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ART : 31992 : Not available for external loan | |
Informal human rights law-making : how treaty bodies use ‘General Comments’ to develop international law | |
20230700 | |
Cambridge University Press | |
Lesch, Max | Reiners, Nina | |
international human rights law | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | international development | technical cooperation | UN. International Covenant On Economic Social And Cultural Rights (1966) | social network's role | interdisciplinary cooperation | experts' role | human rights monitoring | UN. Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | UN. Committee Against Torture | NGOs role | UN. Human Rights Committee | freedom from torture | right to water | drafting process | advocacy strategies | international legal instruments | climate change effects | right to life | state obligations | general comments | UN treaty bodies role | law reform | universal | |
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Global constitutionalism ; vol. 12, no. 2 | |
ART : 32012 : Not available for external loan | |
A room full of 'views' : introducing a new dataset to explore compliance with the decisions of the UN human rights treaty bodies’ individual complaints procedures | |
English | |
20230315 | |
Sage | |
Ullmann, Andreas J. | Staden, Andreas von | |
universal | universal human rights protection system effectiveness | UN treaty bodies role | complaint procedure effectiveness | state compliance | state behaviour | datasets | UN. Human Rights Committee | UN. Committee Against Torture | UN. Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | UN. Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities | UN. Committee on Enforced Disappearances | UN. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination | UN. Committee on the Rights of the Child | UN. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women | |
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Journal of conflict resolution ; doi: 10.1177/00220027231160460 | |
ART : 28160 : Not available for external loan | |
Towards a common institutional trajectory? Individual complaints before UN treaty bodies during their ‘booming’ years | |
English | |
20201000 | |
Taylor and Francis | |
Çalı, Başak | Galand, Alexandre Skander | |
UN reform | UN treaty bodies | universal human rights protection system | complaint procedures | comparative law | case law | UN. Committee Against Torture | UN. Human Rights Committee | institutional aspects | reparations | UN. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination | UN. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women | UN. Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | UN. Committee on the Rights of the Child | regional human rights protection systems | review [publication type] | universal | |
International journal of human rights ; vol. 24, no. 8 | |
ART : 22542 : Not available for external loan | |
International human rights and Israel as seen in the work of the treaty bodies : do they walk the talk? | |
English | |
20160700 | |
Cambridge University Press | |
Halperin-Kaddari, Ruth | Danino, Amichai | |
Israel | UN. Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | international human rights law | NGO approaches | advocacy | Palestinians | state compliance | universal human rights protection system | reporting procedures | politics | bias | civil society | CEDAW | UN. Human Rights Committee | CERD | UN. Committee On The Rights Of The Child | CRC | UN. Committee On The Elimination Of Racial Discrimination | CESCR | HRC | UN. Committee On The Elimination Of Discrimination Against Women | UN treaty bodies | |
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Israel law review ; vol. 49, no. 2 | |
MON : 2020.037 : Not available for external loan | |
Tracing the roles of soft law in human rights | |
20160000 | |
Oxford University | |
Lagoutte, Stéphanie (ed.) | Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas (ed.) | Cerone, John (ed.) | |
978-0-19-879140-9 | |
universal | Africa | human rights protection | minority groups | international development | business corporations | UN. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (2011) | UN. Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007) | indigenous groups | internal displacement | warfare | international humanitarian law | Copenhagen Process on the Handling of Detainees in International Military Operations | AU. African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights | international human rights law | UN treaty body general comments | UN. Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | economic, social and cultural rights | women's rights | CEDAW | UN. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (1979) | violence against women | UN treaty bodies | treaty interpretation | soft law definition | international legal instruments | |
MON : 2001.083 : Not available for external loan | |
The UN human rights treaty system : universality at the crossroads | |
English | |
20010400 | |
[s.n.] | |
Bayefsky, Anne F. | |
universal human rights protection system | statistical information | human rights | international instruments | intergovernmental organisations | NGOs | treaties | fact-finding missions | mass media | information handling | information systems | periodic reports | reporting procedures | United Nations | UN special rapporteurs | complaint procedures | reservations | UN treaty bodies | UN. Committee Against Torture | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | UNCAT | UN. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination | UN. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1965) | CERD | ICCPR | UN. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) | UN. Human Rights Committee | HRC | UN. Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | UN. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966) | ICESCR | UN. Committee on the Rights of the Child | UN. Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) | CRC | UN. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women | UN. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979) | CEDAW | UN treaty bodies | universal | |
UN : [Pub/Fact sheet series] : Not available for external loan | |
Human rights machinery | |
English | |
19880300 | |
UN. Centre for Human Rights | |
universal human rights protection system | discrimination | minority groups | women | NGOs | UN Charter | UN General Assembly | UN. Economic and Social Council | UN. Commission on Human Rights | CERD | UN. Human Rights Committee | HRC | UN. Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | CEDAW | UN. Committee Against Torture | UN Secretariat | apartheid | UNHCR | international instruments | International Labour Organisation | ILO | UNICEF | FAO | WHO | intergovernmental organisations | human rights monitoring | universal | |
United Nations. Centre for Human Rights | |