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MON : 1996.229 : Not available for external loan | |
China : no one is safe | |
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19960300 | |
Amnesty International | |
9780862102553 | |
repression strategies | foreign policy | attitude to human rights | organ procurement | death-row | summary trials | criminal investigation of torture effectiveness | determinants of torture | medical complicity in torture | drug administration, non-therapeutic | Drapchi prison (Tibet) | rape | food supply | Shaanxi province no. 1 prison (China) | food quality | torture victims, adolescent | censorship | disabled persons victimisation | severity of treatment | Changsha no.1 detention centre (China) | Hunan provincial no. 3 prison (China) | torture method terminology (Chinese) | shackle boards | working conditions | prisoner labour | prison conditions | inhuman treatment | labour camps | combined modality torture | positional torture | sleep deprivation [torture method] | food deprivation | temperature, cold | temperature, hot | toilet deprivation | hygiene | ventilation | environmental stress | cramped confinement [torture method] | death from torture | suspension [torture method] | leg-irons | prisoner violence | prisoner hierarchies | non state agents | local government agents | prison personnel | police | state agents | agents responsible for violations | torturer characteristics | torture victim characteristics | torture victims, child | legal confessions | state compliance | UNCAT | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | hair pulling | torture effects | handcuffing | physical restraint | electric torture | telefono [torture method] | torture methods | women victimisation | birth control | religious groups victimisation | Uighurs | Muslims victimisation | Tibetans victimisation | solitary confinement | determinants of victimisation | peasants victimisation | social activists victimisation | human rights defenders victimisation | judicial independence | judicial system | criminal procedure | political imprisonment | national security | reparations for torture | criminal law | law reform | forced labour | retaliation | complainant persecution | cases | punishment for torture | judges complicity in torture | prosecution for torture | politics | rule of law | abuse of power | national legal instruments | torture prevention effectiveness | torture patterns | impunity for torture | administrative detention | fair trial | minority groups | political opposition | contextual analysis | human rights violations | China | |
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