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ART : 31915 : Not available for external loan | |
Torture and maltreatment in prison : a medico-legal perspective | |
English | |
20230215 | |
Albano, Giuseppe Davide | Guadagnino, Daniela | Midiri, Mauro | La Spina, Corinne | Tullio, Valeria | Argo, Antonina | Zerbo, Stefania | |
torture patterns | Istanbul Protocol | mentally ill | prisoner characteristics | mental health | psychological abuse effects | suspension [torture method] effects | forced positioning effects | asphyxia | electric torture effects | wounds and injuries | physical effects of torture | beatings | bruises | sexual violence effects | physical violence effects | death cause | ill-treatment | detention centres | detainees | autopsy | death from torture | review [publication type] | forensic evaluation of torture | torture effects | torture methods | prisoners | prisons | universal | |
Full text in open access | |
Healthcare ; vol. 11, no. 4 | |
ART : 30618 : Not available for external loan | |
'He’s not coming back' : war crimes in Northwest areas of Kyiv Oblast | |
20220506 | |
AI | |
war crimes | destruction of property | bruises | wounds and injuries | physical effects of torture | military personnel | agents responsible for violations | cases | evidence | weapons | accountability | civilian population victimisation | torture | extrajudicial executions | Ukraine | Russian Federation | |
Full text | |
Amnesty International (AI) | |
ART : 29301 : Not available for external loan | |
Pulmonary manifestations of torture | |
English | |
20210600 | |
Elsevier | |
Hiensch, Robert J. | |
torture effects | forensic evaluation of torture | Istanbul Protocol | primary health care | review [publication type] | pulmonary medicine | physical examination | medicolegal report writing | wounds and injuries | thoracic wall injuries | pulmonary injuries | torture method-effect correlation | beatings | whipping [torture method] | physical effects of torture | bruises | lacerations | skin manifestations | skin pigmentation | pulmonary disease | chemically-induced disorders | tear gases | pepper spray | smoke inhalation injury | smoke bombs | pulmonary edema | bronchitis, chronic | reactive airways dysfunction syndrome | irritants | dyspnea | cough | inflammation | vocal cord paralysis | pharynx | risk factors | asthma | pulmonary fibrosis | physical restraint adverse effects | positional torture | pulmonary thromboembolism | sleep disorders | somatoform disorders | prison conditions | malingering detection | universal | |
Chest ; vol. 159, no. 6 | |
ART : 28006 : Not available for external loan | |
Evaluations of alleged torture and ill treatment in Thailand : a collection of forensic medical evidence by non-medical evaluators | |
English | |
20201000 | |
Elsevier | |
Moreno, Alejandro | Lin, James | Iacopino, Vincent | |
forensic evaluation of torture | evidence of torture | detention | expert testimony | non medical evaluation reports | access to a doctor | impartiality principle | access to prisons | documentation of torture | lawyer's role | torture method-effect correlation | Istanbul Protocol | training of lawyers | NGO approaches | Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) | physical examination | wounds and injuries | physical effects of torture | torture methods | torture victim characteristics | perpetrator characteristics | gunshot wounds | bone fractures | lacerations | bruises | edema | burning [torture method] | pain | physical effects of torture | humiliation | sexual abuse | forced nudity | positional torture | beatings | solitary confinement | threats | legal confessions | psychological torture | prison overcrowding | prison conditions | paramilitaries | armed forces | police | torture patterns | Thailand | |
Journal of forensic and legal medicine ; vol. 75 | |
ART : 25275 : Not available for external loan | |
Skin lesions, differential diagnosis and practical approach to potential survivors of torture | |
English | |
20190700 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Clarysse, Karlijn | Grosber, Martine | Ring, Johannes | Gutermuth, Jan | Kivlahan, Coleen | |
medical documentation of torture | medical history taking | female genital mutilation | skin ulcer | trichotillomania | self mutilation | keloid | coining | cultural competency | purpura | drug-related side effects and adverse reactions | bruises | contusions | acute disease | genital injuries | lacerations | ecchymosis | sexual torture | handcuffs | ankle cuffs | wrist | alopecia | soft tissue injuries | whipping [torture method] | bite injuries | torture method-effect correlation | electric torture | burns, electrical | burns, thermal | physical examination | time factors | chronic disease | psychological effects of torture | physical effects of torture | medical doctor's role | practice guidelines | Istanbul Protocol | traditional practices | scars | forensic evaluation of torture | skin diseases | torture diagnosis | diagnosis, differential | skin injuries | wounds and injuries | asylum seekers | asylum proceedings | universal | |
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV ; vol. 33, no. 7 | |
ART : 25593 : Not available for external loan | |
How we can approach survivors of torture | |
