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MON : 2020.047 : Not available for external loan | |
After deportation : ethnographic perspectives | |
English | |
20180000 | |
Palgrave Macmillan | |
Khosravi, Shahram (ed.) | |
978-3-319-86117-3 | |
universal | Cameroon | Samoa | Togo | Mali | Dominican Republic | Afghanistan | Jamaica | United Kingdom | Cape Verde | deportation | Cameroonians | imprisonment | Samoans | former prisoners | Togolese | Malians | social activism | Dominicans | Afghans | compensation | prostitutes, female | Nigerians, female | Jamaicans, female | Cape Verdians | adaptation | social change | ethnographic methods | research methodology | youth | deportees | deportees, female | |
ART : 25559 : Not available for external loan | |
A nation abroad : desire and authenticity in Togolese political dissidence | |
English | |
20180000 | |
Indiana University | |
Lawrance, Benjamin N. | |
Togolese refugees, male | state responsibility | solar gazing | sunlight | positional torture | Togolese refugees, female | torture victims, male | rape | sexual torture | cutting [torture method] | forced ingestion of irritants | beatings | electric torture | torture instruments | torture methods | asylum seekers | Togolese | Cameroonians | malingering | discourse | credibility | repression | postcolonialism | political opposition | contextual analysis | politics | state agents | narration | legal testimonies | torture | truth disclosure | persecution | data sources | asylum proceedings | personal narratives | exile | former political detainees | torture victims, female | Togo | United States | United Kingdom | |
Africans in exile: mobility, law and identity / Nathan Riley Carpenter, Benjamin N. Lawrance (eds.). - ISBN: 9780253038074 | |
ART : 23730 : Not available for external loan | |
A cross-cultural approach to complicated grief reactions among Togo–Western African immigrants in Europe | |
English | |
20170900 | |
Sage | |
Kokou-Kpolou, Kossigan | Mbassa Menick, Daniel | Moukouta, Charlemagne S. | Baugnet, Lucy | Kpelly, Dzodzo E. | |
France | Belgium | Togolese refugees | Togolese | immigrants | bereavement | guilt | grief | family members | family relations | siblings | stress reactions | coping behaviour | time factors | legal status | sociocultural factors | ethnology | social identification | collective memory | cross-cultural aspects | |
Full text (free to in-house users) | |
Journal of cross-cultural psychology ; vol. 48, no. 8 | |