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TORT : 09.1.4 : Not available for external loan | |
Clinical performance diagnosing alleged exposure to falanga : a phantom study | |
English | |
20090000 | |
Torp-Pedersen, Søren | Matteoli, Sara | Wilhjelm, Jens E. | Amris, Kirstine | Bech, Jakob I. | Christensen, Robin | Danneskiold-Samsøe, Bente | |
physical effects of torture | health personnel | reproducibility of results | elasticity | physical examination | diagnostic errors | disease models | palpation | diagnostic techniques and procedures | heel pathology | torture methods | forensic evaluation of torture | falanga [torture method] | Denmark | |
Full text | |
Torture : journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 19, no. 1 | |
TORT : 09.1.2 : Not available for external loan | |
The diagnostic value of clinical examination after falanga : a pilot validation study | |
English | |
20090000 | |
Amris, Kirstine | Rasmussen, Ole Vedel | Baykal, Turkcan | Lök, Veli | |
physical effects of torture | validation studies | disability evaluation | pain | sensitivity and specificity | foot | heel pathology | palpation | validity | diagnostic techniques and procedures | reproducibility of results | diagnosis | physical examination | medicolegal reports | forensic evaluation of torture | falanga [torture method] | Turkey | |
Full text | |
Torture : journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 19, no. 1 | |
ART : 08149 : Not available for external loan | |
Construct validity of cyriax's selective tension examination : association of end-feels with pain at the knee and shoulder | |
English | |
20000900 | |
Petersen, Cheryl M. | Hayes, Karen W. | |
United States | universal | shoulder | range of motion, articular | physiology | pain | pain measurement | physiotherapy | diagnosis | physiopathology | palpation | knee | observer variation | analysis of variance | |
Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy ; vol. 30, no. 9 | |
ART : 07803 : Not available for external loan | |
Tender point sensitivity, range of motion, and perceived disability in subjects with neck pain | |
English | |
20000100 | |
Olson, Sharon L. | O'Connor, Daniel P. | Brimingham, Glen | Broman, Paula | Herrera, Lourdes | |
United States | neck pain | cervical vertebrae | physiopathology | range of motion, articular | pain threshold | attitude to health | rotation | pressure | palpation | pain measurement | neck muscles | prognosis | |
Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy ; vol. 30, no. 1 | |
ART : 09184 : Not available for external loan | |
Chronic neck pain, standing balance, and suboccipital muscle atrophy : a pilot study | |
English | |
19970100 | |
McPartland, John M. | Brodeur, Raymond R. | Hallgren, Richard C. | |
United States | neck pain | chronic pain | diagnosis | etiology | neck muscles | muscular atrophy | postural balance | palpation | magnetic resonance imaging | |
Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics ; vol. 20, no. 1 | |