Show record 1 to 10 of 84 from RCT
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  • ART : 33101 : Not available for external loan
    Joint submission for the 73rd session of the Committee against Torture on the rights of stateless persons and human rights challenges pertaining to statelessness : Montenegro
    UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | stateless persons | statelessness | state obligations | right to a nationality | right to birth registration | domestic implementation | state compliance | Montenegro
    Civic Alliance | Human Rights Action | Phiren Amenca | European Network on Statelessness
  • ART : 33102 : Not available for external loan
    Shadow report to the Committee Against Torture in connection with the consideration of the initial [sic] report of Montenegro : 73rd session, April-May 2022, third periodic report
    Human Rights Action
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | torture definition | torture criminalisation effectiveness | statute of limitations | legal aid | national institutions | violence against women prevention effectiveness | psychiatric hospitals | prison conditions | human rights education | complaint procedure effectiveness | administration of justice | judicial independence | journalists victimisation | police violence | asylum | missing persons | transitional justice effectiveness | prosecution for torture | counterterrorism | police personnel | disciplinary procedures | evidence admissibility | evidence standards | accountability for torture effectiveness | policing | protective equipment effects | impunity for torture | criminal investigation of torture effectiveness | torture prevention effectiveness | domestic implementation | state compliance | Montenegro
    Human Rights Action
  • ART : 31252 : Not available for external loan
    ECtHR cases October - December 2021
    regional human rights protection systems | case law | judicial decisions | case report [publication type] | CoE. European Court of Human Rights | CoE. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) | ECHR-2 | ECHR-3 | ECHR-5 | ECHR-5-1 | ECHR-P4-4 | ECHR-34 | ECHR-14 | ECHR-11 | ECHR-5-3 | ECHR-5-5 | ECHR-6-1 | ECHR-8 | ECHR-10 | ECHR-P7-2 | ECHR-P1-1 | killings | police violence | criminal investigation effectiveness | impunity | death from torture | torture methods | death in custody | rejected asylum seekers, child | collective expulsion | schools | child abuse | criminal investigation for torture effectiveness | inhuman or degrading treatment | life imprisonment | inhuman or degrading punishment | domestic violence | protest | homosexuals | repression | illegal detention | Chechnya (Russian Federation) | pre-trial detention | detainee rights | reparations | counterterrorist strategies | elderly | commitment to elderly homes | length of proceedings | fair trial rights | Guantanamo Bay detention camp (United States) | prison personnel, female | freedom of the press | NGOs | freedom of expression | prisoner rights | prisoner visitation | bullying | Europe | Russian Federation | Azerbaijan | Croatia | Armenia | Moldova, Republic of | Hungary | Georgia | Turkey | France | Albania | Romania | Slovakia | Ukraine | Estonia | Bulgaria | Montenegro | Poland | Austria
    New journal of European criminal law ; vol. 13, no. 1
  • ART : 31157 : Not available for external loan
    ECtHR cases April-June 2021
    regional human rights protection systems | case law | judicial decisions | case report [publication type] | CoE. European Court of Human Rights | CoE. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) | ECHR-2 | ECHR-P7-4 | ECHR-P1-1 | ECHR-11 | ECHR-6-1 | ECHR-6-2 | ECHR-5-5 | ECHR-5-3 | ECHR-10 | ECHR-5-4 | ECHR-5-1 | ECHR-8 | ECHR-3 | malpractice | child death | rape | impunity | torture | interrogation | policing | criminal suspects victimisation | punishment for torture effectiveness | prescription of offences | criminal law | criminal investigation for torture effectiveness | criminal sentencing | life imprisonment | inhuman or degrading punishment | criminal investigation effectiveness | incest | sexual abuse | detainee rights | pre-trial detention | criminal procedure | presumption of innocence | policing | drug dealing | criminal entrapment | fair trial | legal aid | criminal suspects | equality before the courts | schools | counterterrorism | Europe | Moldova, Republic of | Italy | Russian Federation | Hungary | Estonia | Ukraine | Montenegro | Turkey | Romania | Croatia | Netherlands | North Macedonia | Slovakia | Azerbaijan | Bulgaria | Luxembourg
    New journal of European criminal law ; vol. 13, no. 1
  • UN : A/77/44 : Not available for external loan
    Report of the Committee against Torture, 71st session (12-30 Juuly 2021), 72nd session, (8 November-3 December 2021), 73rd session (19 April-13 May 2022)
    United Nations
    Belgium | Bolivia | Kyrgyzstan | Lithuania | Serbia | Sweden | Nigeria | Cuba | Kenya | Iceland | Montenegro | Uruguay | universal | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Optional Protocol (2002) | periodic reports | case law | UN treaty bodies | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | UNCAT | inhuman treatment | retaliation | treaties | UNCAT-OP | commission of inquiry | ratification | reservations | SPT | OPCAT | complaint procedures | torture | pandemic effects
    United Nations. Committee against Torture | United Nations. Subcommittee For The Prevention Of Torture And Other Cruel Inhuman Or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment
  • UN : A/76/44 : Not available for external loan
    Report of the Committee against Torture, 69th session (13 July 2020), 70th session (26-28 April 2021)
    United Nations
