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  • ART : 25505 : Not available for external loan
    Asylum medicine : standard and best practices
    François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights
    asylum proceedings | forensic photography | psychological instruments | psychological interview | communication barriers | self disclosure | medicolegal report writing | rating scales | psychological effects of torture | sexual torture | telefono [torture method] | tooth injuries | falanga [torture method] | bone fractures | myalgia | arthralgia | late effects of torture | peripheral nerve injuries | torture methods | diagnosis, differential | post-concussion syndrome | mental disorders | memory disorders | sleep disorders | headache | symptoms | brain concussion | torture method-effect correlation | brain injuries, traumatic | scars | burns | wounds, nonpenetrating | causality | skin injuries | wounds, penetrating | lacerations | wounds and injuries | physical effects of torture | training of health personnel | vicarious traumatisation | medical education, continuing | health personnel characteristics | diagnostic techniques and procedures | physical examination | medical history taking | interpreters | informed consent | privacy | torture effects | professional competence | court procedure | goals | credibility assessment | Istanbul Protocol | expert testimony | medical documentation of torture | practice guidelines | review [publication type] | standards | health services needs and demand | evidence of torture | health personnel's role | forensic evaluation of torture | asylum seekers | universal | United States
    Health and human rights: an international journal ; vol. 21, no. 1