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  • ART : 29369 : Not available for external loan
    Context matters : the use of overview expert evidence in ICC trials
    Oxford University Press
    international criminal justice | International Criminal Court (ICC) | expert testimony's role | historians | anthropologists | evidence standards | political scientists | contextual aspects | criminal proceedings | time factors | fair trial | selection | universal
    Journal of international criminal justice ; vol. 21, no. 4
  • ART : 31600 : Not available for external loan
    Extraterritorial, universal, or transnational human rights law?
    Cambridge University Press
    universal | international human rights law | jurisdiction, territorial | universal jurisdiction | national courts' role | state obligations | power | corporate responsibility | human rights violations | norm transfer | torts | decision making | case law | international court's role | criminal proceedings | civil proceedings | boundaries
    Israel law review ; vol. 56, no. 1
  • ART : 29388 : Not available for external loan
    Re-viewing video evidence and police violence in the criminal courts in Turkey
    Turkey | police violence | criminal proceedings | evidence | video recordings | determinants of impunity | national courts' complicity | affect | trials | counterterrorism effects | killings | policing | accountability effectiveness | police personnel
    Social and legal studies ; doi: 10.1177/09646639231153134
  • ART : 32434 : Not available for external loan
    Legal mobilization and branches of law : contesting racialized policing in French courts
    police abuse | accountability | advocacy strategies | racism | racial profiling | developed countries | politics | criminal proceedings | civil proceedings | decision making | criminal justice | reparative justice | media coverage | France
    Law and society review ; vol. 56, no. 4
  • ART : 31452 : Not available for external loan
    Using strategic litigation and universal jurisdiction to advance accountability for serious international crimes
    Oxford University Press
    accountability | victims' role | international cooperation | human rights documentation's role | criminal proceedings | civil society's role | prosecution | bias | international crimes | national courts' role | international criminal law | universal jurisdiction | advocacy strategies | universal | Europe
    International journal of transitional justice ; vol. 16, no. 3
  • ART : 31621 : Not available for external loan
    Injuring family relations through gross violations of international human rights and humanitarian law
    Cambridge University Press
    armed conflict effects | victimhood | international humanitarian law | international human rights law | family relations | reparations | accountability | international criminal justice | war victims classification | decision making | UN. International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) | UN. International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) | Cambodia. Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of | civil proceedings | criminal proceedings | case law | legal reasoning | universal
    Israel law review ; vol. 55, no. 3
  • ART : 31346 : Not available for external loan
    Christian feasts and administration of Roman justice in late antiquity
    Cambridge University
    torture in history | criminal law | judicial torture | religious feasts | criminal proceedings | pre-trial detention | criminal justice | bureaucracy | time | Roman World | Christianity | religion | Europe
    Law as religion, religion as law / David C. Flatto, Benjamin Porat (eds.) - ISBN: 9781108760997
  • TORT : 22.1.20 : Not available for external loan
    Strategic litigation against torture : why domestic courts matter
    torture prevention | national courts' role | advocacy strategies | Open Society Justice Initiative | NGO approaches | civil proceedings | public interest law | Istanbul Protocol | evidence of torture | accountability | torts | administrative law | evidence standards | criminal proceedings | reparations for torture | universal
    Torture : journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 32, no. 1-2
  • MON : Electronic resource : Not available for external loan
    Procedural justice and relational theory : empirical, philosophical, and legal perspectives
    procedural justice | power | community-institutional relations | ethics | legal systems | civil proceedings | conflict resolution | criminal proceedings | public health | health law | philosophical aspects | social psychology | policing | court proceedings | racial profiling | rule of law | legitimacy | prisons | jury trials | universal | Australia
  • ART : 28186 : Not available for external loan
    Historical trends of human rights gone criminal
    Johns Hopkins University
    human rights protection | national legal instruments | criminal law | criminal justice | torture criminalisation | victim participation | criminal proceedings | international criminal law | transitional justice | state obligations | accountability | prosecution | victimhood | belief systems | treaties | UNCAT-4 | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | discourse | NGOs role | human rights defender's role | universal
    Human rights quarterly ; vol. 42, no. 4