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ART : 32751 : Not available for external loan | |
Of light and struggle : social justice, human rights, and accountability in Uruguay [book review] | |
English | |
20230900 | |
Oxford University Press | |
Chrimes, Philip | |
transitional justice | amnesty law | impunity for torture | accountability for torture effectiveness | politics | human rights status | conflicting rights | antitorture movement | NGO approaches | advocacy strategies | book review [publication type] | Uruguay | United States | |
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International affairs ; vol. 99, no. 5 | |
ART : 32919 : Not available for external loan | |
Spain : submission to the UN Committee Against Torture 77th session, 10 - 28 July 2023 | |
English | |
20230700 | |
UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights | |
UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | refoulement prevention effectiveness | expulsion | risk of torture | denial of justice | transitional justice effectiveness | judicial decisions | memorialisation | amnesty law | universal jurisdiction | police violence | riot control instruments | foam projectiles | rubber bullets | state compliance | domestic implementation | accountability | Spain | |
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Amnesty International (AI) | |
ART : 32917 : Not available for external loan | |
[AEDIDH – Asociación Española para el Derecho Internacional] | |
Spanish | |
20230612 | |
UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights | |
UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | transitional justice effectiveness | national law | memorialisation | exhumation | state terror | disappeared persons | access to information | right to the truth | right to justice | amnesty law | reparations | denial of justice | state compliance | domestic implementation effectiveness | Spain | |
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Asociación Española para el Derecho Internacional (AEDIDH) | |
ART : 31493 : Not available for external loan | |
The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) vis-à-vis amnesties and pardons : factors concerning or affecting the degree of ECtHR’s deference to states | |
English | |
20220700 | |
Taylor and Francis | |
Pérez-León-Acevedo, Juan-Pablo | |
Europe | amnesties | amnesty law | CoE. European Court of Human Rights | margin of appreciation | decision making | transitional justice | state obligations | regional human rights protection systems' role | international human rights law | rule of law | case law | democracy | |
Full text in open access | |
International journal of human rights ; vol. 26, no. 6 | |
ART : 33006 : Not available for external loan | |
Información suplementaria sobre Nicaragua para la Lista de Cuestiones que el CAT tiene previsto adoptar durante su 70 Sesión, de 09 de noviembre-04 de diciembre de 2020 (Referida al estado de cumplimiento de los artículos 1, 2, 13 y 16 de la Convención contra la Tortura) | |
Spanish | |
20220622 | |
UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights | |
UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | impunity for torture | transitional justice effectiveness | police reform effectiveness | amnesty law | access to justice | journalists victimisation | arbitrary arrest and detention | disappearances | police violence | detainee rights | NPMs | prison conditions | political detainees | freedom of movement | indigenous groups victimisation | family members victimisation | human rights defenders, female victimisation | human rights defender victimisation | political opposition victimisation | sexual violence prevention effectiveness | violence against women prevention effectiveness | psychological torture | physical torture | torture allegations | torture methods | evidence admissibility | Istanbul Protocol | forensic evaluation of torture effectiveness | complainant protection effectiveness | witness protection | victim protection | political detainees, female | death in custody | cybercrime | repression strategies | crime prevention strategies | pandemics | prison health care delivery | detention centres | prisoner treatment | torture prevention effectiveness | state compliance | domestic implementation | Nicaragua | |
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Ipas Centroamérica y México (Ipas CAM) | |
ART : 33004 : Not available for external loan | |
Nicaragua : compliance with the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment : detention and torture of human rights defenders and political dissenters, submitted by The Advocates for Human Rights for the 74th session of the Committee Against Torture 12 July - 29 July 2022 | |
English | |
20220613 | |
Advocates for Human Rights | |
UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | impunity for torture | transitional justice effectiveness | police reform effectiveness | amnesty law | access to justice | journalists victimisation | arbitrary arrest and detention | disappearances | police violence | detainee rights | NPMs | prison conditions | political detainees | freedom of movement | indigenous groups victimisation | family members victimisation | human rights defenders, female victimisation | human rights defender victimisation | political opposition victimisation | sexual violence prevention effectiveness | violence against women prevention effectiveness | psychological torture | physical torture | torture allegations | torture methods | evidence admissibility | Istanbul Protocol | forensic evaluation of torture effectiveness | complainant protection effectiveness | witness protection | victim protection | political detainees, female | death in custody | cybercrime | repression strategies | crime prevention strategies | pandemics | prison health care delivery | detention centres | prisoner treatment | torture prevention effectiveness | state compliance | domestic implementation | Nicaragua | |
