    The mental health status of asylum seekers in middle- to high-income countries : a synthesis of current global evidence
    Oxford University Press
    universal | refugees | asylum seekers | mental health status | developed countries | review [publication type] | risk factors | legal status | postmigration factors | immigration policy adverse effects | suicide | depression epidemiology | residence characteristics | refugee camps | PTSD epidemiology | immigration detention | prevalence | longitudinal studies | emotional trauma epidemiology | premigration factors | postmigration factors | uncertainty | hope | grief | psychological stress | mental disorders diagnosis | psychometrics | questionnaires | psychiatric status rating scales | psychological interview | self report | Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) | Essen Trauma-Inventory (ETI) | Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) | Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ) | Harvard Trauma Questionnaire-Revised | Harvard Trauma Questionnaire-Posttraumatic Stress Subscale (HTQ- PTSD) | Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 (HSCL-25) | International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) | Life Events Checklist [LEC-5] | Major Depression Inventory (MDI) | McNemar test for Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) | Medical Outcomes Scale (MOS) | MINI psychiatric interview | Pain Detect Questionnaire (PDQ) | Patient Health Questionnaire-9 [PHQ-9] | Patient Health Questionnaire-Depression Module (PHQ-9) | Patient Health Questionnaire for depressive disorders (PHQ-2) | Patient Health Questionnaire for panic disorder (PHQ-PD) | Primary care PTSD screening (PC-PTSD-5) | Psychiatric Epidemiology Research Interview Demoralization Scale (PERI-D) | Post-Migration Living Problems Checklist | Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale (PDS) | Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist-5 [PCL-5] | PTSD Checklist (PCL-C) | PTSD Symptom Scale-Interview Version [PSS-I] | Refugee Health Screener-15 (RHS-15) | Refugee Health Screener-13 (RHS-13) | Resilience Scale (RS) | Symptom Checklist (SCL-90-R) | Traumatic Exposure Questionnaire (HTQ-TE) | WHO Composite International Diagnostic Interview-version 2.1 | Well-Being Index (WHO-5)
    British medical bulletin ; vol. 134, no. 1
  • ART : 26377 : Not available for external loan
    Traumatic experiences, ICD‐11 PTSD, ICD‐11 complex PTSD, and the overlap with ICD‐10 diagnoses
    Denmark | life change events | early experience | behaviour disorders | stress disorders, traumatic | adjustment disorders | personality disorders | affective disorders | anxiety disorders | WHO 5-item Well-Being Index (WHO-5) | Life Event Checklist | International Trauma Questionnaire | psychometrics | assessment | outpatients | International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) | psychiatry | mental disorders | International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) | psychiatric status rating scales | PTSD, complex diagnosis | PTSD diagnosis | PTSD prevalence
    Acta psychiatrica scandinavica ; vol. 141, no. 5
  • ART : 23825 : Not available for external loan
    The factor structures and correlates of PTSD in post-conflict Timor-Leste : an analysis of the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire
    BioMed Central
    Timor-Leste | PTSD | postconflict situations | psychiatric status rating scales | diagnosis | test validity | questionnaires | Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ) | psychometrics | life-change events | warfare | psychological stress | functioning | classification | disease models | regression analysis | logistic models | sex factors | emotional trauma | women | socioeconomic factors | prevalence | epidemiology | International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) | International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) | Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) | emotional numbing | arousal | sociocultural factors
    BMC psychiatry ; vol. 17
  • ART : 12237 : Not available for external loan
    Transkulturel psykiatri : danske lægers møde med fremmede patienter
    Denmark | culture | health | health personnel | health services | psychology | psychiatry | refugees | mental health | cross-cultural aspects | International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) | Interpreters | transcultural psychiatry
    Månedsskrift for pratktisk lægegerning ; vol. 75
  • ART : 06577 : Not available for external loan
    PTSD : diagnostic criteria, clinical and certification application
    mental health | torture victims treatment | psychiatry | universal | mental health | torture victims treatment | psychiatry | PTSD | diagnosis | emotional trauma | KZ-syndrome | International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) | DSM-III | DSM-III-R | DSM-IV | forensic psychiatry | diagnosis | aggression | therapy
    Psychiatria polska ; vol. 30, no. 3
  • TORT : 93.suppl.1.5 : Not available for external loan
    Environmental stress factors in the work with torture survivors
    psychiatry | Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders | International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) | protective factors | social stress | social support | coping behaviour | life change events | predisposition | risk factors | diagnostic tests | torture victims | PTSD | symptoms | torture syndrome | psychiatric status rating scales | diagnosis | test validity | psychological assessment | classification | mental disorders | universal
    Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; suppl. 1
  • MON : 1993.004 : Not available for external loan
    ICD-10 : the ICD-10 classification of mental and behavioural disorders : clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines
    92 4 154422 8
    universal | health | mental health | classification | diagnosis | International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) | mental disorders | social behaviour disorders | symptoms
    World Health Organization | WHO