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ART : 31064 : Not available for external loan | |
Human rights of persons with mental disability : from discourse to reality | |
English | |
20230200 | |
Informa Healthcare | |
Saraceno, Benedetto | |
mentally disabled rights | financial support | health policy | state compliance prevalence | UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | coercion | consent to treatment | psychiatric hospitalisation | commitment of mentally ill | psychiatrist's role | human rights protection | universal | |
International review of psychiatry ; vol. 35, no. 2 | |
ART : 31232 : Not available for external loan | |
Human rights experimentalism in action : the potential of national human rights institutions in enhancing the implementation and monitoring of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities | |
English | |
20220200 | |
Oxford University Press | |
Lichuma, Caroline | Tatic, Damjan | |
UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | human rights protection effectiveness | international legal instruments effectiveness | domestic implementation | national institutions role | human rights monitoring | UNCRPD-33-2 | state obligations | universal human rights protection system | UN treaty bodies | state obligations | universal | |
Journal of human rights practice ; vol. 14, no. 1 | |
ART : 31228 : Not available for external loan | |
The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - the role of national human rights institutions : a comment | |
English | |
20220200 | |
Oxford University Press | |
Uerpmann-Wittzack, Robert | |
UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | UN. Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities | national institutions role | disabled persons rights | human rights protection | CPRD | human rights monitoring | treaty implementation | universal human rights protection system | UN treaty bodies | universal | |
Journal of human rights practice ; vol. 14, no. 1 | |
ART : 30449 : Not available for external loan | |
Quality of care and respect of human rights in mental health services in four West African countries: collaboration between the mental health leadership and advocacy programme and the World Health Organization QualityRights initiative | |
English | |
20220125 | |
Cambridge University Press | |
Moro, Maria Francesca | Kola, Lola | Fadahunsi, Olawoye | Jah, Edward Munda | Kofie, Humphrey | Samba, Dawda | Sametta, Thomas | Drew, Natalie | Nwefoh, Emeka | Pathare, Soumitra | Eaton, Julian | Funk, Michelle | Gureje, Oye | |
mental health care quality | human rights status | psychiatry | developing countries | advocacy strategies | World Health Organization (WHO) | evaluation study [publication type] | living conditions | commitment of mentally ill | personal autonomy | psychiatric hospitals | international legal instruments | UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | human rights monitoring | indicators | facility environment | housing | personnel staffing and scheduling | mental health personnel | psychiatrists | freedom from torture | Gambia | Ghana | Liberia | Sierra Leone | |
Full text in open access | |
BJPsych open ; vol. 8, no. 1 | |
ART : 29496 : Not available for external loan | |
Autonomy and consent assessment for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) : a retrospective study of medical records | |
English | |
20210700 | |
Elsevier | |
Dahlberg, Jørgen | Øverstad, Siri | Dahl, Vegard | Coman, Alina | |
electroconvulsive therapy | psychiatric patients | consent to treatment | personal autonomy | national legal instruments | informed consent | medical records | patient rights | retrospective study [publication type] | coercion | drug therapy | nutrition therapy | criminal law | necessity principle | attitude of health personnel | accountability | attitude of patients | medical law | mental competency | freedom from torture | state compliance | UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | CRPD-15 | Norway | |
International journal of law and psychiatry ; vol. 77 | |
ART : 30127 : Not available for external loan | |
Behind closed doors : human rights in residential care for people with an intellectual disability in Ireland | |
English | |
20210600 | |
Taylor and Francis | |
Murphy, Kieran | Bantry-White, Eleanor | |
mentally disabled persons | residential facilities | human rights | health care quality | human rights monitoring | UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | service delivery | right to liberty of the person | physical abuse | psychological abuse | Ireland | |
Disability and society ; vol. 36, no. 5 | |
ART : 28486 : Not available for external loan | |
Coercive interventions under the new Dutch mental health law : towards a CRPD-compliant law? | |
English | |
20210500 | |
Elsevier | |
Alexandrov, Nikita V. | Schuck, Natalie | |
UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | domestic implementation | mental health legislation | mentally disabled persons | mentally ill | legal protection | coercion | mental competency | involuntary treatment | commitment of mentally ill | CRPD | human rights | Netherlands | |
Free full text | |
International journal of law and psychiatry ; vol. 76 | |
ART : 29586 : Not available for external loan | |
Human rights and global mental health: reducing the use of coercive measures | |
English | |
20210000 | |
Springer Nature | |
Cratsley, Kelso R. | Wickremsinhe, Marisha N. | Mackey, Tim K. | |
prevention of human rights violations | psychiatry | coercion | mentally disabled persons | commitment of mentally ill | solitary confinement | consent to treatment | physical restraint | psychiatric patients | international legal instruments | national legal instruments | UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | World Health Organization (WHO) | domestic implementation | ethics | prevalence | determinants | preventative interventions | health policy | universal | |
Global mental health ethics / Allen R. Dyer, Brandon A. Kohrt, Philip J. Candilis (eds.) - ISBN 978-3-030-66295-0 | |
MON : 2022.084 : Not available for external loan | |
Compulsory mental health interventions and the CRPD : minding equality | |
English | |
20210000 | |
Hart | |
Nilsson, Anna | |
978-1-5099-4457-6 | |
commitment of mentally ill | mentally disabled rights | mentally disabled persons | psychiatric confinement | detention | distributive justice | uncertainty | necessity principle | assessment | proportionality principle | justification | goals | legitimacy test | margin of appreciation | limitation of rights and freedoms | legal reasoning | decision making | equality rights | consent to treatment | CRPD-25 | right to respect for physical and mental integrity | CRPD-17 | right to liberty of the person | CRPD-14 | mental competency | CRPD-12 | mental health services | UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | international legal instruments | coercion | international human rights law | health law | psychiatry | universal | |
ART : 24468 : Not available for external loan | |
'Reserved ratification' : an analysis of states' entry of reservations upon ratification of human rights treaties | |
English | |
20200400 | |
Cambridge University Press | |
McKibben, Heather Elko | Western, Shaina D. | |
international human rights law | statistical models | legal systems | Islamic law | sociocultural factors | religion | judicial independence | political systems | transition to democracy | human rights | domestic implementation | classification | UN. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) | human experimentation | freedom from torture | global survey | rule of law | politics | decision making | state obligations | state behaviour | determinants | reservations | treaties | universal | |
British journal of political science ; vol. 50, no. 2 | |