Show record 1 to 10 of 42 from RCT
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  • ART : 29390 : Not available for external loan
    Contributing factors to secondary traumatic stress and vicarious posttraumatic growth in therapists
    secondary traumatic stress | vicarious traumatisation | psychotherapists | occupational exposure | burnout | compassion fatigue | risk factors | sex factors | cross-sectional study [publication type] | empathy | posttraumatic growth | PTSD | personal characteristics | psychometrics | Professional Quality of Life Scale | Posttraumatic Growth Inventory | Self-Compassion Scale | working hours | Northern Ireland [United Kingdom]
    Journal of traumatic stress ; doi: 10.1002/jts.22995
  • ART : 30715 : Not available for external loan
    A personal history of trauma and experience of secondary traumatic stress, vicarious trauma, and burnout in mental health workers : a systematic literature review
    American Psychological Association
    universal | mental health personnel | vicarious traumatisation | burnout | emotional trauma | compassion fatigue | traumatic stress, secondary | occupational exposure adverse effects | personal narratives | retraumatisation | professional-client relations | review [publication type]
    Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy ; vol. 15, suppl. 2
  • ART : 32600 : Not available for external loan
    Post-traumatic stress in war veterans and secondary traumatic stress among parents of war veterans five years after the 2014 Israel-Gaza military conflict
    Taylor and Francis
    Israel | traumatic exposure effects | armed conflict effects | veterans | traumatic stress, secondary | intergenerational effects | effects on parents | family members of veterans | PTSD epidemiology | combat disorders | mothers | fathers | compassion fatigue | psychometrics | Stressful Life Events Screening Questionnaire (SLESQ) | PTSD Symptom Levels Scale (PSL-5) | Secondary Trauma Questionnaire
    European journal of psychotraumatology ; vol. 14, no. 2
  • ART : 32554 : Not available for external loan
    Disciplinary discretion, interaction and compassion : transports between prisons from the perspective of the transporters
    Sweden | prisoner transport | communication | violence prevention | social control | prisoner discipline | compassion | attitude of prison personnel | prisoner-personnel relations
    Criminology and criminal justice ; doi: 10.1177/17488958231181994
  • ART : 31568 : Not available for external loan
    Vicarious post-traumatic growth in professionals exposed to traumatogenic material : a systematic literature review
    universal | trauma-informed care | qualitative methods | cross-sectional study [publication type] | compassion fatigue prevention | attitude of mental health personnel | review [publication type] | posttraumatic growth | well-being | occupational exposure adverse effects | mental health personnel | vicarious traumatisation prevention | professional supervision
    Trauma, violence and abuse ; vol. 24, no. 3
  • ART : 30539 : Not available for external loan
    Psychological effects of professional exposure to trauma and human suffering : systematic review and meta-analysis
    universal | vicarious traumatisation | PTSD | distress | occupational exposure adverse effects | meta-analysis [publication type] | review [publication type] | psychologists' victimisation | compassion fatigue | suffering effects | mental health personnel
    Trauma, violence and abuse ; vol. 24, no. 3
  • ART : 32230 : Not available for external loan
    'Now I have dreams in place of the nightmares' : an updated systematic review of post-traumatic growth among refugee populations
    universal | posttraumatic growth | refugees | spirituality | compassion | research needs | storytelling | altruism | community-based interventions | narrative therapy | coping behaviour | religiosity | treatment outcome | protective factors | review [publication type]
    Trauma, violence and abuse ; doi: 10.1177/15248380231163641
  • ART : 31116 : Not available for external loan
    Effect of mindfulness-based trauma recovery for refugees on shame and guilt in trauma recovery among African asylum-seekers
    American Psychological Association
    Israel | asylum seekers, adult | psychometrics | Brief Patient Health Questionnaire-9-Arabic Version | State Shame and Guilt Scale-Arabic Version | Postmigration Living Difficulties Scale-Arabic Version | Harvard Trauma Questionnaire-Arabic Version | PTSD | urban areas | postmigration factors | compassion-based interventions | mindfulness-based interventions | treatment outcome | psychotherapy | guilt | shame | risk factors | recovery (disorders) | emotional trauma | Eritreans, adult
    Emotion ; vol. 23, no. 3
  • ART : 04349 : Not available for external loan
    Children exposed to sexual violence in war, conflict, humanitarian crises and low resource communities : a mental health manual for helpers
    Mental Health and Human Rights Info
    child abuse effects | compassion fatigue | vicarious traumatisation | psychotherapy | protective factors | risk factors | psychological resilience | assessment | coping behaviour | child development | brain | stress reactions | caregivers education | human rights-based approaches | manual [publication type] | gender-based violence effects | exposure to warfare effects | traumatic exposure effects | war victims, child | sexual abuse effects | universal
  • ART : 29407 : Not available for external loan
    Sexual violence against boys and men in war, conflict, and migration : a mental health manual for helpers
    gender-based violence effects | manual [publication type] | compassion fatigue | vicarious traumatisation prevention | family members | self disclosure | communication barriers | case studies | storytelling | assessment techniques | psychological resilience | sexual minorities | vulnerability | sociocultural factors | self-perception | world view | stress reactions | PTSD | human rights-based approaches | traumatic exposure effects | mental health status | child abuse effects | rape victims, male, child | migration | flight | warfare | teaching materials | sexual violence effects | rape victims, male | men as victims | universal
    Mental Health and Human Rights Info (MHHRI)