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ART : 25292 : Not available for external loan | |
Shaky grounds : risk, profit and violent mobilization in Sierra Leone | |
English | |
20180000 | |
Musem Tusculanum | |
Christensen, Maya Mynster | |
Sierra Leone | Guinea | Western Africa | former combatants, male | postconflict situations | young adult, male | mercenaries | social hierarchies | masculinities | personal narratives | radicalisation | Sierra Leoneans | veterans, male | DIGNITY staff publications | |
Sporadically radical: ethnographies of organized violence and militant mobilization / Steffen Hensen, Henrik Vigh (eds.) - ISBN: 9788763546027 | |
ART : 23732 : Not available for external loan | |
The underbelly of global security : Sierra Leonean ex-militias in Iraq | |
English | |
20170000 | |
Zed | |
Christensen, Maya Mynster | |
Sierra Leone | Iraq | United States | United Kingdom | postconflict situations | politics | migrant workers | Sierra Leoneans | business corporations | emigration | veterans | former combatants | non state agents | employment | civil war | private security services | DIGNITY staff publications | |
Private security in Africa: from the global assemblage to the everyday / Paul Higate, Mats Utas (eds.) - ISBN: 978-1-78699-026-6 | |