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    Torture and ill-treatment : comments on China's second periodic report to the UN Committee Against Torture
    Amnesty International
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | medical complicity in torture | drug administration, non-therapeutic | complainant persecution | retaliation | death certificates, false | prisoner violence | extortion | detainees, child | children in conflict with the law | disabled persons victimisation | torture victims, child | cruelty | electric torture | whipping [torture method] | burning [torture method] | scalding | suspension [torture method] | torture methods | death in custody | presumption of innocence | administrative detention | political detainees | criminal suspects | torture victim characteristics | prisoner hierarchies | non state agents | prison personnel | police | state agents | agents responsible for violations | cases | torture allegations | torture effects | beatings | illegal detention | law reform | reparations for torture | Huang Hua detention centre (China) | Guangzhou no. 1 re-education through labour centre (China) | Gutsa detention centre (Tibet) | Drapchi prison (Tibet) | Qinghe labour reform farm (China) | Beijing prison no. 2 (China) | Hewan labour camp (China) | Hanyang prison (China) | Shaanxi province no. 1 prison (China) | Shaanxi province no. 2 prison (China) | torture centres | Lingyuan No. 2 labour-reform detachment (China) | Hunan provincial no. 3 prison (China) | prosecution for torture | investigation of torture effectiveness | communication with family members | prisoner visitation | criminal procedure | administrative detention | incommunicado detention | corporal punishment | legal confessions | criminal law | torture criminalisation | prisoner rights | prosecution | prisoner treatment | punishment | humiliation | death from torture | police violence | torture victim characteristics | torture purposes | impunity for torture | torture prevention effectiveness | domestic implementation | torture patterns | state compliance | UNCAT | China
    Amnesty International (AI)