Show record 1 to 10 of 606 from RCT
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  • ART : 32745 : Not available for external loan
    Narcotic offences and drug use disorders among young refugees in Norway
    Norway | unaccompanied refugee minors, adolescent | refugees, adolescent | cross-cultural comparison | Norwegians, adolescent | criminal behaviour | substance-related disorders epidemiology | research needs | penal policy effects | time factors | Bosnian refugees, adolescent | Afghan refugees, adolescent | unaccompanied refugee minors, male, adolescent | refugees, male, adolescent | stereotyping | policing | risk factors | country of origin | sex factors | drug dealing | health services utilisation
    Scandinavian journal of public health ; doi: 10.1177/14034948231201895
  • ART : 32744 : Not available for external loan
    Comparison of hospitalization for nonaffective psychotic disorders among refugee, migrant, and native-born adults in Sweden and Denmark
    American Medical Association (AMA)
    Denmark | Sweden | hospitalisation statistics | psychotic disorders epidemiology | refugees | immigrants | Danes | Swedes | cross-national analysis | cross-cultural comparison | second generation immigrants | immigration policy
    JAMA network open ; vol. 6, no. 10
  • ART : 31912 : Not available for external loan
    Posttraumatic stress disorder among the Lebanese population and Syrian refugees : a systematic review
    American Psychological Association
    Lebanon | PTSD epidemiology | developing countries | Syrian refugees | Lebanese | review [publication type] | cross-cultural comparison | war victims | sex factors | risk factors | protective factors | marital status | age factors | exposure to warfare
    Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy ; vol. 15, no. 7
  • ART : 32849 : Not available for external loan
    Somatic symptom distress and ICD-11 prolonged grief in a large intercultural sample
    Taylor and Francis
    United States | Iran, Islamic Republic of | Greece | Cyprus | Turkey | prolonged grief disorder | cross-cultural comparison | somatic symptoms prevalence | distress | grief | cross-sectional study [publication type] | psychometrics | Somatic Symptom Scale (SSS-8) | International Prolonged Grief Disorder Scale (IPGDS-33) | Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire (GAD-7) | Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) | bereavement | medically unexplained symptoms
    European journal of psychotraumatology ; vol. 14, no. 2
  • ART : 32637 : Not available for external loan
    Relationship between working conditions and mental health of migrants and refugees/asylum seekers vs. natives in Europe : a systematic review
    Europe | working conditions effects | refugees | asylum seekers | mental healh status | risk factors | social determinants of mental health | cross-cultural comparison | mental disorders | suicidal ideation | distress | job satisfaction | employment | quality of life | well-being
    International archives of occupational and environmental health ; vol. 96, no. 7
  • ART : 32606 : Not available for external loan
    Health and wellbeing in refugee families from Syria resettled in Denmark
    Denmark | postmigration aspects | health status | well-being | cross-cultural comparison | Syrian refugees | Danes | family | self report | cross-sectional study [publication type] | body weight | hypertension epidemiology | resettlement | pain prevalence | social isolation | cholesterol epidemiology | diabetes epidemiology
    Journal of migration and health ; vol. 8
  • ART : 32321 : Not available for external loan
    Am I being dehumanized? : development and validation of the experience of dehumanization measurement
    United Kingdom | Spain | dehumanisation effects | social perception | psychometrics | test construction | test validity | reproducibility of results | cross-cultural comparison | sex factors | analysis of variance | conflict | interpersonal relations | item response theory | dehumanisation classification | dehumanisation definition | individualism | ingroup outgroup
    British journal of social psychology ; vol. 62, no. 3
  • ART : 31772 : Not available for external loan
    Group psychological abuse perpetration : development and validation of a measure using classical and modern test theory
    American Psychological Association
    psychological violence | cross-cultural comparison | determinants of perpetration | effects on perpetrators | coercion | social dominance | manipulation (psychology) | social control | collective violence | psychometrics | Psychological Abuse Perpetrated in Groups Scale-Spanish Version | Brief Symptom Inventory-Spanish Version | translations | decision making | test validity | test construction | group processes | psychological development | group development | emotional abuse | universal
    Psychology of violence ; vol. 13, no. 4
  • ART : 32390 : Not available for external loan
    Did the Arab Spring generate affective polarization? Experimental evidence from five Arab countries
    Taylor and Francis
    revolutions effects | cross-national analysis | emotions | societal effects | conflict | attitude | affect | trust | cross-cultural comparison | Syrian refugees | Egyptians | Tunisians | Jordanians | Sudanese refugees | Syrian Arab Republic | Egypt | Tunisia | Jordan | Sudan
    Democratization ; vol. 30, no. 4
  • ART : 30599 : Not available for external loan
    Assessing somatic symptoms with the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-15) in Syrian refugees
    Germany | somatic symptoms | diagnosis | Syrian refugees | assessment | Patient health questionnaire‑15 (PHQ‑15) | psychometrics | analysis of variance | factor analysis, statistical | cross-cultural comparison | Germans | test validity | disability evaluation | depression diagnosis | anxiety diagnosis | somatoform disorders diagnosis
    Assessment ; vol. 30, no. 4