Show record 1 to 10 of 236 from RCT
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  • ART : 32492 : Not available for external loan
    Apartheid’s 'rape crisis' : understanding and addressing sexual violence in South Africa, 1970s–1990s
    Taylor and Francis
    violence against women | intersectionality | social movements | race | politics | preventative interventions | contextual aspects | apartheid | gender aspects | crime | social activism | feminism | sexual violence | poverty areas | attitude of politicians | public opinion | political systems | time | rape | South Africa
    Women's history review ; doi: 10.1080/09612025.2023.2219535
  • ART : 30256 : Not available for external loan
    Status quo terrorism : state-terrorism in South Africa during apartheid
    Taylor and Francis
    apartheid | state terror | repression strategies | state agents | police | abduction | political imprisonment | torture | terrorism definition | violence methods | bombings | extrajudicial executions | killings | government policy | state violence | debate | death squads | counterinsurgencies | torture prevalence | training of torturers | international complicity in torture | knowledge transfer | interrogation techniques | torture centres | torture purposes | collaborators | South Africa | France | Algeria | Argentina | Rhodesia
    Terrorism and political violence ; vol. 35, no. 2
  • ART : 32439 : Not available for external loan
    Medical apartheid in Palestine
    Taylor and Francis
    Israel | Palestine, State of | right to health | human rights violations | apartheid | crimes against humanity | health system's role | health care delivery | politics | racial discrimination | health services accessibility | health equity | armed conflict | destruction of health facilities | government policy effects
    Global public health ; vol. 18, no. 1
  • ART : 32143 : Not available for external loan
    Other grave breaches of human rights: prohibition of genocide, prohibition of torture and inhuman and degrading punishment or treatment, prohibition of slavery and forced labour and prohibition of racial discrimination and apartheid
    T.M.C. Asser
    international human rights law | inhuman or degrading treatment | right to hope | jurisdiction, territorial | refoulement prevention | universal jurisdiction | CoE. European Court of Human Rights | case law | apartheid | racial discrimination | human rights monitoring effectiveness | treaty effectiveness | trafficking in persons | slavery | immunities | genocide prevention | freedom from torture | universal
    Introduction to international human rights law. - ISBN: 978-94-6265-562-1
  • ART : 31233 : Not available for external loan
    'I will do what I can do' : Peter Gabriel and the documentation of human rights
    Oxford University Press
    human rights documentation | personal narrative [publication type] | advocacy strategies | Gabriel, Peter | popular music | popular culture | political activists | WITNESS (organisation) | human rights promotion | artists' role | politics | Biko, Steve | antitorture movement | apartheid | Amnesty International (AI) | universal
    Journal of human rights practice ; vol. 14, no. 3
  • ART : 31256 : Not available for external loan
    Memory justice in ordinary urban spaces : the politics of remembering and forgetting in a post-apartheid neighbourhood
    South Africa | apartheid | resettlement effects | urban areas | memorialisation | spatio-temporal analysis | justice | social exclusion
    Antipode ; vol. 54, no. 6
  • ART : 31329 : Not available for external loan
    Policing the (post)colonial body : the Covid-19 lockdown in South Africa
    Taylor and Francis
    South Africa | pandemics | urban areas | East London (South Africa) | militarisation | repression | public opinion | retraumatisation | apartheid survivors | social perception | police violence | apartheid | social control | communicable disease control adverse effects | lockdowns | policing
    Anthropology southern Africa ; vol. 45, no. 2
  • ART : 32999 : Not available for external loan
    Surfeit and silence : sexual violence in the apartheid archive
    Taylor and Francis
    violence against women | apartheid | historical aspects | archives | sexual violence | data sources | missing data | discourse analysis | racism | misogyny | violence representation | crime victims, female | Blacks, female | visibility | rape | stereotyping | South Africa
    African studies ; vol. 81, no. 3-4
  • ART : 30872 : Not available for external loan
    Hierarchies of being human : intergroup dehumanization and its implication in present-day South Africa
    American Psychological Association
    South Africa | intergroup relations | dehumanisation | conflict | racism | transition to democracy | apartheid | long-term effects | social hierarchies | Social Dominance Orientation Scale | Social Distance Scale | Intergroup Contact Scale | Dehumanization Scale | Outgroup Petitions Scale | Collective Action Support Scale | Feeling Thermometer | Meta-Dehumanization Scale | psychometrics | Whites | Blacks | social inequality | social justice | prejudice | belief systems | interpersonal relations | protective factors | social discrimination
    Peace and conflict: journal of peace psychology ; vol. 28, no. 3
  • ART : 30578 : Not available for external loan
    Heart transplants, legislating death, and disruptive anti-apartheid advocacy
    Cambridge University Press
    organ procurement | medical ethics | apartheid | advocacy strategies | organ transplantation | death penalty | prisoners | legislation | social activism | international cooperation | national legal instruments | Blacks | South Africa | France | United States
    Law and history review ; vol. 40, no. 2