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  • ART : 31064 : Not available for external loan
    Human rights of persons with mental disability : from discourse to reality
    Informa Healthcare
    mentally disabled rights | financial support | health policy | state compliance prevalence | UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | coercion | consent to treatment | psychiatric hospitalisation | commitment of mentally ill | psychiatrist's role | human rights protection | universal
    International review of psychiatry ; vol. 35, no. 2
  • ART : 31232 : Not available for external loan
    Human rights experimentalism in action : the potential of national human rights institutions in enhancing the implementation and monitoring of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
    Oxford University Press
    UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | human rights protection effectiveness | international legal instruments effectiveness | domestic implementation | national institutions role | human rights monitoring | UNCRPD-33-2 | state obligations | universal human rights protection system | UN treaty bodies | state obligations | universal
    Journal of human rights practice ; vol. 14, no. 1
  • ART : 31228 : Not available for external loan
    The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - the role of national human rights institutions : a comment
    Oxford University Press
    UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | UN. Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities | national institutions role | disabled persons rights | human rights protection | CPRD | human rights monitoring | treaty implementation | universal human rights protection system | UN treaty bodies | universal
    Journal of human rights practice ; vol. 14, no. 1
  • ART : 30449 : Not available for external loan
    Quality of care and respect of human rights in mental health services in four West African countries: collaboration between the mental health leadership and advocacy programme and the World Health Organization QualityRights initiative
    Cambridge University Press
    mental health care quality | human rights status | psychiatry | developing countries | advocacy strategies | World Health Organization (WHO) | evaluation study [publication type] | living conditions | commitment of mentally ill | personal autonomy | psychiatric hospitals | international legal instruments | UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | human rights monitoring | indicators | facility environment | housing | personnel staffing and scheduling | mental health personnel | psychiatrists | freedom from torture | Gambia | Ghana | Liberia | Sierra Leone
    BJPsych open ; vol. 8, no. 1
  • ART : 29496 : Not available for external loan
    Autonomy and consent assessment for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) : a retrospective study of medical records
    electroconvulsive therapy | psychiatric patients | consent to treatment | personal autonomy | national legal instruments | informed consent | medical records | patient rights | retrospective study [publication type] | coercion | drug therapy | nutrition therapy | criminal law | necessity principle | attitude of health personnel | accountability | attitude of patients | medical law | mental competency | freedom from torture | state compliance | UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | CRPD-15 | Norway
    International journal of law and psychiatry ; vol. 77
  • ART : 30127 : Not available for external loan
    Behind closed doors : human rights in residential care for people with an intellectual disability in Ireland
    Taylor and Francis
    mentally disabled persons | residential facilities | human rights | health care quality | human rights monitoring | UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | service delivery | right to liberty of the person | physical abuse | psychological abuse | Ireland
    Disability and society ; vol. 36, no. 5
  • ART : 28486 : Not available for external loan
    Coercive interventions under the new Dutch mental health law : towards a CRPD-compliant law?
    UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | domestic implementation | mental health legislation | mentally disabled persons | mentally ill | legal protection | coercion | mental competency | involuntary treatment | commitment of mentally ill | CRPD | human rights | Netherlands
    International journal of law and psychiatry ; vol. 76
  • ART : 29586 : Not available for external loan
    Human rights and global mental health: reducing the use of coercive measures
    Springer Nature
    prevention of human rights violations | psychiatry | coercion | mentally disabled persons | commitment of mentally ill | solitary confinement | consent to treatment | physical restraint | psychiatric patients | international legal instruments | national legal instruments | UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | World Health Organization (WHO) | domestic implementation | ethics | prevalence | determinants | preventative interventions | health policy | universal
    Global mental health ethics / Allen R. Dyer, Brandon A. Kohrt, Philip J. Candilis (eds.) - ISBN 978-3-030-66295-0
  • MON : 2022.084 : Not available for external loan
    Compulsory mental health interventions and the CRPD : minding equality
    commitment of mentally ill | mentally disabled rights | mentally disabled persons | psychiatric confinement | detention | distributive justice | uncertainty | necessity principle | assessment | proportionality principle | justification | goals | legitimacy test | margin of appreciation | limitation of rights and freedoms | legal reasoning | decision making | equality rights | consent to treatment | CRPD-25 | right to respect for physical and mental integrity | CRPD-17 | right to liberty of the person | CRPD-14 | mental competency | CRPD-12 | mental health services | UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | international legal instruments | coercion | international human rights law | health law | psychiatry | universal
  • ART : 24468 : Not available for external loan
    'Reserved ratification' : an analysis of states' entry of reservations upon ratification of human rights treaties
    Cambridge University Press
    international human rights law | statistical models | legal systems | Islamic law | sociocultural factors | religion | judicial independence | political systems | transition to democracy | human rights | domestic implementation | classification | UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | human experimentation | freedom from torture | global survey | rule of law | politics | decision making | state obligations | state behaviour | determinants | reservations | treaties | universal
    British journal of political science ; vol. 50, no. 2