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  • ART : 05609 : Not available for external loan
    Neuropathic pain syndromes in torture survivors : poster
    Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (RCT)
    prevalence of torture | Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (RCT) | torture victims, male | refugees | Arabs | conference paper [publication type] | posters [publication type] | mustard gas | chemical warfare agents | hyperalgesia | intervertebral disc displacement | peripheral nerve injuries | lumbosacral plexus injury | reflex sympathetic dystrophy | brachial plexus injuries, partial | trigeminal neuralgia | genital injuries | anal canal injuries | pelvic pain | foot injuries | lower back pain | abdominal pain | thoracic injuries | shoulder joint injuries | cervical vertebrae injuries | head injuries | Palestinian hanging [torture method] | wounds and injuries | submarino [torture method] | asphyxia | telefono [torture method] | burning [torture method] | sexual torture | electric torture | positional torture | falanga [torture method] | suspension [torture method] | beatings | torture diagnosis | visceral pain | neuralgia | nociceptive pain | physical examination | pain measurement | chronic pain | physical torture | torture effects | torture methods | interpreters | classification | diagnosis | pain | somatic symptoms | epidemiology | sex factors | Middle East | Denmark | Iraq
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