    Belgium | Bolivia | Kyrgyzstan | Lithuania | Serbia | Palestine, State of | Sweden | Ukraine | Nigeria | Cuba | Kenya | Iceland | Montenegro | United Arab Emirates | Uruguay | universal | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Optional Protocol (2002) | UNCAT-OP | complaint procedures | OPCAT | SPT | reservations | ratification | commission of inquiry | treaties | periodic reports | retaliation | inhuman treatment | UNCAT | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | UN treaty bodies | case law | torture | pandemic effects
    United Nations. Committee against Torture | United Nations. Subcommittee For The Prevention Of Torture And Other Cruel Inhuman Or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment
  • ART : 28020 : Not available for external loan
    Men's and women's views on acceptability of husband-to-wife violence and use of corporal punishment with children in 21 low- and middle-income countries
    Belarus | Zimbabwe | Ukraine | Togo | Eswatini | Serbia | Sao Tome and Principe | Montenegro | Mongolia | Moldova, Republic of | Mali | Malawi | Lao People's Democratic Republic | Kosovo | Kazakhstan | Guyana | Guinea-Bissau | Ghana | Central African Republic | Cameroon | Bosnia and Herzegovina | attitude to violence | domestic violence | violence against women | child abuse | corporal punishment | developing countries | risk factors | cross-cultural comparison | household surveys | cross-national comparison | child rearing | prevalence of violence | self report | logistic models | regression analysis | belief systems
    Child abuse and neglect ; vol. 108
  • UN : A/75/44 : Not available for external loan
    Report of the Committee against Torture, 67th session (22 July-9 August 2019), 68th session (11 November-6 December 2019)
    United Nations
    Bangladesh | Greece | Poland | Togo | Burkina Faso | Cyprus | Latvia | Niger | Portugal | Uzbekistan | Cuba | Kenya | Iceland | Montenegro | United Arab Emirates | Uruguay | Senegal | Tajikistan | universal | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Optional Protocol (2002) | periodic reports | case law | UN treaty bodies | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | UNCAT | inhuman treatment | retaliation | treaties | UNCAT-OP | commission of inquiry | ratification | reservations | SPT | OPCAT | complaint procedures | torture | pandemic effects
    United Nations. Committee against Torture | United Nations. Subcommittee For The Prevention Of Torture And Other Cruel Inhuman Or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment
  • MON : 2019.097 : Not available for external loan
    Violence : an interdisciplinary approach to causes, consequences, and cures
    universal | Uruguay | Hungary | Romania | Serbia and Montenegro | United Kingdom | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Sweden | Denmark | Norway | violence definition | social inequality | nonviolence | Library Project (The) | One Acre Fund | Mercy Corps | Cure Violence | Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF) | NGO approaches | firearms | bullying | preventative interventions | school-based interventions | interdisciplinary communication | violence classification | public health models | social justice | case law | international courts | international law | juvenile detainees | violence prevention | animal therapy | prisoner rehabilitation | prisoner statistics | imprisonment | penal policy | legitimacy | retributive justice | restorative justice | criminal justice | social effects of violence | psychological effects of violence | emotional trauma | youth | self-injurious behaviour | crime victims | rape victims | elder abuse | spouse abuse | veterans | domestic violence | effects of violence | child abuse | nuclear warfare | poverty | political economy | nuclear accidents | climate change | water | death | natural resources | political rights | racial discrimination | gender discrimination | health disparities | freedom | food | health care | children | prisons | prisoners | structural violence | power | case studies | theoretical models | dictatorship | military government | warfare | rape | apartheid | economics | political science | social identification | terrorism | social exclusion | anthropology | sociology | creativity | compassion | moral development | violence representation | arts | retaliation | religion | collective violence | meaning | positivism | human development | defence mechanisms (psychology) | emotions | determinants of violence | narcissism | antisocial personality disorder | psychology | epigenesis, genetic | social environment | neuronal plasticity | mental disorders | comparison | aggression | psychotic disorders | depression | PTSD | brain injuries, traumatic | family relations | biology | political violence | genocide | suicide | child neglect
  • UN : CAT/C/MNE/3 : Not available for external loan
    Third periodic report submitted by Montenegro under article 19 of the Convention pursuant to the optional reporting procedure, due in 2018
    United Nations
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | police violence | prison personnel victimisation | prisoner violence prevention | prisoner rehabilitation | solitary confinement | prison conditions | alternatives to imprisonment | detainee statistics | asylum statistics | training of judicial personnel | child protective services | social services' role | child abuse prevention | criminal justice | trafficking in persons prevention | police personnel | disciplinary procedures | police oversight | reparations | transitional justice | prisons | police | complaint procedures | prison health care delivery | medical examination on admission | detainee rights | police records | arrest procedures | domestic implementation | state compliance | periodic reports | Montenegro