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  • ART : 02585 : Not available for external loan
    Amnestys medicinske samordnare : läkare har en speciell roll att spela i arbeter för mänskliga rättigheter
    universal | Amnesty International (AI) | doctors | human rights | Welsh, James | Amnesty International medical groups | IRCT | Stockholm (Sweden)
    Läkartidningen ; vol. 89, no. 32-33
  • ART : 00656 : Not available for external loan
    James Welsh : Amnesty International's medical office coordinator
    Amnesty International (AI) | personal narratives | medical complicity in torture | medical participation in torture | medical students victimisation | medical doctors victimisation | death in custody | health care delivery | right to health | torture prevention | NGO approaches | advocacy strategies | medical doctor's role | medical evidence of torture | medical documentation of torture | antitorture campaigns | Amnesty International medical groups | Welsh, James | human rights defenders | universal
    Canadian Medical Association journal ; vol. 132, no. 6