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ART : 13187 : Not available for external loan | |
Is there an Iraq war syndrome? : comparison of the health of UK service personnel after the Gulf and Iraq wars | |
English | |
20060527 | |
Elsevier | |
Hotopf, Matthew | Hull, Lisa | Fear, Nicola T. | Browne, Tess | Horn, Oded | Jones, Margaret | Murphy, Dominic | Rona, Roberto | Wessely, Simon | |
United Kingdom | Iraq | military personnel | comparative study | epidemiology | Persian Gulf war | questionnaires | mental health status | Iraq war | symptoms | warfare | combat disorders | Persian Gulf syndrome | mental disorders | |
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Lancet ; vol. 367, no. 9525 | |
ART : 11497 : Not available for external loan | |
War-related psychological stressors and risk of psychological disorders in Australian veterans of the 1991 Gulf War | |
English | |
20040800 | |
Royal College of Psychiatrists | |
Ikin, J.F | Sim, M.R | Creamer, M.C | Forbes, A.B | McKenzie, D.P | Kelsall, H.L | Glass, D.C | McFarlane, A.C | Abramson, M.J. | Ittak, P. | Dwyer, T. | Blizzard, L. | Delaney, K.R | Horsley, K.W | Harrex, W.K | Schwarz, H. | |
Middle East | Australia | elderly | substance-related disorders | psychological stress | PTSD | epidemiology | etiology | prevalence | military personnel | veterans | risk factors | combat disorders | mood disorders | Persian Gulf syndrome | armed conflict | |
Full text | |
British journal of psychiatry ; vol. 185 | |
ART : 11484 : Not available for external loan | |
Infertility among male UK veterans of the 1990-1 Gulf war: reproductive cohort study | |
English | |
20040724 | |
BMJ Publishing Group | |
Maconochie, Noreen | Doyle, Pat | Carson, Claire | |
United Kingdom | Persian Gulf syndrome | military personnel, male | veterans, male | men | cohort studies | epidemiology | infertility, male | prevalence | prognosis | retrospective studies | warfare | |
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Correction | |
BMJ ; vol. 329, no. 7459 | |
ART : 11778 : Not available for external loan | |
Is gulf war syndrome really a mystery? | |
English | |
20040700 | |
Taylor and Francis | |
Emmerova, Milada | Jirava, Frantisek | |
Kuwait | Iraq | United States | universal | military personnel | veterans | civilian population | Persian Gulf syndrome | petroleum | smoke | etiology | accidents | |
Medicine, conflict and survival ; vol. 20, no. 3 | |
ART : 13321 : Not available for external loan | |
Predicting chronic symptoms after an acute 'stressor' : lessons learned from 3 medical conditions | |
English | |
20040000 | |
Elsevier | |
McLean, Samuel A. | Clauw, Daniel J. | |
universal | Persian Gulf syndrome | communicable diseases | PTSD | physiological stress | whiplash injuries | diagnosis | epidemiology | comorbidity | determinants | risk assessment | risk factors | forecasting | prognosis | evidence-based medicine | clinical trials | comparative study | accidents | somatic symptoms | predisposition | head injuries | chronic fatigue syndrome | |
Medical hypotheses ; vol. 63, no. 4 | |
ART : 11009 : Not available for external loan | |
The health consequences of the first Gulf war : the lessons are general (and for many patients) rather than specific to that war | |
English | |
20031213 | |
BMJ Publishing Group | |
Clauw, Daniel | |
United Kingdom | statistical information | commentary [publication type] | health status | military personnel | Persian Gulf Syndrome | armed forces | armed conflict | mental health | |
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BMJ ; vol. 327, no. 7428 | |
ART : 11010 : Not available for external loan | |
Gulf war illness--better, worse, or just the same? : a cohort study | |
English | |
20031213 | |
BMJ Publishing Group | |
Hotopf, M. | David, Anthony S. | Hull, Lisa | Nikalaou, Vasilis | Unwin, Catherine | Wessely, Simon | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | United Kingdom | Western Asia | statistical information | age factors | cohort studies | comparative study | fatigue | epidemiology | etiology | follow-up studies | health status | military personnel | statistics | Persian Gulf Syndrome | prevalence | risk factors | socioeconomic factors | PTSD | armed forces | armed conflict | mental health | |
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BMJ ; vol. 327, no. 7428 | |
ART : 10801 : Not available for external loan | |
Occurrence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis among Gulf War veterans | |
English | |
20030900 | |
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins | |
Horner, R.D | Kamins, K.G | Feussner, J.R | Grambow, S.C | Hoff-Lindquist, J. | Harati, Y. | Mitsumoto, H. | Pascuzzi, R. | Spencer, P.S | Tim, R. | Howard, D. | Smith, T.C | Ryan, M.A | Coffman, C.J | Kasarskis, E.J | |
United States | United Kingdom | environmental exposure | military personnel | multicentre study [publication type] | review [publication type] | age of onset | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis | epidemiology | etiology | cohort studies | comparative study | mortality | Persian Gulf Syndrome | retrospective studies | veterans | brain | armed conflict | |
Neurology ; vol. 61, no. 6 | |
ART : 10705 : Not available for external loan | |
Visceral and cutaneous hypersensitivity in Persian Gulf war veterans with chronic gastrointestinal symptoms | |
English | |
20030300 | |
Elsevier | |
Dunphy, Rebecca C. | Bridgewater, Lee | Price, Donald D. | Robinson, Michael E. | Zeilman, Charles J. 3rd | Verne, G. Nicholas | |
United States | case-control studies | chronic disease | comparative study | cross-sectional studies | gastrointestinal diseases | epidemiology | psychology | hypersensitivity | veterans | pain measurement | pain threshold | Persian Gulf Syndrome | physical stimulation | prevalence | psychological tests | skin | psychological stress | viscera | armed conflict | |
Pain ; vol. 102, no. 1-2 | |
ART : 10483 : Not available for external loan | |
The study of reproductive outcome and the health of offspring of UK veterans of the Gulf war : methods and description of the study population | |
English | |
20030110 | |
BioMed Central | |
Maconochie, Noreen | Doyle, Pat | Davies, Graham | Lewis, Samantha | Pelerin Margo | Prior, Susan | Sampson, Patrick | |
United Kingdom | United States | veterans | reproductive behaviour | military personnel, male | abortion, spontaneous | epidemiology | etiology | environmental exposure | Persian Gulf Syndrome | questionnaires | cohort studies | fetal death | infertility | pregnancy | congenital abnormalities | retrospective studies | military personnel, female | |
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BMC public health ; vol. 3, no. 1 | |