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ART : 26900 : Not available for external loan | |
Muslim Brotherhood memoirs: prison as a link among hostile groups | |
English | |
20231101 | |
Middle East Policy Council | |
Porat, Liad | |
resistance movement effectiveness | Islamist movements | Muslim Brotherhood (political movement, Egypt) | political parties | historical aspects | political imprisonment | political detainees | prisons | politics | political opposition | interpersonal relations | intergroup relations | political ideologies | Egypt | |
Middle East policy ; doi: 10.1111/mepo.12713 | |
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ART : 31148 : Not available for external loan | |
Supporters and opponents : a history of the Muslim Brotherhood’s second prison ordeal, 1954–1964 | |
English | |
20230500 | |
Taylor and Francis | |
Ghyoot, Mathias | |
19540000-19640000 | Islamist movements | repression effects | political ideologies | al-Mahariq prison (Egypt) | Nasser, Gamal Abdel | Muslim Brotherhood (political movement, Egypt) | coping behaviour | socialisation | political detainees | torture | political imprisonment | persecution | Egypt | |
Middle Eastern studies ; vol. 59, no. 3 | |
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ART : 32560 : Not available for external loan | |
Not anymore in politics : theorising the young Egyptian Muslim Brothers' political disengagement in the aftermath of the 2013 military coup | |
English | |
20230000 | |
Brill | |
Abdelgawad, Doha Samir | Magued, Shaimaa | |
political activists | politics | disengagement | youth | contextual factors | authoritarianism | Muslim Brotherhood (political movement, Egypt) | apathy | Islamist movements | motivation | repression effects | Egypt | |
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Middle East law and governance ; vol. 15, no. 2 | |
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ART : 30643 : Not available for external loan | |
Organizational rifts within Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and the question of violence | |
English | |
20220000 | |
Brill | |
Yaghi, Mohammad | Ranko, Annette | |
political movements | conflict | Muslim Brotherhood (political movement, Egypt) | leadership | legitimacy | attitude to violence | resistance | radicalisation effects | repression | Egypt | |
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Middle East law and governance ; vol. 15, no. 1 | |
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