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  • ART : 33076 : Not available for external loan
    'And if it doesn’t work they deserve it anyway' : more evidence that retributive concerns motivate 'enhanced interrogation' torture
    Taylor and Francis
    determinants of torture | motivation | torture purposes | criminal suspect characteristics | attitude to torture | war on terror | punishment | torture justifiability | interrogation effectiveness | retaliation | universal | United States
    Dynamics of asymmetric conflict: pathways toward terrorism and genocide ; doi: 10.1080/17467586.2023.2280865
  • ART : 32863 : Not available for external loan
    Electric cables, hammers and guns : Ukrainians tell of Russian torture
    Guardian News and Media
    torture statistics | rural areas | war crimes | Balakliia (Ukraine) | civilian population victimisation | agents responsible for violations | foreign occupation forces | torture methods | data collection methods | psychological torture | detainees, female | interrogation | personal narratives | torture victim characteristics | torture centres | electric torture | criminal investigation of torture | killings | rape | degrading treatment | prisoner treatment | detainees | Ukraine | Russian Federation
    Guardian online
  • ART : 29364 : Not available for external loan
    Narcoanalysis is neither effective nor ethical: response to Dr Harish Gupta
    Forum for Medical Ethics Society
    criminal investigation | torture prevalence | policing | interrogation techniques | truth telling | truth serum | polygraph techniques | debate | violence against women | India
    Indian journal of medical ethics ; vol. 8, no. 4
  • ART : 32727 : Not available for external loan
    Filtration camps, past and present, and Russia's war against Ukraine
    Taylor and Francis
    Russian Federation | USSR | Ukraine | concentration camps | foreign occupations | civilian population victimisation | administrative detention | historical aspects | comparative study | interrogation centres | Donetsk (Ukraine) | prisoner statistics | child victimisation | intimidation | World War 2 | Chechnya (Russian Federation) | child abduction | electric torture | torture methods | torture allegations | torture effects | food deprivation | prison health care denial | beatings | psychological abuse | physical abuse | cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment | prison conditions | prisoner treatment | international humanitarian law
    Journal of genocide research ; vol. 25, no. 3-4
  • ART : 33071 : Not available for external loan
    How do German police officers of varying empathy levels react to different styles of interviewing a suspected sex offender?
    policing | criminal investigation | interrogation techniques effectiveness | criminal suspects | empathy | cooperative behaviour | attitude of police personnel | international legal instruments | domestic implementation | practice guidelines | attitude of criminal suspects | communication | aggression | procedural justice effects | UN Special Rapporteur on Torture's role | Germany
    International journal of law, crime and justice ; vol. 74
  • ART : 32890 : Not available for external loan
    Written response by the National Human Rights Institution of Slovenia to the Committee against Torture for the examination of the fourth periodic report of Slovenia
    UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | torture prevention | national institution's role | Ombudsman's role | NPMs | visiting mechanisms | human rights protection | social care homes | psychiatric hospitals | vulnerable populations | institutionalised persons, child | living conditions | juvenile detention centres | refoulement prevention | asylum centres | prisoners, alien | prisoner transport | arrest and detention | prison conditions | detention centres | risk assessment | proportionality principle | police violence prevention | policing | riot control | interrogation | training of police personnel | child behaviour disorders | forensic psychiatry | mentally disabled persons | disabled persons | Slovenia
    Slovenia. Human Rights Ombudsman
  • UN : A/HRC/53/CRP.5 : Not available for external loan
    'No end in sight' : torture and ill-treatment in the Syrian Arab Republic 2020-2023 : Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
    United Nations
    20200101-20230430 | torture patterns | prisons | detention centres | cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment | agents responsible for violations | intelligence services | police personnel | military personnel | state agents | disappearances | non state agents | torture purposes | extortion | interrogation | torture methods | sexual torture | torture victims characteristics | detainees, female | prison conditions | returnees | death in custody | torture effects | impunity | Syrian Arab Republic
    Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
  • ART : 32706 : Not available for external loan
    Solitude, psychological science and the Cold War imagination
    sensory deprivation | social isolation | Suedfeld, Peter | Zubek, John Peter | experimental psychology | relaxation therapy | hallucinations | Hebb, Donald Olding | film | popular culture | psychological effects | brainwashing | behavioural research | interrogation techniques development | Cold War | historical aspects | sensory manipulation | universal | Canada | United States
    Critical quarterly ; vol. 65, no. 2
  • ART : 32891 : Not available for external loan
    The report of the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia on implementing the tasks of the national preventive mechanism under the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment for 2022
    Slovenia. Human Rights Ombudsman
    torture prevention | national institution's role | Ombudsman's role | NPMs | visiting mechanisms | human rights protection | social care homes | elderly care homes | psychiatric hospitals | vulnerable populations | institutionalised persons, child | living conditions | juvenile detention centres | refoulement prevention | asylum centres | prisoners, alien | prisoner transport | arrest and detention | prison conditions | detention centres | risk assessment | proportionality principle | police violence prevention | policing | riot control | interrogation | training of police personnel | child behaviour disorders | forensic psychiatry | mentally disabled persons | disabled persons | Slovenia
    Slovenia. Human Rights Ombudsman
  • ART : 29365 : Not available for external loan
    Solving crimes, balancing rights in police investigation
    Forum for Medical Ethics Society
    criminal investigation | policing | interrogation techniques | truth telling | truth serum | polygraph techniques | debate | violence against women | India
    Indian journal of medical ethics ; vol. 8, no. 2