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  • ART : 11571 : Not available for external loan
    Løsningsorienterede metoder i psykoterapi med torturoverlevere
    Denmark | mental health | Torture | torture victims | torture victims treatment | refugees | psychotherapy | cognitive therapy | Narrative therapy | RCT model | DIGNITY staff publications
    Psyke og logos ; vol. 25, no. 1
  • MON : 2003.005 : Not available for external loan
    Osoule payeh fizioterapi-e shekanjeh´shodegan [T] = اصول پایه فیزیوتراپی شکنجه شدگان = Physiotherapy for torture survivors [t]
    Health | Health personnel | Health services | Torture | Torture victims | Torture victims treatment | Wounds and injuries | Denmark | universal | health | health personnel | health services | Torture | torture victims | torture victims treatment | Wounds and injuries | Physiotherapy | physiotherapy | assessment | medical ethics | falanga [torture method] | whiplash injuries | RCT model
  • ART : 04643 : Not available for external loan
    Physiotherapy to torture survivors
    health | health personnel | health services | torture | torture victims | torture victims treatment | wounds and injuries | Denmark | Egypt | health | health personnel | health services | torture | torture victims | torture victims treatment | wounds and injuries | physiotherapy | physical effects | assessment | treatment | falanga [torture method] | whiplash injuries | RCT model | assessment
    Lancet ; vol. 347, no. 8995
  • ART : 04986 : Not available for external loan
    Rehabilitation center for victims of torture
    India | Denmark | speeches [publication type] | health | health personnel | health services | torture | torture victims | torture victims treatment | RCT model | treatment centres | personnel selection
    Report of the master trainers' workshop / Choudhury, P.K. and Sobti, Jagdish C., eds
  • TORT : 96.1.9 : Not available for external loan
    The Red Cross Center for Tortured Refugees in Stockholm : centre presentation
    Sweden | treatment centres | health services | organisations | torture victims treatment | RCT model | Family therapy | refugees
    Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 6, no. 1
  • MON : 1995.135 : Not available for external loan
    Physiotherapy for torture survivors : a basic introduction
    Denmark | universal | health | health personnel | health services | torture | torture victims | torture victims treatment | wounds and injuries | physiotherapy | physical effects | assessment | treatment | medical ethics | falanga [torture method] | whiplash injuries | RCT model | assessment
  • MON : 1995.149 : Not available for external loan
    Torture : human rights, medical ethics and the case of Israel
    Israel | Gaza | West Bank (Palestine) Occupied Territories | administration of justice | agents responsible for violations | conflict resolution | criminal law | detainees | equality before the law | health personnel | human rights violations | illegal detention | judicial system | law and order | legal protection | nationalities and regional groups | foreign occupations | repression | self-determination | torture | torture victims | torture victims treatment | urban areas | medical ethics | perpetrators | doctors' participation | rehabilitation | RCT model | treatment centres | compensation
  • ART : 03110 : Not available for external loan
    Den torturramte familie : tortur, et fag i sygeplejestudiet
    education | family | health | health personnel | health services | international law | torture | torture victims treatment | Denmark | torture | nurses | health personnel | torture victims | psychological effects | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | education | treatment | RCT model | family | medical ethics | doctors' participation | cases | UNCAT
    Fokus på sygeplejen 1994. - ISBN: 87-16-11175-3
  • ART : 02340 : Not available for external loan
    Rehabilitation of torture survivors
    torture victims treatment | RCT model | psychotherapy | interdisciplinary treatment approach | IRCT projects | treatment models | psychological effects of torture | physical effects of torture | torture effects | psychological torture | physical torture | torture methods | torture definition | torture purposes | speech | typescript | goals | programme development | treatment centres (proposed) | Kuwait
  • TORT : 91.1.3 : Not available for external loan
    Kuwait gets first centre for treatment of torture victims in the Middle East : two Danish psychologists went to Kuwait in September 1991 on a one year contract to help set up the centre
    torture | Kuwait | torture | treatment centres | treatment centres | RCT model | training | Iraqis | Al-Riggae Specialized Centre | torture methods
    Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 1, no. 1