Show record 1 to 10 of 139 from RCT
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  • ART : 32220 : Not available for external loan
    Urban migration governance under the resilience lens : conceptual and empirical insights
    Taylor and Francis
    urban areas | adaptation | governance | migration effects | community resilience | politics | social cohesion | justice | developed countries | developing countries | research needs | Barcelona (Spain) | cross-national analysis | socioeconomic factors | cemeteries | undocumented migrants | refugees | resilience (psychological) | spaces | time | local government's role | attitude to migrants | risk | cultural diversity | population dynamics | Marseille (France) | Tunisia | France | Spain
    Ethnic and racial studies ; vol. 46, no. 13
  • ART : 33024 : Not available for external loan
    Debating linguistic human rights in militarised Myanmar : political agitation and policy deliberation
    John Wiley and Sons
    Myanmar | language | conflict resolution | government policy | military government | politics | discourse analysis | cultural diversity | federalism | debate | culture | education | indigenous groups | ethnic and national groups | citizenship | identity | human rights
    Handbooks of linguistic human rights (Blackwell handbooks in linguistics) / Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, Robert Phillipson (eds.) - ISBN: 9781119753841
  • MON : 2023.095 : Not available for external loan
    Affect, power, and institutions
    universal | Germany | Turkey | affect | postmigration aspects | literary criticism | social mobility | education | imagination | migration | information systems | digital technology | journalism | authoritarianism | nationalism | cultural diversity | institutional change effectiveness | organisations | community-institutional relations | bureaucracy | business corporations | politics | cooperative behaviour | resistance | social change | institutional aspects | emotions
  • ART : 31435 : Not available for external loan
    A tale of force : examining policy proposals to address police violence
    police violence prevention | preventative interventions effectiveness | evidence-based practice | personnel selection | gender aspects | police management | police personnel characteristics | cultural diversity | race | educational status | policing models | police-public interaction effects | determinants of violence | United States
    Social currents ; vol. 8, no. 5
  • ART : 28877 : Not available for external loan
    The antecedents of well-being in first-generation migrant children : a systematic review
    universal | refugees, child | refugees, adolescent | immigrants, child | immigrants, adolescent | well-being | protective factors | parent-child relations | socioeconomic factors | social discrimination | exposure to violence | exposure to warfare | retraumatisation | postmigration factors | premigration factors | immigration detention | risk factors | health promotion | mental health services accessibility | refugee aid | cultural diversity | family relations | social environment | self-esteem | coping behaviour | offspring, child | offspring, adolescent | asylum seekers, child | asylum seekers, adolescent
    Applied psychology: health and well-being ; vol. 13, no. 3
  • ART : 28371 : Not available for external loan
    Building empathic bridges : cross-cultural ‘maternal’ attunement in group psychotherapy for immigrants and refugees
    universal | psychotherapeutic techniques | emotional trauma | object attachment | symbolism | motherhood | group processes | communication, nonverbal | cross-cultural aspects | cultural diversity | PTSD therapy | immigrants | refugees | group psychotherapy
    Group analysis ; vol. 54, no. 2
  • ART : 28428 : Not available for external loan
    People of immigrant and refugee background sharing experiences of mental health recovery : reflections and recommendations on using digital storytelling
    Australia | mental health recovery | immigrants | refugees | communication, visual | personal narratives | storytelling | communication technology | programme evaluation | empowerment | cultural diversity | well-being | computer-assisted communication | self disclosure | informed consent
    Visual communication ; vol. 20, no. 1
  • ART : 30181 : Not available for external loan
    Murder and torture for tradition and honour
    Cambridge University
    gender-based violence | honour killings | honour crimes | gender roles | traditionalism | cultural rights | minority groups | conflicting rights | cultural diversity | human dignity | personal autonomy | female genital mutilation classification | female genital mutilation adverse effects | self-injurious behaviour | limitation of rights and freedoms | belief systems | scarring | ceremonial behaviour | liberalism | cultural relativism | patriarchy | torture | shame | preventative interventions | religion | circumcision, male | refugees | immigrants | universal
    Just, reasonable multiculturalism: liberalism, culture and coercion. - ISBN: 9781108567213
  • ART : 27789 : Not available for external loan
    The asylum-process, bicultural identity and depression among unaccompanied young refugees
    Norway | unaccompanied refugee minors, adolescent | asylum proceedings | social identification | depression | cultural diversity | postmigration aspects | acculturation | sociocultural factors | war victims, adolescent | length of proceedings | time factors | epidemiology | prevalence | Afghan refugees, male, adolescent
    Journal of adolescence ; vol. 85
  • ART : 26379 : Not available for external loan
    Neighbourhood effects on acculturation attitudes among minority and majority adolescents in Germany
    Germany | immigrants, adolescent | urban areas | refugees, adolescent | acculturation | attitude | residence characteristics | intergroup relations | ethnicity | population density | Germans | cross-cultural comparison | cultural diversity | social cohesion | adaptation | social segregation
    Urban studies ; vol. 57, no. 16