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  • MON : 2021.017 : Not available for external loan
    Jacobs, White, and Ovey : the European Convention on Human Rights
    Oxford University
    regional human rights protection systems | ECHR-14 | discrimination | freedom of movement | elections | prisoner education | right to education | private property | trade unions | political parties | freedom of association | freedom of assembly | protest | whistleblowing | legal aid | mass media | blasphemy | incitement to violence | hate crimes | freedom of expression | conscientious objection | ECHR-9 | freedom of religion | freedom of conscience | freedom of thought | home | environment | immigrants | health information, personal | self concept | confidentiality | privacy | equality rights | marriage | prisoner rights | family | ECHR-11 | ECHR-8 | court proceedings | access to courts | ECHR-6 | fair trial | compensation | arrest procedures | criminal procedure | pre-trial detention | secret detention | arbitrary arrest and detention | illegal detention | imprisonment | ECHR-3 | ECHR-5 | right to liberty and security | ECHR-14 | ECHR-4 | military service | prisoner labour | human trafficking | forced labour | freedom from slavery | ECPT | CoE. European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1987) | evidence standards | evidence admissibility | prison conditions | detainee rights | police violence | policing | detention | gender-based violence | corporal punishment | destruction of property | state violence | refoulement | inhuman treatment | torture definition | freedom from torture | abortion | quality of life | euthanasia | criminal investigation | state obligations | disappearances | death in custody | killings | jurisdiction, personality | jurisdiction ratione temporis | jurisdiction, territorial | death penalty | right to life | right to an effective remedy | limitation of rights and freedoms | abuse of rights | emergencies | derogation | reservations | ECHR-1 | business corporations | state responsibility | state agents | margin of appreciation | jurisprudence | Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT) | treaty interpretation | jurisdiction | domestic implementation | ECHR-P16 | ECHR-P15 | treaty reform | international courts | judicial decisions | reparations | decision making | complaint systems | court procedure | CoE. European Court of Human Rights | international cooperation | CoE. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) | Council of Europe | Europe