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  • ART : 29404 : Not available for external loan
    Treaty bodies and special procedures : can they work better together?
    Oxford University Press
    universal human rights protection system effectiveness | UN treaty bodies role | UN special procedures' role | cooperation effectiveness | complementarity | NGOs role | human rights promotion effectiveness | universal
    Journal of human rights practice ; vol. 15, no. 3
  • ART : 32400 : Not available for external loan
    Food as right, food as bribe : the politicization of food distribution in rural Egypt
    Taylor and Francis
    Egypt | food supply | politics | bias | rural areas | public opinion | social perception | poverty | NGOs role | Islamist groups | corruption
    Canadian journal of development studies ; vol. 44, no. 3
  • ART : 32313 : Not available for external loan
    Aid and radicalization : the case of Hamas in the West Bank and Gaza
    Taylor and Francis
    Palestine, State of | determinants of radicalisation | aid policy | cooperative behaviour | economics | economic conditions | Hamas (political movement, Gaza) | Gaza Strip | risk factors | militancy | socioeconomic factors | NGOs role | religious institutions' role | humanitarian aid effects | determinants of violence | West Bank (Palestine)
    Journal of development studies ; vol. 59, no. 8
  • ART : 31992 : Not available for external loan
    Informal human rights law-making : how treaty bodies use ‘General Comments’ to develop international law
    Cambridge University Press
    international human rights law | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | international development | technical cooperation | UN. International Covenant On Economic Social And Cultural Rights (1966) | social network's role | interdisciplinary cooperation | experts' role | human rights monitoring | UN. Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | UN. Committee Against Torture | NGOs role | UN. Human Rights Committee | freedom from torture | right to water | drafting process | advocacy strategies | international legal instruments | climate change effects | right to life | state obligations | general comments | UN treaty bodies role | law reform | universal
    Global constitutionalism ; vol. 12, no. 2
  • ART : 31214 : Not available for external loan
    NGOs' approach to human rights and the challenges in Bangladesh
    human rights protection effectiveness | torture prevention effectiveness | advocacy effectiveness | social activism | professional criticism | impunity | human rights defenders victimisation | harassment | repression | NGO-government relations | politics | human rights promotion | developing countries | NGOs role | NGO approaches | Bangladesh
    Development policy review ; vol. 41, no. 3
  • ART : 32362 : Not available for external loan
    Confined knowledge flows in transitional justice
    Taylor and Francis
    Tunisia | transitional justice effectiveness | knowledge production | knowledge transfer | international cooperation | coallitions | power | politics | human security | technical cooperation | legislation drafting | debate | information handling | training | NGOs role | public opinion | attitude to victims
    Territory, politics, governance ; doi: 10.1080/21622671.2023.2195435
  • ART : 32466 : Not available for external loan
    The apartheid and racism campaigns : the NGO contribution to antisemitism
    Taylor and Francis
    Israel | Europe | advocacy adverse effects | discourse analysis | International Criminal Court (ICC) | Al-Haq | Amnesty International (AI) | Human Rights Watch (HRW) | aid donors' role | mass media role | international cooperation | antiracism | NGOs role | politics | antisemitism | antiapartheid movement | human rights promotion
    Israel affairs ; vol. 29, no. 1
  • ART : 31024 : Not available for external loan
    Human rights organizations and transitional justice agenda-setting : evidence from peace agreement provisions
    universal | Burundi | Colombia | transitional justice | NGOs role | postconflict situations | conflict resolution | criminal responsibility | accountability | civil society's role | international legal instruments' role | advocacy effectiveness | international intervention | case studies
    Conflict management and peace science ; vol. 40, no. 1
  • MON : 2023.014 : Not available for external loan
    The protection roles of human rights NGOs : essays in honour of Adrien-Claude Zoller
    human rights protection | International Court of Human Rights (proposed) | right to adequate housing | legal remedies | climate change | universal periodic review | conflict prevention | Association for the Prevention of Torture's role | UNCAT-OP | OPCAT | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Optional Protocol (2002) | torture prevention | religious institutions' role | human rights campaigns | Bahá'i role | freedom of religion | Quakers' role | conscientious objection | indigenous people's rights | discrimination prevention | UN. World Conference on Women (4-15 September 1995, Beijing) | women's rights | UN. World Conference on Human Rights (14-25 June 1993, Vienna) | leadership | International Service for Human Rights' role | technical cooperation | international cooperation | partnership | UN. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) | UN Charter | foreign occupations | Jacob Blaustein Institute's role | transitional justice | Human Rights Watch's role | UN. Secretary-General | Amnesty International's role | disappearances | human rights violations | legal protection | internally displaced persons | truth | human rights education | Memorial Society (Russia) | Hajong people | Chakma people | minority rights | politics | impunity effects | social justice | Guyana Human Rights Association | UN. Commission on Human Rights | accountability | human rights monitoring | advocacy strategies | UN treaty bodies role | International Commission of Jurists | international human rights law | human rights defender victimisation prevention | UN. Human Rights Council | universal human rights protection system | United Nations | civil society's role | humanitarian aid | emergencies | social change | responsibility to protect principle (international law) | armed conflict | brain | neurotechnology | drafting process | international legal instruments | NGOs role | universal | China | Asia | Canada | Russian Federation | Ukraine | USSR | Argentina | Chile | India | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | Tibet [China] | Guyana | Colombia | Africa
  • ART : 26863 : Not available for external loan
    Visits: an insider’s story
    Bristol University
    fact-finding missions | organisation and administration | NGOs role | visiting mechanisms | NPM's role | attitude of officials | detention centres | prisons | interviewing detainees | UN. Subcommittee for the Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment | SPT's role | torture prevention | interviewing officials | practice guidelines' role | SPT visits | state compliance | personal narratives | universal
    Tackling torture: prevention in practice. ISBN: 9781529225716