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  • ART : 26068 : Not available for external loan
    The making of Richard Zuley : the ignored linkages between the US criminal in/justice system and the international security state
    torture patterns | government policy | torturer characteristics | racism | Chicago (United States) | Guantanamo Bay detention camp (United States) | knowledge transfer | war on terror | interrogation | torturers | police personnel | Zuley, Richard (Chicago police detective and US naval reservist, United States) | United States
    American anthropologist ; vol. 122, no. 1
  • MON : 2020.015 : Not available for external loan
    Interrogation and torture : integrating efficacy with law and morality
    Oxford University
    interrogation effectiveness | legal defences | fair trial | immunity from prosecution | protective factors | institutional reform | contextual analysis | NPMs | OPCAT | UNCAT-OP | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Optional Protocol (2002) | visiting mechanisms | access to lawyer | detainee rights | presumption of innocence | resistance (psychology) | antitorture movement | Bentham, Jeremy (1748—1832, English philosopher) | ticking bomb scenario | abolition of torture | prosecution for torture | evidence admissibility | international humanitarian law | absolute prohibition of torture | impunity for torture | punishment for torture | NGO approaches | advocacy | Landau Commission (Israel) | commission of inquiry | General Security Service (GSS) | manipulation (psychology) | psychiatrists | military medical personnel | medical complicity in torture | guilt | shame | moral injury | PTSD | effects on perpetrators | collective responsibility | moral responsibility | state agents | moral dilemmas | professional ethics | conditioning, operant | pain perception | torture victims | military personnel | neuroendocrinology | biomarkers | stress reactions | cognitive impairment | mood disorders | attention | memory disorders | physiological effects of torture | drink deprivation | thirst | dyspnea | asphyxia | animal models | physiological stress | psychological stress | neuropsychology | philosophy | empathy | self disclosure | evidence | deception | interrogation techniques | programme development | torture criminalisation | immigration detention centres | juvenile detention centres | Zuley, Richard (Chicago police detective and US naval reservist, United States) | skill transfer | technology transfer | public opinion | attitude change | attitude to torture | stealth torture techniques | suspension [torture method] | torture method terminology | exhaustion exercises | burning [torture method] | temperature, hot | forced ingestion of irritants | sitting on ice [torture method] | prisoner punishment | humming bird [torture device] | magneto [torture method] | armed forces | colonialism | training of torturers | knowledge transfer | international complicity | visibility | physical effects of torture | reputation | human rights monitoring | technology | torture methods | electric torture | severity of treatment | regression (psychology) | time factors | physical torture | Cold War | drug evaluation | drug development | hypnosis | drug administration, non-therapeutic | human experimentation | combined modality torture | hygiene | deprivation [torture method] | prison conditions | behaviour modification | sexual abuse | rectal examination | time disorientation | threats | hooding [torture method] | starvation | solitary confinement | environmental stress | noise torture | positional torture | forced nudity | sleep deprivation [torture method] | climatic stress [torture method] | shackling | physical restraint | temperature, cold | waterboarding | wall-slamming | cramped confinement [torture method] | water dousing [torture method] | beatings | SERE (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape) | Jessen, John Bruce | Mitchell, James E. | torture method development | psychologist complicity in torture | experimental psychology | learned helplessness | coercion | UN Special Rapporteur on Torture | UN. Universal Protocol for Non-Coercive Interviewing Methods (proposed) | torture allegations | UN. Committee Against Torture | case law | UNCAT-16 | UNCAT-2 | power | UNCAT-1 | inhuman treatment | torture purposes | intentionality | determinants of torture | torture threshold | cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment | legal confessions | torture effects | standards | Guantanamo Bay detention camp (United States) | military courts | accountability for torture | torture justifiability | utilitarianism | rule of law | human dignity | debate | international human rights law | Obama, Barack (Administration of) | government policy | torture prevention effectiveness | torture effectiveness | national security | professional ethics | professional organisations | American Psychological Association (APA) | complicity in torture | prisoner treatment | neurosciences | brain | counterterrorism | war on terror | policing | criminal investigation | crossnational analysis | communication | interpersonal relations | interviewing | trust | research | science | cooperative behaviour | political systems | democracy | national law | interrogation techniques | CIA | personality change | psychological torture definition | national legal instruments | torture prevention | international legal instruments | norm review | state obligations | UNCAT-11 | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | torture definition | morality | law | torture | universal | Italy | Greece | France | Norway | United Kingdom | Israel | United States
  • ART : 20760 : Not available for external loan
    Guantanamo torturer led brutal Chicago regime of shackling and confession
    Guardian News and Media
    United States | police personnel | torturers | Guantanamo Bay detention camp (United States) | counterterrorism | war on terror | interrogation techniques | criminal investigation | comparison | legal confessions | policing | Zuley, Richard (Chicago police detective and US naval reservist, United States)
    Guardian online