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MON : 2020.019 : Not available for external loan | |
Doctors and torture : medicine at the crossroads | |
English | |
20190000 | |
Springer | |
Teays, Wanda | |
978-3-030-22516-2 | |
medical involvement in torture | Physicians for Human Rights | torture prevention | Istanbul Declaration : A Global Appeal for the Abolition of Torture (1992) | International Council of Nurses (ICN) | American Medical Association (AMA) | WMA. Declaration of Tokyo (1975) | ethical guidelines | international instruments | World Medical Association (WMA) | Gert, Bernard | belief systems | beneficence | patient autonomy | bioethics | feminism | virtues | Rawls, John | Ross, W.D. | social justice | moral obligations | Kant, Immanuel | philosophy | deontology | utilitarianism | ethical relativism | teleology | ethical theory | ethical analysis | moral responsibility | psychological effects of isolation | death-row | hostages | solitary confinement | military medical personnel | prisons | sexual abuse | diapers | humiliation | waterboarding | involuntary treatment | rectum | enteral nutrition | hunger strikes | nutrition therapy | forced nudity | hooding [torture method] | dehumanisation | degradation | public opinion | manipulation (psychology) | language | torture method terminology | guilt | suffering | torture justifiability | psychological torture | physical torture | combined modality torture | interrogation techniques | pain | torture definition | medical profession | Abu Ghraib prison (Iraq) | torturers | Americans | Syrians | Uzbeks | Filipinos | Nazi doctors | Germans | British | Mau Mau groups | counterinsurgencies | case study [publication type] | human rights | secrecy | CIA | extraordinary rendition | torture effectiveness | medical participation in torture | doctor-patient relations | torture victims | medical doctor's role | health care delivery | psychologists | predisposition | moral dilemmas | legitimacy | medical doctors | terminology | determinants of torture | medical ethics | discourse | war on terror | warfare | torture | evil | boundaries | national security | terrorism | universal | Yemen | Iraq | United States | Syrian Arab Republic | Uzbekistan | Philippines | Chile | United Kingdom | Kenya | |
UN : E/CN.4/1993/23/Add.2 : Not available for external loan | |
Fondo de Contribuciones Voluntarias de las Naciones Unidas para las Victimas de la Tortura : nota del Secretario General : Adición = Declaracion de Estambul : llamamiento mundial para la abolición de la tortura | |
Spanish | |
19930217 | |
Naciones Unidas | |
universal | torture | torture victims treatment | United Nations | UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture | UNVFVT | budget contributions | Istanbul Declaration : A Global Appeal for the Abolition of Torture (1992) | medical ethics | trust funds | declarations | |
Full text (all available languages) | |
Naciones Unidas. Secretario General | International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims | IRCT | International Symposium on Torture and the Medical Profession (5th : 1992 : Istanbul, Turkey) | |
UN : E/CN.4/1993/23/Add.2 : Not available for external loan | |
Fonds de contributions volontaires des Nations Unies pour les victimes de la torture : note de Secretaire general : additif = La Declaration d'Istanbul : un appel mondial pour l'abolition de la torture | |
French | |
19930217 | |
Nations Unies | |
universal | torture | torture victims treatment | United Nations | UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture | UNVFVT | budget contributions | Istanbul Declaration : A Global Appeal for the Abolition of Torture (1992) | medical ethics | trust funds | declarations | |
Full text (all available languages) | |
Nations Unies. Secrétaire général | IRCT | International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims | International Symposium on Torture and the Medical Profession (5th : 1992 : Istanbul, Turkey) | |
UN : E/CN.4/1993/23/Add.2 : Not available for external loan | |
United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture : note by the Secretary-General : addendum = Istanbul declaration : a global appeal for the abolition of torture (1992) | |
English | |
19930217 | |
United Nations | |
universal | torture | torture victims treatment | United Nations | UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture | UNVFVT | budget contributions | Istanbul Declaration : A Global Appeal for the Abolition of Torture (1992) | medical ethics | trust funds | declarations | |
Full text (all available languages) | |
United Nations. Secretary-General | International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims | IRCT | International Symposium on Torture and the Medical Profession (5th : 1992 : Istanbul, Turkey) | |
UN : E/CN.4/1993/23/Add.2 : Not available for external loan | |
United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture : note by the Secretary-General : addendum = Istanbul declaration : a global appeal for the abolition of torture (1992) [Arabic] | |
Arabic | |
19930217 | |
United Nations | |
universal | torture | torture victims treatment | United Nations | UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture | UNVFVT | budget contributions | Istanbul Declaration : A Global Appeal for the Abolition of Torture (1992) | medical ethics | trust funds | declarations | |
Full text (all available languages) | |
United Nations. Secretary-General | International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims | IRCT | International Symposium on Torture and the Medical Profession (5th : 1992 : Istanbul, Turkey) | |
ART : 02565 : Not available for external loan | |
Torture and the medical profession | |
Danish | |
19930104 | |
Sidenius, Katrine | Michelsen, Nils | |
universal | conference report [publication type] | RCT | torture | medical ethics | doctors at risk | medical profession | IRCT | international instruments | Istanbul Declaration : A Global Appeal for the Abolition of Torture (1992) | |
Ugeskrift for læger ; vol. 155, no. 1 | |
ART : 02606 : Not available for external loan | |
Uluslararasi iskence Kurbanlari Rehabilitasyon Konseyi ile Türkiye insan Kaklari Vakfi ve Türk Tabipleri BirligiÝnin 22-24 Ekim 1992 Günlerinde Düzenledigi V. Uluslararasi iskence ve Tip Meslegi Adli Sempozyum'da Yayimlanan istanbul Birdirgesi | |
English | |
19920000 | |
Turkey | universal | Istanbul Declaration : A Global Appeal for the Abolition of Torture (1992) | conferences | torture | RCT | rehabilitation | |
Tip dünyasi | |