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MON : 2023.055 : Not available for external loan | |
Harris, O'Boyle and Warbrick : law of the European convention on human rights | |
English | |
20230000 | |
Oxford University | |
Harris, D. J. | O'Boyle, M. | Bates, E. P. | Buckley, C. M. | |
978-0-19-886200-0 | |
regional human rights protection systems | right to free elections | right to education | right to property | limitation of rights and freedoms | derogation | ECHR-P12 | equality rights | freedom from discrimination | right to an effective national remedy | right to marry | freedom of association | freedom of assembly | freedom of expression | freedom of thought, conscience, and religion | right to respect for private and family life, home, and correspondence | freedom from retroactive criminal offences and punishment | right to a fair trial | right to liberty and security of the person | freedom from slavery, servitude, or forced or compulsory labour | freedom from torture | right to life | domestic implementation | CoE. European Court of Human Rights | CoE. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) | EU law | case law | international human rights law | Europe | |
ART : 30301 : Not available for external loan | |
The Christian anti-torture movement and the politics of conscience in France | |
English | |
20221100 | |
Oxford University Press | |
Johnston-White, Rachel M. | |
antitorture movement | religious institutions | Catholic Church's role | advocacy | conscience | antitorture campaigns effectiveness | Christians | morality | philosophy | human rights | politics | discourse analysis | protest | counterinsurgencies | government policy | warfare | human dignity | military chaplains' role | freedom of conscience | France | Algeria | |
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Past and present ; vol. 257, no. 1 | |
MON : 2021.017 : Not available for external loan | |
Jacobs, White, and Ovey : the European Convention on Human Rights | |
English | |
20210000 | |
Oxford University | |
Rainey, Bernadette | McCormick, Pamela | Ovey, Clare | |
978-0-19-884713-7 | |
regional human rights protection systems | ECHR-14 | discrimination | freedom of movement | elections | prisoner education | right to education | private property | trade unions | political parties | freedom of association | freedom of assembly | protest | whistleblowing | legal aid | mass media | blasphemy | incitement to violence | hate crimes | freedom of expression | conscientious objection | ECHR-9 | freedom of religion | freedom of conscience | freedom of thought | home | environment | immigrants | health information, personal | self concept | confidentiality | privacy | equality rights | marriage | prisoner rights | family | ECHR-11 | ECHR-8 | court proceedings | access to courts | ECHR-6 | fair trial | compensation | arrest procedures | criminal procedure | pre-trial detention | secret detention | arbitrary arrest and detention | illegal detention | imprisonment | ECHR-3 | ECHR-5 | right to liberty and security | ECHR-14 | ECHR-4 | military service | prisoner labour | human trafficking | forced labour | freedom from slavery | ECPT | CoE. European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1987) | evidence standards | evidence admissibility | prison conditions | detainee rights | police violence | policing | detention | gender-based violence | corporal punishment | destruction of property | state violence | refoulement | inhuman treatment | torture definition | freedom from torture | abortion | quality of life | euthanasia | criminal investigation | state obligations | disappearances | death in custody | killings | jurisdiction, personality | jurisdiction ratione temporis | jurisdiction, territorial | death penalty | right to life | right to an effective remedy | limitation of rights and freedoms | abuse of rights | emergencies | derogation | reservations | ECHR-1 | business corporations | state responsibility | state agents | margin of appreciation | jurisprudence | Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT) | treaty interpretation | jurisdiction | domestic implementation | ECHR-P16 | ECHR-P15 | treaty reform | international courts | judicial decisions | reparations | decision making | complaint systems | court procedure | CoE. European Court of Human Rights | international cooperation | CoE. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) | Council of Europe | Europe | |
ART : 28368 : Not available for external loan | |
Blogger flees Tunisia after arrest : after telling a joke, one Tunisian blogger had to flee her country to avoid prison | |
English | |
20200900 | |
Sage | |
Foroudi, Layli | |
Tunisia | repression | case report [publication type] | religion | arbitrary arrest and detention | national legal instruments | freedom of belief | freedom of conscience | freedom of expression | human rights violations | |
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Index on censorship ; vol. 49, no. 3 | |
UN : A/HRC/44/53 : Not available for external loan | |
Practices of so-called "conversion therapy" : report of the Independent Expert on Protection against Violence and Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity | |
English | |
20200501 | |
United Nations | |
Madrigal-Borloz, Victor | |
conversion therapy prevention | conversion therapy adverse effects | sexual orientation | gender identity | gender-based violence | punishment methods | rape | religious institutions' role | traditional healers' role | developing countries | adolescents | psychologist's role | resistance | conversion therapy adverse effects | prevalence | coercion | family members' complicity | developed countries | costs and cost analysis | psychotherapist's role | aversion therapy | drug therapy | hormone therapy | exorcism | sexual abstinence | international legal instruments | right to health | freedom from torture | freedom of conscience | freedom of expression | right to self determination | child rights | state obligations | preventative interventions | accountability | national courts' role | health system's role | national institution's role | universal | |
