Show record 1 to 10 of 66 from RCT
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  • ART : 33150 : Not available for external loan
    Implementing a non-specialist delivered psychological intervention for young adolescents in a protracted refugee setting : a qualitative process evaluation in Lebanon
    Lebanon | psychological interventions effectiveness | humanitarian aid delivery | emergencies | refugee aid | developing countries | community mental health workers | allied health personnel | Syrian refugees, adolescent | emotional control | adaptation | well-being | outcome assessment (health care) | cost-benefit analysis
    Journal of behavioral health services and research ; doi: 10.1007/s11414-023-09870-3
    STRENGTHS Consortium
  • ART : 32735 : Not available for external loan
    Subtracting development through the production of il/legality of young refugees in Jordan and Lebanon
    Oxford University Press
    Palestinian refugees, adolescent | Palestinian refugees, young adult | Syrian refugees, adolescent | Syrian refugees, young adult | adolescent development | adult development | legal status | legality | time factors | length of stay | education | postmigration factors | employment | Lebanon | Jordan
    Refugee survey quarterly ; vol. 42, no. 4
  • ART : 29418 : Not available for external loan
    Methods for the future, futures for methods : collaborating with Syrian refugee youth in Jordan
    Oxford University Press
    Jordan | Syrian refugees, adolescent | research methodology | community-based participatory research | developing countries | research design | information dissemination | technical cooperation | research subject involvement | humanitarian aid delivery
    Journal of refugee studies ; vol. 36, no. 4
  • ART : 30482 : Not available for external loan
    Challenges and coping : perspectives of Syrian and Iraqi refugee youth in Germany
    Germany | Syrian refugees, adolescent | religiosity | life style | bullying | risk factors | living conditions | housing | communication barriers | postmigration factors | socioeconomic factors | health status | developed countries | psychological resilience | adolescent development | acculturation | social services | family | social support | protective factors | social discrimination | friends | socialisation | interpersonal relations | schools | well-being | coping behaviour | social adjustment | adaptation | resettlement effects | Iraqi refugees, adolescent
    Journal of adolescent research ; vol. 38, no. 6
  • ART : 32414 : Not available for external loan
    The longitudinal impact of war exposure on psychopathology in Syrian and Iraqi refugee youth
    United States | Syrian refugees, adolescent | armed conflict effects | Syrian refugees, child | Iraqi refugees, child | Iraqi refugees, adolescent | exposure to warfare effects | premigration factors | mental health status | longitudinal study [publication type] | anxiety epidemiology | PTSD epidemiology | psychometrics | Life Events Checklist of the DSM 5 (LEC-5) | Screen for Child Anxiety-Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) | UCLA PTSD Reaction Index (UCLA PTSD RI)
    International journal of social psychiatry ; vol. 69, no. 7
  • ART : 32550 : Not available for external loan
    Effects of war exposure on pubertal development in refugee children
    American Psychological Association
    adolescent development | psychometrics | War Exposure Questionnaire | Pubertal Development Scale | risk factors | psychological stress | menarche | armed conflict effects | early experience | puberty | exposure to warfare effects | Syrian refugees, adolescent | war victims, adolescent | traumatic exposure effects | Lebanon
    Developmental psychology ; vol. 59, no. 9
  • ART : 30415 : Not available for external loan
    The role of maternal trauma and discipline types in emotional processing among Syrian refugee children
    Turkey | Syrian refugees, child | emotional processing | mother-child relations | traumatic exposure | Syrian refugees, female | offspring, child | war victims, female | parenting | PTSD | parental mental health | Syrian refugees, adolescent | offspring, adolescent | corporal punishment effects | disciplinary measures | age factors | religiosity | risk factors | face perception
    European child and adolescent psychiatry ; vol. 32, no. 8
  • ART : 32638 : Not available for external loan
    Suicidality among Syrian refugee children in Jordan
    Jordan | Syrian refugees, child | Syrian refugees, adolescent | developing countries | suicidal ideation epidemiology | prevalence | psychological resilience | depression, major epidemiology | risk factors | parental mental health | age factors | bullying effects | psychometrics | Children’s Depression Inventory 2 (CDI-2) | Hopkins Symptom Checklist (HSCL-25) | Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)
    Community mental health journal ; doi: 10.1007/s10597-023-01160-8
  • ART : 32515 : Not available for external loan
    Identifying psychosocial problems, needs, and coping mechanisms of adolescent Syrian refugees in Jordan
    Frontiers Research Foundation
    Syrian refugees, adolescent | war victims, adolescent | mental health status | needs assessment | coping behaviour | adaptation | functioning | social stress | stressors | depression | loneliness | social isolation | fear | aggression | family conflict | traumatic exposure effects | qualitative methods | Jordan
    Frontiers in psychiatry ; vol. 14
  • ART : 32357 : Not available for external loan
    Interrupted interviews : learning from young people's lived environments in Lebanon
    communication barriers | research methodology | sound recordings | refugee camps | facility environment | Syrian refugees, adolescent, male | mother-son relations | urban dynamics | social relations | power | field work | data collection | interviewing | Lebanon
    Area ; vol. 55, no. 2