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MON : 2018.022 : Not available for external loan | |
Traumebehandling og resocialisering gennem åndedræt og meditation | |
Danish | |
20170000 | |
Turbine | |
Hviid, Sofie | |
9788740615944 | |
Denmark | survival | criminal behaviour | prisoner rehabilitation | yoga | violence | meditation | breathing exercises | masculinities | cases | criminals, male | criminals, female | child abuse | early experience | juvenile delinquency | substance abuse treatment | emotional trauma | social work | |
MON : 2015.243 : Not available for external loan | |
İşkence görmüş kişilerle çalişan fizyoterapistler için uygulama rehberi : kronik ağri, travma sonrasi stres bozukluğu ve uyku bozukluklari üzerine | |
20150000 | |
DIGNITY - Danish Institute Against Torture | |
Nielsen, Hanne Frank | |
9788793675339 | |
muscle relaxation | arousal | chronic pain | patient care team | PTSD | professional role | torture victims | physiotherapy | treatment models | assessment | sleep disorders | distraction | chronic stress | stress reactions | imagery (psychotherapy) | breathing exercises | interventions | torture victims treatment | DIGNITY publications | Denmark | universal | |
Full text | |
MON : 2014.211 : Not available for external loan | |
Interventions for physiotherapists working with torture survivors : with special focus on chronic pain, PTSD, and sleep disturbances | |
English | |
20140000 | |
DIGNITY - Danish Institute against Torture | |
Nielsen, Hanne Frank | |
9788790878641 | |
Denmark | universal | muscle relaxation | sleep disorders | interventions | breathing exercises | imagery (psychotherapy) | stress reactions | chronic stress | distraction | assessment | arousal | treatment models | physiotherapy | torture victims | professional role | PTSD | patient care team | chronic pain | torture victims treatment | DIGNITY publications | |
Full text | |
ART : 29748 : Not available for external loan | |
Treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder in postwar Kosovar adolescents using mind-body skills groups : a randomized controlled trial | |
English | |
20080900 | |
Physicians Postgraduate | |
Gordon, James S. | Staples, Julie K. | Blyta, Afrim | Bytyqi, Murat | Wilson, Amy T. | |
Kosovo | adolescent psychotherapy | postconflict situations | war victims, adolescent | mind-body therapies | PTSD therapy | Kosovars, adolescent | randomised controlled trial [publication type] | school-based interventions | adaptation | art therapy | autogenic training | treatment models | biofeedback training | breathing exercises | combined modality therapy | imagery (psychotherapy) | meditation | mind-body relations, metaphysical | group psychotherapy | self care | PTSD diagnosis | questionnaires | Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ) | |
Journal of clinical psychiatry ; vol. 69, no. 9 | |
ART : 14794 : Not available for external loan | |
Treating survivors of torture and refugee trauma : a preliminary case series using Qigong and T'ai Chi | |
English | |
20080900 | |
Mary Ann Liebert | |
Grodin, Michael A. | Piwowarczyk, Linda | Fulker, Derek | Bazazi, Alexander R. | Saper, Robert B. | |
universal | torture victims treatment | torture victims | refugees | mental health | emotional trauma | PTSD | therapy | Tai Chi | breathing exercises | Qigong | review [publication type] | self efficacy | Treatment outcome | Quality of life | Mind-body therapies | Relaxation therapy | |
Full text in open access | |
Journal of alternative and complementary medicine ; vol. 14, no. 7 | |
ART : 10994 : Not available for external loan | |
Dissent as a symptom : why China has questions to answer | |
English | |
20020600 | |
Royal College of Psychiatrists | |
Lyons, D. | Munro, R. | |
China | Psychiatric abuse | repression | religious groups | politics | breathing exercises | forensic psychiatry | letter [publication type] | civil and political rights | coercion | Commitment of mentally ill | medical ethics | Falun Gong | |
Full text | |
British journal of psychiatry ; vol. 180 | |
ART : 02134 : Not available for external loan | |
Working with survivors | |
English | |
19890000 | |
Turner, Stuart | |
torture victims treatment | symptoms | PTSD | group psychotherapy | drug therapy | breathing exercises | psychotherapy | hyperventilation syndrome | mind-body relations | torture victims | health services needs and demand | expert testimony | medicolegal report writing | medical history taking | forensic evaluation of torture | volunteers | personnel staffing and scheduling | treatment centres | asylum seekers | torture purposes | prevalence of torture | psychological effects of torture | knowledge, attitudes, practice | personal narratives | attitude of health personnel | practice patterns, medical | Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture | private practice | referral and consultation | United Kingdom | universal | |
Full text in open access | |
Psychiatric bulletin ; vol. 13, no. 4 | |
MON : 2022.044 : Not available for external loan | |
Interventions pour les kinésithérapeutes travaillant avec des survivants de torture : avec une attention particulière sur la douleur chronique, le SSPT et les troubles du sommeil | |
French | |
[000000000] | |
DIGNITY - Danish Institute against Torture | |
Nielsen, Hanne Frank | |
9788793675117 | |
Denmark | universal | muscle relaxation | assessment | interventions | breathing exercises | imagery (psychotherapy) | stress reactions | chronic stress | distraction | sleep disorders | treatment models | arousal | physiotherapy | torture victims | professional role | PTSD | patient care team | chronic pain | torture victims treatment | DIGNITY publications | |
Full text | |