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  • MON : 2023.087 : Not available for external loan
    Questioning punishment
    punishment definition | structural violence | spatio-temporal analysis | imprisonment effects | criminal justice | repression strategies | social domination | emotions | contextual aspects | motivation | punishment effects | legal subjects | penal policy | justice | universal
  • ART : 26772 : Not available for external loan
    The ‘ideal victim’: a cage for victims’ narratives at the International Criminal Court
    Cambridge University Press
    universal | victimhood | international criminal justice | Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (1998) | International Criminal Court (ICC) | victim participation | legal proceedings | victim's role | trials | attitude to victims | stereotyping | role expectations
    Leiden journal of international law ; doi: 10.1017/S0922156523000651
  • ART : 33044 : Not available for external loan
    Procedural justice, perceived legitimacy, and reoffending behavior : in police and court setting
    determinants of recidivism | criminal behaviour | pre-trial detainees, adult | pre-trial detention | attitude of detainees | police-public interaction effects | policing | legitimacy | national courts' role | criminal justice | prisoner treatment | procedural justice | Netherlands
    Criminal justice and behavior ; vol. 50, no. 12
  • ART : 32910 : Not available for external loan
    Beyond rhetoric : interrogating the Eurocentric critique of international criminal law’s selectivity in the wake of the 2022 Ukraine invasion
    Cambridge University Press
    Europe | Africa | Ukraine | Russian Federation | international criminal justice | bias | accountability | war crimes | Western world | crime of aggression | International Criminal Court (ICC) | politics | African Union's role
    Leiden journal of international law ; vol. 36, no. 4
  • ART : 33156 : Not available for external loan
    The dark legacy of Nuremberg : inhumane air warfare, judicial desuetudo and the demise of the principle of distinction in international humanitarian law
    Cambridge University Press
    Europe | universal | armed conflict effects | warfare effects | international humanitarian law effectiveness | international criminal justice effects | Nuremberg principles | war crimes | accountability effectiveness | bombardment | Geneva Conventions. Additional Protocol relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I) (1977) | principle of distinction (law) | exceptionalism | Hague Conventions (1899,1907) | civilian population victimisation | politics
    Leiden journal of international law ; vol. 36, no. 4
  • ART : 26874 : Not available for external loan
    Criminal justice interventions for preventing radicalisation, violent extremism and terrorism: An evidence and gap map
    universal | radicalisation to violence prevention effectiveness | crime prevention effectiveness | criminal justice | preventative interventions effectiveness | terrorism prevention | review [publication type] | police's role | national courts' role | prisons' role | deradicalisation programmes effectiveness | research needs
    Campbell systematic reviews ; vol. 19, no. 4
  • ART : 32989 : Not available for external loan
    Exceptionalism for most, excess for others : the legal foundation of a bifurcated criminal justice system in Denmark
    Denmark | criminal justice | penal policy | crime prevention strategies | organised crime | violence prevention | attitude to perpetrators | criminal gang membership | criminal sentencing | prisoner rights | prisoner rehabilitation | access to justice | prisoner classification
    European journal of criminology ; doi: 10.1177/14773708231208333
  • ART : 29382 : Not available for external loan
    Ethical challenges of using trial transcripts for research purposes : a case study of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
    Oxford University Press
    research ethics | data sources | international criminal justice | trial transcripts | court proceedings | court records | archives | open case records | legal testimonies | UN. International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) | universal
    London review of international law ; vol. 11, no. 3
  • ART : 32904 : Not available for external loan
    Understanding conflict penality : dominant themes and the case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
    Israel | Palestine, State of | determinants of imprisonment | penal policy | armed conflict effects | retaliation | criminal justice | national security | crimes | legitimacy | prisoners of war | combatants | political detainees | counterinsurgencies | colonialism | international humanitarian law | military courts | jurisdiction | administrative detention | prisoner classification | prison conditions | resistance movements
    Theoretical criminology ; vol. 27, no. 4
  • ART : 31648 : Not available for external loan
    Procedural justice, therapeutic jurisprudence, and reoffending : adjudicating Palestinian minors in the West Bank's Military Court
    Palestine, State of | Israel | juvenile justice | military courts | West Bank (Palestine) | criminal procedure | criminal justice | detainee rights | procedural justice | jurisdiction | recidivism statistics
    International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology ; vol. 67, no. 15