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  • ART : 33042 : Not available for external loan
    Unreported realities : the political economy of media-sourced data
    Cambridge University Press
    Western Asia | Africa | Northern Africa | data sources | bias | missing data | decision making | media coverage | politics | contextual factors | mass media role | event data | political economy | research methodology | data collection | human rights violations
    American political science review ; doi: 10.1017/S0003055423001181
  • ART : 32733 : Not available for external loan
    From mercenary to legitimate actor? Russian discourses on private military companies
    Taylor and Francis
    mercenaries | international intervention | foreign policy | repression strategies | mass media's role | denial | propaganda techniques | Wagner Group | discourse analysis | politics | private military companies | Russian Federation | Ukraine | Mali | Belarus | Syrian Arab Republic | Central African Republic
    Post-Soviet affairs ; vol. 39, no. 6
  • ART : 32680 : Not available for external loan
    Off with their heads: a cross-sectional study of 100 hair and scalp trauma scenes in films and television series
    torture representation | letter [publication type] | torture in history | cross-sectional study [publication type] | torture methods | scalp injuries | film | mass media | universal | Northern America
    Journal of cutaneous medicine and surgery ; doi: vol. 27, no. 6
  • ART : 26845 : Not available for external loan
    Intergroup contact with a virtual refugee: reducing prejudice through a cooperative game
    American Psychological Association
    United States | attitude to refugees | Willingness to Help Scale | Intergroup Anxiety Scale | Empathy Scale | Inclusion of Other in the Self Scale | Threat Perceptions Scale | mass media role | cooperative behaviour | anxiety | computer games | social discrimination prevention | prejudice prevention | threat perception | empathy | social inclusion | intergroup relations | virtual reality | Syrian refugees | students | attitude change
    Psychology of popular media ; vol. 12, no. 4
  • ART : 32619 : Not available for external loan
    Racializing human rights : political orientation, racial beliefs, and media use as predictors of support for human rights violations - a case study of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
    Taylor and Francis
    attitude to human rights violations | political affiliation | belief systems | race | mass media role | authoritarianism | public opinion | Israelis, adult | child rights | juvenile delinquency | Palestinians, child | human rights promotion effectiveness | Israel | Palestine, State of
    Ethnic and racial studies ; vol. 46, no. 10
  • ART : 32323 : Not available for external loan
    What do you call the political upheaval? : the conceptual linkage between revolutions and coups
    Taylor and Francis
    coup d'etat | cross-national analysis | terminology | mass media | public opinion | attitude of politicians | attitude of military personnel | discourse | comparative study [publication type] | revolutions | universal | Burkina Faso | Philippines | Portugal
    Democratization ; vol. 30, no. 5
  • ART : 31434 : Not available for external loan
    Media-induced war trauma amid conflicts in Ukraine
    universal | Ukraine | armed conflict effects | violence representation effects | mass media's role | vicarious traumatisation | mental health | well-being | ethics | public health
    Perspectives on psychological science ; vol. 18, no. 4
  • ART : 26828 : Not available for external loan
    Exposure to drug-related killings and its psychological consequences in the Philippines
    American Psychological Association
    police violence effects | exposure to violence effects | drug users | mental health status | urban areas | poverty areas | PTSD epidemiology | bereavement | killing effects | witnesses | traumatic exposure effects | severity (disorders) | distress | mass media's role | psychometrics | Kessler Psychological Distress Scale-6 | Primary Care Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Screen for DSM–5 | Philippines
    Traumatology ; vol. 29, no. 2
  • ART : 29522 : Not available for external loan
    Media freedom and the escalation of state violence
    universal | determinants of political violence | accountability for torture effectiveness | denial | propaganda techniques | freedom of the press | mass media role | reputation | state violence effects | repression
    Political studies ; vol. 71, no. 2
  • ART : 32000 : Not available for external loan
    On the replicability of data collection using online news databases
    Cambridge University Press
    research methodology | political science | data sources | data collection | news | databases, factual | event data | reproducibility of results | information quality | political violence | mass media | information retrieval | universal
    PS: political science and politics ; vol. 56, no. 2