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  • ART : 27800 : Not available for external loan
    Women health : psychological and most prominent somatic problems in 3-year follow-up in Bosnian refugees
    Croatia | Bosnian refugees, female | health status | mental health status | war victims, female | refugee camps | follow-up study | Bosnian refugees, male | exposure to warfare | sex factors | comorbidity | mental disorders | somatic symptoms | emotional trauma | self report | blood pressure | cardiovascular diseases | arthritis | anemia | asthma | tuberculosis | ulcer | educational status | risk factors | PTSD | depression
    International journal of social psychiatry ; vol. 67, no. 6
  • ART : 07706 : Not available for external loan
    Single values of serum transferrin receptor and transferrin receptor ferritin index can be used to detect true and functional iron deficiency in rheumatoid arthritis patients with anemia
    Finland | rheumatology | anemia | arthritis, rheumatoid | blood | clinical trial
    Arthritis and rheumatism ; vol. 43, no. 5