Show record 1 to 10 of 13 from RCT
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  • ART : 28027 : Not available for external loan
    Assessing signs of torture : a review of clinical forensic dermatology
    forensic evaluation of torture | wounds, gunshot | electric torture | falanga [torture method] | torture methods | medical doctor's role | general practice | traditional practices | self mutilation | diagnosis, differential | physical restraint adverse effects | positional torture | suspension [torture method] | scars | wounds, stab | cutting [torture method] | stabbing | burns, thermal | burns, electrical | burns, chemical | hyperpigmentation | beatings | torture method-effect correlation | skin manifestations | wounds and injuries | asylum seekers | refugees | review [publication type] | physical effects of torture | physical examination | forensic dermatology | universal
    Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology ; vol. 87, no. 2
  • ART : 25585 : Not available for external loan
    Evidence of multiple methods of torture in a case from Sri Lanka
    forensic evaluation of torture | ankle cuffs | Istanbul Protocol | body parts | lacerations | wounds and injuries | physical effects of torture | neck | near death experiences | suspension [torture method] | mock executions | physical torture | psychological torture | burns, chemical | irritants | genitalia, male | submarino, wet [torture method] | asphyxia | handcuffing | beatings | food deprivation | drink deprivation | hooding [torture method] | detainees, male | multiple traumatic events | torture method-effect correlation | torture methods | case report [publication type] | Sri Lanka
    Journal of forensic and legal medicine ; vol. 67
  • TORT : 19.1.4 : Not available for external loan
    The medico-legal assessment of asylum seeker victims in Italy
    asylum proceedings | forensic evaluation of torture | interdisciplinary aspects | health personnel's role | physical examination | patient care team | scars | forensic evidence | medical documentation of torture | torture method-effect correlation | asylum seekers | torture victims | Africans | wounds and injuries | sex distribution | age distribution | legal proceedings | physical effects of torture | body parts | torso | Istanbul Protocol | evidence of torture | forensic reports | Milan (Italy) | epidemiology | statistical information | torture methods | men | burns, chemical | sexual abuse | burns | wounds, penetrating | wounds, nonpenetrating | Italy
    Torture : journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 29, no. 1
  • ART : 25277 : Not available for external loan
    Acid-related anal lesions in an Ivory Coast refugee
    medical documentation of torture | letter | case report [publication type] | torture method-effect correlation | torture methods | health services needs and demand | sexual disorders | masculinities | social effects of torture | fecal incontinence | incontinence | wounds and injuries | muscular injuries | time factors | torture instruments | scars | forensic evaluation of torture | Ivorian refugees | torture victims, male | anal canal injuries | burns, chemical | physical effects of torture | sexual torture | physical examination | France | Cote d'Ivoire
    Medicine, science and the law ; vol. 58, no. 4
  • ART : 22522 : Not available for external loan
    Injury, fatal and nonfatal : burns and scalds
    universal | burns | burns, chemical | burns, electrical | accidents | torture | self-injurious behaviour | wounds and injuries | classification | skin | scalds | forensic medicine | forensic pathology | death cause | forensic evaluation of torture
    Encyclopedia of forensic and legal medicine (2nd ed.) / Jason Payne-James, Roger W. Byard (eds.). - ISBN: 978-0-12-800055-7
  • TORT : 10.1.1 : Not available for external loan
    The detection of phosphorus in the tissue of bomb victims in Gaza
    war victims | civilian population | pathology | histology | wounds and injuries | forensic evaluation | burns, chemical | blast injuries | weapons | phosphorus | warfare | physical effects | fact-finding missions | medical documentation | skin | Raman spectrum analysis | Palestinian Territory, Occupied | Israel
    Torture : journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 20, no. 1
  • ART : 23909 : Not available for external loan
    Emergency management of skin torture and self-inflicted dermatoses
    Cambridge University
    physical torture | self-injurious behaviour | torture purposes | prognosis | disease course | therapy | burns, electrical | burns | emergency medicine | physical examination | forensic evaluation of torture | skin injuries | torture methods | burns, chemical | wounds and injuries | physical effects of torture | universal
    Emergency dermatology / Ronni Wolf, Batya B. Davidovici, Jennifer L. Parish, Lawrence Charles Parish (eds.). - 9780521717335
  • ART : 12367 : Not available for external loan
    Skin torture
    Bangladesh | Etiology | Torture | Violence against women | burns, chemical | Skin injuries | facial injuries | Cases | Wounds and injuries
    Clinics in dermatology ; vol. 23, no. 3
  • MON : 2004.068 : Not available for external loan
    L'examen medical physique dans les cas de torture : guide pratique du protocole d'Istanbul : à l'attention des docteurs
    medical documentation of torture | domestic implementation | Istanbul Protocol | manual | torture victims, child | neurologic examination | walking | pain | compartment syndromes | fasciitis, plantar | heel pathology | falanga [torture method] | chronic disease | acute disease | signs and symptoms | torture method-effect correlation | torture methods | suspension [torture method] | physical torture | bone fractures | ligament injuries | inflammation | trigger points | muscle tonus | soft tissue injuries | musculoskeletal system | skin diseases | burns, electrical | burns, chemical | burns, thermal | bruises | lacerations | skin injuries | physical effects of torture | forensic evaluation of torture | medicolegal reports | universal
  • ART : 15659 : Not available for external loan
    Medical physical examination of alleged torture victims : a practical guide to the Istanbul Protocol - for medical doctors
    International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims
    Istanbul Protocol | torture victims, child | gynecological examination | ophthalmological symptoms | otolaryngological symptoms | urologic symptoms | gastrointestinal symptoms | cardiopulmonary symptoms | neurologic examination | walking | compartment syndromes | plantar fasciitis | heel pathology | falanga [torture method] | chronic pain | physical examination | chronic disease | acute disease | signs and symptoms | suspension [torture method] | torture method-effect correlation | bone fractures | ligament injuries | musculoskeletal injuries | inflammation | trigger points | range of motion | muscle tonus | soft tissue injuries | skin diseases | burns, electrical | burns, chemical | burns, thermal | lacerations | bruises | wounds, penetrating | wounds, nonpenetrating | skin injuries | medicolegal report writing | manual | practice guidelines | psychological effects of torture | physical effects of torture | forensic evaluation of torture | medical documentation of torture | domestic implementation | universal