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UN. Human Rights Council. Independent Expert on Protection against Violence and Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity | |
MON : 2021.010 : Not available for external loan | |
Theory and practice of the European Convention on Human Rights | |
English | |
20180000 | |
Intersentia | |
Dijk, Pieter van (ed.) | Hoof, Fried van (ed.) | Rijn, Arjen van (ed.) | Zwaak, Leo (ed.) | |
978-1-78068-493-2 | |
human rights protection | right to health | socioeconomic factors | diplomatic assurances | risk of torture | state responsibility | extradition | asylum | solitary confinement | prison health care delivery | prison overcrowding | prisoner treatment | prison conditions | detainee rights | detention | agents responsible for violations | state agents | non state agents | criminal investigation of torture | jurisdiction | burden of proof | evidence standards | degrading treatment or punishment | life imprisonment | inhuman punishment | contextual analysis | intention | torture purposes | health status | age factors | sex factors | psychological effects of torture | physical effects of torture | severity of treatment | length of treatment | intent | long-term effects of torture | suffering | crime elements | state obligations | torture threshold | absolute prohibition of torture | ECHR-57 | reservations | ECHR-18 | abuse of power | ECHR-17 | abuse of rights | ECHR-16 | political activities | ECHR-15 | emergency legislation | derogation | ECHR-13 | right to an effective remedy | ECHR-P13-1 | armed conflict | ECHR-12-1 | ECHR-14 | discrimination | ECHR-P7-5 | equality rights | ECHR-P7-4 | non bis in idem | ECHR-P7-3 | wrongful conviction | compensation | ECHR-P7-2 | right to appeal | criminal justice | ECHR-P7-1 | aliens | procedural justice | ECHR-P6-1 | death penalty | collective expulsion | ECHR-P4-3 | ECHR-P4-4 | expulsion | ECHR-P4-2 | freedom of movement | ECHR-P4-1 | ECHR-P1-3 | elections | ECHR-P1-2 | right to education | ECHR-P1-1 | ECHR-12 | right to property | marriage | ECHR-11 | freedom of association | freedom of assembly | ECHR-10 | freedom of expression | ECHR-9 | freedom of religion | freedom of conscience | freedom of thought | family | ECHR-8 | privacy | ECHR-7 | legality | punishment | ECHR-6 | fair trial | imprisonment | ECHR-5 | right to liberty and security | torture prevention | inhuman treatment | ECHR-4 | forced labour | slavery | ECHR-3 | freedom from torture | right to life | ECHR-2 | international cooperation | EU law | case law | CoE. European Court of Human Rights | international courts | court procedure | CoE. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) | international legal instruments | regional human rights protection systems | Europe | |
MON : 2021.023 : Not available for external loan | |
Harris, O'Boyle and Warbrick : law of the European convention on human rights | |
English | |
20180000 | |
Oxford University | |
Harris, D. J. | O'Boyle, M. | Bates, E. P. | Buckley, C. M. | |
978-0-19-878516-3 | |
regional human rights protection systems | ECHR-P13 | ECHR-P7 | ECHR-P6 | ECHR-P4 | right to free elections | ECHR-P1-3 | right to education | ECHR-P1-2 | right to property | ECHR-P1-1 | limitation of rights and freedoms | ECHR-18 | ECHR-17 | ECHR-16 | derogation | ECHR-15 | ECHR-P12 | freedom from discrimination | ECHR-14 | right to an effective national remedy | ECHR-13 | right to marry and to found a family | ECHR-12 | freedom of association | freedom of assembly | ECHR-11 | freedom of expression | ECHR-10 | freedom of religion | freedom of conscience | freedom of thought | ECHR-9 | right to respect for private and family life, home, and correspondence | ECHR-8 | freedom from retroactive criminal offences and punishment | ECHR-7 | right to a fair trial | ECHR-6 | right to liberty and security of the person | ECHR-5 | freedom from slavery, servitude, or forced or compulsory labour | ECHR-4 | freedom from torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment | ECHR-3 | right to life | judicial decisions | domestic implementation | complaint admissibility | court procedure | contextual analysis | jurisprudence | CoE. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) | CoE. European Court of Human Rights | case law | EU law | comparative law | international law | Europe | |
ART : 22961 : Not available for external loan | |
The embodiment of conscience | |
English | |
20161200 | |
Sage | |
Chari, Anita | |
universal | conscience | emotions | social perception | morality | mindfulness | body awareness | world view | dance-movement therapy | torture victims | motion therapy | rape victims | |
Full text (free to in-house users) | |
Philosophy and social criticism ; vol. 42, no. 10 | |
MON : 2016.063 : Not available for external loan | |
Individets grundlæggende rettigheder | |
20160000 | |
Karnov Group Denmark | |
Rytter, Jens Elo | |
978-87-619-3753-7 | |
Denmark | human rights | civil and political rights | politics | national law | international instruments | human rights violations | freedom of assembly | freedom of association | freedom of conscience | freedom of expression | freedom of information | freedom of movement | freedom of religion | freedom of speech | |
ART : 22253 : Not available for external loan | |
Personality predicts obedience in a Milgram paradigm | |
English | |
20150600 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Bègue, Laurent | Beauvois, Jean-Léon | Courbet, Didier | Oberlé, Dominique | Lepage, Johan | Duke, Aaron A. | |
France | obedience | forecasting | personality traits | politics | political ideologies | attitude to torture | social activism | empathy | social behaviour | adult | conscience | cooperative behaviour | individuality | interpersonal relations | |
Journal of personality ; vol. 83, no. 3 | |