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  • ART : 32748 : Not available for external loan
    More than lack of capacity : active impunity in Mexico
    Oxford University Press
    impunity for torture | torture prevalence | killings | disappearances | determinants of human rights violations | impunity effects | criminal investigation effectiveness | governmental entities' role | impunity classification | criminal justice effectiveness | cases | agents responsible for violations | state agents | police | criminal gangs | non state agents | reputation | witnesses victimisation | torture victims | intimidation | complaint procedure effectiveness | war on crime effects | legal confessions | threats | beatings | rape | sexual torture | positional torture | asphyxia | electric torture | torture methods | extrajudicial executions | armed forces | Mexico
    Journal of human rights practice ; doi: 10.1093/jhuman/huad034
  • ART : 32709 : Not available for external loan
    Death and denial of care in Indian prisons
    Forum for Medical Ethics Society
    death in custody statistics | cases | judicial decisions | medical examination on admission | prison health care quality | prison health care delivery | health care denial | official records | death cause | India
    Indian journal of medical ethics ; vol. 8, no. 3
  • ART : 31632 : Not available for external loan
    Les types de violences faites aux femmes et aux filles au Burkina Faso : vers des interventions sociojudiciaires prônant l’autonomisation individuelle et collective
    Taylor and Francis
    Burkina Faso | violence against women classification | cases | combined modality | socioeconomic conditions | psychological violence | humiliation, public | physical violence | victim characteristics | forced marriage | sexual violence | gender discrimination | developing countries | NGO approaches | gender-based violence classification
    Canadian journal of development studies ; vol. 44, no. 2
  • ART : 32920 : Not available for external loan
    España: violaciones al derechos a la vida, uso ilegitimo de la fuerza y la expulsión violenta, sumaria y colectiva en el puesto fronterizo de Barrio Chino, en Melilla, el 24 de junio de 2022 informe para el Comite contra la tortura de la ONU 77º periodo de sesiones, 10 - 28 jul 2023
    UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | refoulement effects | cases | disappearances | killings | police violence effects | border areas | Melilla (Spain) | racism | structural violence | state compliance | domestic implementation | Spain
    SOS Racismo Madrid | Amnistía Internacional | Irídia | SIR[A] | Mundo en Movimiento | APDHA | Solidary Wheels | Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya
  • ART : 31184 : Not available for external loan
    The tortured : sorrow and respect
    forensic evaluation of torture | practice patterns, medical | personal narratives | physical examination | cases | United States
    American journal of medicine ; vol. 135, no. 12
  • ART : 31443 : Not available for external loan
    Spy agency Asio ‘acquiesced in the use of torture’ when detaining Egyptian refugee, court told
    Guardian News and Media
    torture | evidence admissibility | intelligence services' complicity | counterterrorism | asylum | trials | cases | news [publication type] | Egypt | Australia
    Guardian online
  • ART : 31171 : Not available for external loan
    Engendering hunger strikes : Palestinian women in Israeli prisons
    Taylor and Francis
    political detainees, female | resistance | hunger strikers, female | cross-national comparison | power | patriarchy | motivation | gender aspects | body | victimhood | role expectations | political detainees, female statistics | attitude to women | sexual harassment | interrogation techniques | rape threats | solitary confinement | threats to family members | offspring, child victimisation | torture victims, female | torture methods | cases | body searches | Palestinians, female | Muslims | personal narratives | Israel | Northern Ireland [United Kingdom] | United States
    British journal of Middle Eastern studies ; vol. 49, no. 4
  • ART : 31468 : Not available for external loan
    Myanmar : death of activists in custody
    death in custody | cases | withholding medical treatment | impunity for torture | political detainees | torture allegations | death from torture | Myanmar
    Human Rights Watch (HRW)
  • ART : 31063 : Not available for external loan
    Sovereign dealings with blasphemy : the prosecution of written pacts with the Devil within the absolute monarchy of Denmark-Norway
    Taylor and Francis
    torture in history | legal cases | decision making | legal proceedings | blasphemy | penal policy | belief systems | witchcraft | prosecution | criminal justice | Denmark | Norway
    Scandinavian journal of history ; vol. 47, no. 4
  • ART : 31828 : Not available for external loan
    Domestic accountability efforts in response to the Russia-Ukraine war : an appraisal of the first war crimes trials in Ukraine
    Oxford University Press
    war crimes | international crimes | accountability | prosecution | national legal instruments | national courts | international humanitarian law | transitional justice | crime of aggression | cases | Donbas (Ukraine) | Crimea (Ukraine) | Ukraine
    Journal of international criminal justice ; vol. 20, no. 4