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  • ART : 32910 : Not available for external loan
    Beyond rhetoric : interrogating the Eurocentric critique of international criminal law’s selectivity in the wake of the 2022 Ukraine invasion
    Cambridge University Press
    Europe | Africa | Ukraine | Russian Federation | international criminal justice | bias | accountability | war crimes | Western world | crime of aggression | International Criminal Court (ICC) | politics | African Union's role
    Leiden journal of international law ; vol. 36, no. 4
  • ART : 33156 : Not available for external loan
    The dark legacy of Nuremberg : inhumane air warfare, judicial desuetudo and the demise of the principle of distinction in international humanitarian law
    Cambridge University Press
    Europe | universal | armed conflict effects | warfare effects | international humanitarian law effectiveness | international criminal justice effects | Nuremberg principles | war crimes | accountability effectiveness | bombardment | Geneva Conventions. Additional Protocol relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I) (1977) | principle of distinction (law) | exceptionalism | Hague Conventions (1899,1907) | civilian population victimisation | politics
    Leiden journal of international law ; vol. 36, no. 4
  • ART : 32863 : Not available for external loan
    Electric cables, hammers and guns : Ukrainians tell of Russian torture
    Guardian News and Media
    torture statistics | rural areas | war crimes | Balakliia (Ukraine) | civilian population victimisation | agents responsible for violations | foreign occupation forces | torture methods | data collection methods | psychological torture | detainees, female | interrogation | personal narratives | torture victim characteristics | torture centres | electric torture | criminal investigation of torture | killings | rape | degrading treatment | prisoner treatment | detainees | Ukraine | Russian Federation
    Guardian online
  • UN : A/78/540 : Not available for external loan
    Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine : note by the Secretary-General
    United Nations
    commission of inquiry | human rights violations statistics | collaborators with the enemy victimisation | human dignity | detainees | child abduction | rape | torture statistics | evidence | destruction of property | killings | civilian population victimisation | international humanitarian law | international human rights law | foreign occupation forces | warfare | crimes against humanity | war crimes | Ukraine | Russian Federation
    UN. Human Rights Council. Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine
  • ART : 30538 : Not available for external loan
    Violent re-presentations : reflections on the ethics of re-presentation in violence research
    violence representation | researcher-subject relations | rape victims, female | vulnerability | legal proceedings | goals | data collection | interviewing | field work | discourse analysis | emotional trauma | sensationalism | warfare | sexual violence | researchers | individual responsibility | narration | storytelling | personal narratives | war crimes | communication, scientific | research ethics | ethical dilemmas | language | writing | research | knowledge production | universal | Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Qualitative research ; vol. 23, no. 5
  • ART : 29372 : Not available for external loan
    The German Code of Crimes Against International Law at twenty: overview and assessment of modern ‘German international criminal law’
    Oxford University Press
    criminal justice | international crimes | national courts' role | universal jurisdiction | prosecution | genocide | crimes against humanity | international judicial cooperation effectiveness | war crimes | outcome assessment | domestic implementation | international criminal law | Germany
    Journal of international criminal justice ; vol. 21, no. 4
  • ART : 32186 : Not available for external loan
    Russia's genocidal war in Ukraine : radicalization and social destruction
    Taylor and Francis
    Ukraine | Russian Federation | armed conflict effects | resilience | foreign occupations | warfare | intention | radicalisation to violence effects | international criminal law | international human rights law | debate | Putin, Vladimir | terminology | criminal responsibility | discourse analysis | criminal investigation | crimes against humanity | war crimes | genocide
    Journal of genocide research ; vol. 25, no. 3-4
  • ART : 32728 : Not available for external loan
    Forcibly transferring Ukrainian children to the Russian Federation : a genocide?
    Taylor and Francis
    Ukraine | Russian Federation | child abduction statistics | international crimes | genocide | foreign occupations | Ukrainians, child | child victimisation | deportation | international human rights law | international humanitarian law | Geneva Conventions (1949) | concentration camps | orphans | family separation | international crime elements | coercion | cultural genocide | UN. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) | Putin, Vladimir | international criminal justice | war crimes | UNCRC-8-1 | UN. Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)
    Journal of genocide research ; vol. 25, no. 3-4
  • ART : 31337 : Not available for external loan
    Without an army : how ICC indictments reduce atrocities
    war crimes prevention | violence prevention | civilian population victimisation prevention | International Criminal Court (ICC) role | prosecution | international criminal justice's role | universal | Kenya | Uganda
    Journal of peace research ; vol. 60, no. 4
  • UN : A/HRC/54/19 : Not available for external loan
    Report of the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar
    United Nations
    data collection | human rights violations | assessment | international crimes | evidence | data processing | data interpretation | information systems | human rights violations patterns | war crimes patterns | case management | accountability | programme development | information technology | standards | civil society's role | information dissemination | technical cooperation | human rights investigations | human rights documentation | sexual violence | Myanmar
    UN. Human Rights Council. Independent Mechanism to Collect, Consolidate, Preserve and Analyse Evidence of the Most Serious International Crimes and Violations of International Law committed in Myanmar since 2011