English | |
20190700 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Morrone, Aldo | |
medical documentation of torture | forensic evaluation of torture | diagnosis, differential | physical effects of torture | wounds and injuries | medical doctor's role | PTSD | editorial [publication type] | time factors | signs and symptoms | Istanbul Protocol | bruises | contusions | universal | |
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV ; vol. 33, no. 7 | |
ART : 24313 : Not available for external loan | |
The pathology of torture | |
English | |
20180300 | |
Elsevier | |
Pollanen, Michael S. | |
extrajudicial executions | forensic pathology | torture | autopsy | torture victims | death in custody | wounds and injuries | bruises | forensic evaluation of torture | internal injuries | electric injuries | burns | cadaver | positional torture | torture effects | suspension [torture method] | physical effects of torture | shoulder injuries | muscular injuries | soft tissue injuries | necrosis | death cause | back | extremities | dissection | deprivation [torture method] | starvation | hemorrhagic shock | asphyxia | artifacts | upper extremity | brachial plexus neuropathies | Palestinian hanging [torture method] | scorpion position [torture method] | strappado [torture method] | akrab [torture method] | knee joint | chicken-kebab [torture method] | helicopter [torture method] | peripheral nervous system diseases | traction injuries | shackling | mechanical stress | nail removal [torture method] | physical restraint | crush injuries | pressing and crushing [torture method] | burns, electrical | necrosis, ischemic | burns, thermal | wrist injuries | gangrene | pulmonary embolism | hand | shoulder dislocation | venous thrombosis | hematoma | skull fractures | rib fractures | scars | whipping [torture method] | lacerations | compartment syndromes | falanga [torture method] | diagnosis | beatings | reproducibility of results | forensic photography | metabolic diseases | death time | rhabdomyolysis | biomarkers | forensic toxicology | diagnostic imaging | diagnostic techniques and procedures | International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) | Minnesota Protocol | standards | humanitarian aid | field work | guidelines | medical investigation of torture | ill-treatment | knee | shoulder | detainees | foot | kidney failure | universal | |
Full text in open access | |
Forensic science international ; vol. 284 | |
ART : 21180 : Not available for external loan | |
The photography of injuries | |
English | |
20140000 | |
John Wiley and Sons | |
Marsh, Nick | |
universal | forensic pathology | wounds and injuries | medical documentation | photography | bruises | burns | |
Forensic photography: a practitioner's guide. - ISBN: 9781119975823 | |
MON : 2004.068 : Not available for external loan | |
L'examen medical physique dans les cas de torture : guide pratique du protocole d'Istanbul : à l'attention des docteurs | |
French | |
20040000 | |
IRCT | |
Rasmussen, Ole Vedel | Amris, Stine | Blaauw, Margriet | Danielsen, Lis | |
87-88882-67-5 | |
medical documentation of torture | domestic implementation | Istanbul Protocol | manual | torture victims, child | neurologic examination | walking | pain | compartment syndromes | fasciitis, plantar | heel pathology | falanga [torture method] | chronic disease | acute disease | signs and symptoms | torture method-effect correlation | torture methods | suspension [torture method] | physical torture | bone fractures | ligament injuries | inflammation | trigger points | muscle tonus | soft tissue injuries | musculoskeletal system | skin diseases | burns, electrical | burns, chemical | burns, thermal | bruises | lacerations | skin injuries | physical effects of torture | forensic evaluation of torture | medicolegal reports | universal | |
Full text | |
ART : 15659 : Not available for external loan | |
Medical physical examination of alleged torture victims : a practical guide to the Istanbul Protocol - for medical doctors | |
English | |
20040000 | |
International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims | |
Rasmussen, Ole Vedel | Amris, Stine | Blaauw, Margriet | Danielsen, Lis | |
87-88882-71-3 | |
Istanbul Protocol | torture victims, child | gynecological examination | ophthalmological symptoms | otolaryngological symptoms | urologic symptoms | gastrointestinal symptoms | cardiopulmonary symptoms | neurologic examination | walking | compartment syndromes | plantar fasciitis | heel pathology | falanga [torture method] | chronic pain | physical examination | chronic disease | acute disease | signs and symptoms | suspension [torture method] | torture method-effect correlation | bone fractures | ligament injuries | musculoskeletal injuries | inflammation | trigger points | range of motion | muscle tonus | soft tissue injuries | skin diseases | burns, electrical | burns, chemical | burns, thermal | lacerations | bruises | wounds, penetrating | wounds, nonpenetrating | skin injuries | medicolegal report writing | manual | practice guidelines | psychological effects of torture | physical effects of torture | forensic evaluation of torture | medical documentation of torture | domestic implementation | universal | |
Full text | |