Show record 1 to 10 of 95 from RCT
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  • ART : 32472 : Not available for external loan
    Violences sexuelles liées au terrorisme : prise en charge psychologique des femmes yézidies en Irak = Sexual violence related to terrorism : psychological care for Yezidi women in Iraq
    Elsevier Masson
    torture victims treatment | practice patterns, medical | treatment models | torture victims, female | sexual torture effects | psychotherapeutic techniques | Yazidis, female | follow-up | art therapy | group psychotherapy | psychotherapy, individual | treatment monitoring | guilt | intrusive thoughts | sleep disorders | self-esteem | warfare | rape victims, female | psychological effects of impunity | anger | Iraq
    Annales medico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique ; vol. 181, no. 8
  • ART : 32688 : Not available for external loan
    Art-based interventions and art therapy to promote health of migrant populations : a systematic literature review of current research
    Taylor and Francis
    art therapy | research needs | refugees, adolescent | refugees, child | well-being | anxiety | symptoms | traumatic stress | treatment outcome | review [publication type] | refugees | health promotion | universal
    Arts and health: an international journal for research, policy and practice ; doi: 10.1080/17533015.2023.2252003
  • ART : 31902 : Not available for external loan
    The effectiveness of therapeutic interventions on psychological distress in refugee children : a systematic review
    universal | refugees, child | distress therapy | psychological interventions effectiveness | treatment outcome | child psychotherapy | review [publication type] | asylum seekers, child | cognitive behavioural therapy | narrative exposure therapy | art therapy | combined modality therapy | psychosocial interventions | family therapy | EMDR | play therapy | trauma systems therapy | positive psychology
    Journal of clinical psychology ; vol. 79, no. 8
  • ART : 32501 : Not available for external loan
    Post-traumatic stress disorder in unaccompanied refugee minors: prevalence, contributing and protective factors, and effective interventions: a scoping review
    universal | unaccompanied refugee minors statistics | social support effects | family separation effects | traumatic exposure effects | anxiety | depression | art therapy | narrative exposure therapy | teaching recovery techniques | group psychotherapy | cognitive behavioural therapy | psychological interventions effectiveness | family's role | religion | social network's role | mentorship | psychological resilience | protective factors | risk factors | uncertainty effects | shame | guilt | cumulative trauma disorders | prevalence | PTSD epidemiology
    Children ; vol. 10, no. 6
  • ART : 30464 : Not available for external loan
    The lived experience of surviving from the Islamic State attack and capture in Iraq and Syria : an arts-based qualitative study with Yazidi young women
    Iraq | genocide survivors, female | war victims, female | former prisoner, female | life change events | art therapy | Yazidis, female | Kurds, female | rape victims, female | torture victims, female | traumatic exposure | sexual slavery victims | Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) | psychological resilience | well-being | hope
    International journal of social psychiatry ; vol. 69, no. 1
  • ART : 31515 : Not available for external loan
    Comparing the effect of social media-based drama, music and art therapies on reduction in post-traumatic symptoms among Nigerian refugees of Russia's invasion of Ukraine
    Nigeria | Ukraine | war victims | music therapy | art therapy | drama therapy | treatment outcome | PTSD therapy | symptoms | comparative study | social media | telemedicine
    Journal of pediatric nursing ; vol. 68
  • ART : 30883 : Not available for external loan
    A systematic review of empirical evidence on art therapy with traumatized refugee children and youth
    Frontiers Research Foundation
    universal | art therapy | treatment outcome | refugees, child | refugees, adolescent | review [publication type] | emotional trauma | PTSD therapy | evidence-based practice
    Frontiers in psychology ; vol. 13
  • ART : 31813 : Not available for external loan
    Homelands and new lands : artmaking with refugee survivors of human rights abuses
    torture victims treatment | art therapy | practice guidelines | review [publication type] | practice patterns | group therapy | treatment models | NGO approaches | United Kingdom | universal
    Groupwork with refugees and survivors of human rights abuses: the power of togetherness / Jude Boyles, Robin Ewart-Biggs, Rebecca Horn, Kirsten Lamb (eds.) - ISBN 9781032043906
  • MON : Electronic resource : Not available for external loan
    Groupwork with refugees and survivors of human rights abuses : the power of togetherness
    torture victims treatment | female genital mutilation | torture victims, female | psychotherapeutic techniques | faith healing | psychosocial interventions | torture victims, male | sports | music therapy | peer groups | yoga | PTSD, complex therapy | art therapy | transition to democracy | prisoner violence prevention | prisons | women | therapeutic community | Congolese refugees | sociotherapy | postconflict situations | refugees | disappearances | communities | asylum seekers, female | traumatic exposure | community-based interventions | group therapy | treatment models | universal | United Kingdom | Kosovo | Tunisia | Rwanda | Uganda | Peru | Zimbabwe
  • ART : 28202 : Not available for external loan
    Visual representations of physical trauma: a medical pedagogy
    torture effects | arts | perpetratorhood | victimhood | art therapy | suffering | advocacy strategies | medical students | exposure to torture | ethics | torture imagery | teaching methods | debate | torture representation | medical education | emotional trauma | universal
    Journal of medical humanities ; vol. 42, no. 2