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Advocates for Human Rights | |
ART : 33003 : Not available for external loan | |
Informe para el segundo examen de las obligaciones de Nicaragua bajo la Convención contra la Tortura, referido a la lista de cuestiones publicada por el Comité contra la Tortura | |
Spanish | |
20220600 | |
UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | impunity for torture | transitional justice effectiveness | police reform effectiveness | amnesty law | access to justice | journalists victimisation | arbitrary arrest and detention | disappearances | police violence | detainee rights | NPMs | prison conditions | political detainees | freedom of movement | indigenous groups victimisation | family members victimisation | human rights defenders, female victimisation | human rights defender victimisation | political opposition victimisation | sexual violence prevention effectiveness | violence against women prevention effectiveness | psychological torture | physical torture | torture allegations | torture methods | evidence admissibility | Istanbul Protocol | forensic evaluation of torture effectiveness | complainant protection effectiveness | witness protection | victim protection | political detainees, female | death in custody | cybercrime | repression strategies | crime prevention strategies | pandemics | prison health care delivery | detention centres | prisoner treatment | torture prevention effectiveness | state compliance | domestic implementation | Nicaragua | |
Full text (via OHCHR) | |
Centro por la Justicia y el Derecho Internacional (CEJIL) | Colectivo de Derechos Humanos Nicaragua Nunca Más (El Colectivo) | Iniciativa Nicaragüense de Defensoras de Derechos Humanos (INDDH) | Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Humanos (IM-Defensoras) | Instituto Internacional sobre Raza e Igualdad y Derechos Humanos (Raza e Igualdad) | Movimiento Autónomo de Mujeres (MAM) | Unidad de Defensa Jurídica (UDJ) | Unidad de Registro (UDR) | |
ART : 31315 : Not available for external loan | |
Amnesty and the limits of transitional justice in Brazil : the case of expelled low-ranking soldiers, 1964–2014 | |
English | |
20220600 | |
Oxford University Press | |
Corrêa, Marilia | |
transitional justice effectiveness | dictatorship effects | long-term effects | impunity | armed forces organisation | persecution | military personnel victimisation | amnesties effects | personnel selection | employment | amnesty law | reparations | Brazil | |
American journal of legal history ; vol. 62, no. 2 | |
ART : 30191 : Not available for external loan | |
Investigating and condemning the perpetrators | |
English | |
20220000 | |
Palgrave Macmillan | |
Rojas, Hugo | Shaftoe, Miriam | |
transitional justice classification | transitional justice effectiveness | retributive justice | restorative justice | impunity | evidence standards | reparations | judicial system | politics | NGO approaches | Vicaría de la Solidaridad (organisation, Chile) | information systems | archival role | transition to democracy | Pinochet, Augusto | extradition | judicial decisions | amnesty law | Chile | Europe | |
Human rights and transitional justice in Chile. (Memory politics and transitional justice book series) - ISBN 978-3-030-81181-5 | |
ART : 33005 : Not available for external loan | |
Detenidos, torturados y desplazados : el presidio político y sus secuelas en Nicaragua : informe acerca de la tortura y el trato inhumano, cruel y degradante de personas privadas de libertad en condición de detención política en Nicaragua y la permanencia de la violencia de Estado en sus vidas poscarcelarias | |
Spanish | |
[20220000] | |
UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights | |
UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | impunity for torture | transitional justice effectiveness | police reform effectiveness | amnesty law | access to justice | journalists victimisation | arbitrary arrest and detention | disappearances | police violence | detainee rights | NPMs | prison conditions | political detainees | freedom of movement | indigenous groups victimisation | family members victimisation | human rights defenders, female victimisation | human rights defender victimisation | political opposition victimisation | sexual violence prevention effectiveness | violence against women prevention effectiveness | psychological torture | physical torture | torture allegations | torture methods | evidence admissibility | Istanbul Protocol | forensic evaluation of torture effectiveness | complainant protection effectiveness | witness protection | victim protection | political detainees, female | death in custody | cybercrime | repression strategies | crime prevention strategies | pandemics | prison health care delivery | detention centres | prisoner treatment | torture prevention effectiveness | state compliance | domestic implementation | Nicaragua | |
Full text (via OHCHR) | |
Unión de Presas y Presos Políticos Nicaragüenses (UPPN) | Red Internacional de Derechos Humanos (RIDH) | |