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  • ART : 32309 : Not available for external loan
    A resurgence of authoritarianism in Morocco, or preservation of the status quo
    Taylor and Francis
    Morocco | authoritarianism | political conditions | politics | governance reform effectiveness | law reform | constitutions | legitimacy | government | transition to democracy effectiveness | international relations
    Journal of North African studies ; vol. 28, no. 6
  • ART : 30273 : Not available for external loan
    Does criminalizing torture deter police torture?
    torture prevention effectiveness | preventative interventions | torture criminalisation effects | torture criminalisation classification | national legal instruments | criminal law | constitutions | treaty ratification | comparison | international human rights law effectiveness | agents responsible for violations | police | global survey | prosecution for torture | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | UNCAT | statistical models | universal
    American journal of political science ; vol. 67, no. 4
  • ART : 32873 : Not available for external loan
    A shadow report to the Arab Republic of Egypt’s fifth periodic report to the UN Committee Against Torture
    UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | state compliance | domestic implementation effectiveness | torture criminalisation | torture definition | law reform | national legal instruments | constitutions | criminal law | criminal procedure | torture patterns | NGO approaches | advocacy strategies | detainee rights | access to lawyer | access to places of detention | criminal investigation for torture effectiveness | victim participation | pre-trial detention | reparations | disappearances | torture prevention effectiveness | recommendations | trafficking in persons prevention | refugee rights | Egypt
    Arab Organization for Human Rights (AOHR)
  • ART : 32872 : Not available for external loan
    Arab Council for Human Rights and Fair Trials (ACSFT) report : addressed to the United Nations Committee against Torture which is concerned regarding pursuit on the Terms and Conditions of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
    UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | state compliance | domestic implementation effectiveness | torture criminalisation | torture definition | law reform | national legal instruments | constitutions | criminal law | criminal procedure | torture patterns | NGO approaches | advocacy strategies | detainee rights | access to lawyer | access to places of detention | criminal investigation for torture effectiveness | victim participation | pre-trial detention | reparations | disappearances | torture prevention effectiveness | recommendations | trafficking in persons prevention | refugee rights | Egypt
    Arab Council for Human Rights and Fair Trials (ACSFT)
  • ART : 30493 : Not available for external loan
    'How I learned to stop worrying and love autocracy' : Kais Saied’s 'constitutional self-coup' in Tunisia
    Tunisia | transition to democracy effectiveness | coup d'etat | constitutions | politics | populism | power
    Journal of Asian and African studies ; vol. 58, no. 6
  • UN : CAT/C/KIR/1 : Not available for external loan
    Initial report submitted by Kiribati under article 19 of the Convention, due in 2020
    United Nations
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | domestic implementation | human rights protection | national legal instruments | constitutions | national institution's role | government | judicial system | torture definition | criminal law | torture prevention | punishment for torture | individual responsibility | police oversight | command responsibility | refoulement | extradition | torture criminalisation | universal jurisdiction | prosecution for torture | human rights education effectiveness | training of health personnel | forensic evaluation of torture effectiveness | prisoner treatment | psychiatric hospitals | prison conditions | prison oversight | criminal investigation of torture | complaint procedures | visiting mechanisms | judges' role | reparations for torture | evidence admissibility | cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment | periodic reports | Kiribati
  • ART : 30494 : Not available for external loan
    Protest demobilization in post-revolutionary settings : trajectories to counter-revolution and to democratic transition
    Tunisia | Egypt | transition to democracy effectiveness | political ideologies | intergroup relations | constitutions | law reform | coup d'etat | retaliation | cross-national analysis | political activities | revolutions | demobilisation
    Political studies ; vol. 71, no. 3
  • ART : 32031 : Not available for external loan
    Emergency provisions and exceptional measures in Tunisia : establishment of a new constitutional order
    Taylor and Francis
    Tunisia | emergency legislation | limitation of rights and freedoms | politics | constitutions | national security | power | state of emergency | national legal instruments | legality | coup d'etat
    Journal of North African studies ; vol. 29, no. 3
  • ART : 31821 : Not available for external loan
    Rights, common good, and the separation of powers
    universal | constitutional law | legitimacy | proportionality principle | conflicting rights | debate | government policy | law | social control | freedom from torture | teleology | torture justifiability | conflicting obligations | human rights promotion | torture instruments sale | torture prevention | common good | public interest | utilitarianism | liberalism | separation of powers | democracy | belief systems | human rights protection effectiveness | rule of law | national legal instruments | legal interpretation | constitutions
    Modern law review ; vol. 86, no. 3
  • ART : 32943 : Not available for external loan
    Ethiopia : one step forward two steps back in fighting torture : joint alternative report submitted under article 19 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
    UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment | evidence admissibility | reparations for torture | complaint procedures | visiting mechanisms | national institution's role | prison oversight | police oversight | detainee rights | arrest procedures | human rights education | deportation | extradition | expulsion | refoulement | human rights protection effectiveness | trafficking in persons prevention effectiveness | juvenile justice | pre-trial detention | criminal investigation of torture effectiveness | accountability for torture effectiveness | criminal procedure | criminal justice | military courts | police | disciplinary measures | whistleblowing | witness protection | individual responsibility | legal defences | criminal law | torture prevention effectiveness | constitutions | national legal instruments | domestic status | torture criminalisation | age of criminal responsibility | communicable disease control adverse effects | pandemics | corporal punishment | human rights defenders victimisation | death penalty | state compliance | domestic implementation | Ethiopia
    Association for Human Rights in Ethiopia (AHRE) | Consortium of Ethiopian Human Rights Organizations (CEHRO) | Ethiopian Human Rights Council (EHRCO) | Ethiopia Human Rights Defenders Center (EHRDC) | Center for Justice (CJ) | World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)