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  • UN : CAT/C/DNK/8 : Not available for external loan
    Eighth periodic report submitted by Denmark under article 19 of the Convention pursuant to the simplified reporting procedure, due in 2019
    United Nations
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | intelligence service oversight | hate crimes | patient rights | gender dysphoria | intersex persons | evidence admissibility | reparations | risk of torture | peacekeeping personnel | prisoner transfer | military personnel | complaint procedures | police oversight | psychiatric confinement | psychiatric patients, child | physical restraint | policing | prison personnel violence | riot control agents, chemical | death in custody statistics | prisoner violence prevention | prisoner violence statistics | prison health care delivery | solitary confinement prevention | remand detention | prison conditions | prisoners, female | age of criminal responsibility | juvenile detainees | psychiatric hospitals | coercion | administrative detention | forensic evaluation of torture | training of judges | DIGNITY - Danish Institute Against Torture | training of health personnel | torture victims treatment | prison personnel | torture prevention | training of police personnel | human rights education | universal jurisdiction | extradition | rejected asylum seekers statistics | torture victims | asylum statistics | refoulement prevention | victim services | trafficking in persons victims statistics | domestic violence prevention | institutionalised children | NPMs | national institutions | detainee rights | domestic status | treaty incorporation | torture criminalisation | periodic reports | state compliance | domestic implementation | Denmark | Greenland [Denmark] | Faroe Islands [Denmark]
  • ART : 32885 : Not available for external loan
    Egypt : alternative report to the UN Committee against Torture - 2023
    UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | state compliance | domestic implementation effectiveness | torture criminalisation | torture definition | counterterrorism | emergency legislation | national legal instruments effectiveness | determinants of torture | prison conditions | disappearances | detainee rights | fair trial rights | prison health care delivery | prisoner visitation | prisoner rights | judicial independence | reparations for torture | refoulement prevention | death in custody | recommendations | Egypt
    Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms | El-Nadeem Center | Egyptian Front for Human Rights | Committee for Justice | Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies | World Organisation against Torture (OMCT) | DIGNITY-Danish Institute against Torture | International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT)
  • ART : 32881 : Not available for external loan
    Human Rights Watch submission to the Committee Against Torture (CAT) in advance of its review of the state of Egypt, 78th session : October 30- November 24, 2023
    UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | state compliance | domestic implementation effectiveness | torture prevention effectiveness | national legal instruments effectiveness | torture definition | criminal law | torture criminalisation | accountability for torture effectiveness | attitude to human rights defenders | human rights defender persecution | Nadeem Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence and Torture | torture prevalence | torture methods | torture allegations | impunity for torture | refoulement | sexual minorities victimisation | execution techniques | death in custody | degrading treatment | torture victim characteristics | prison conditions | sexual torture | recommendations | Egypt
    Human Rights Watch (HRW)
  • UN : A/HRC/53/CRP.5 : Not available for external loan
    'No end in sight' : torture and ill-treatment in the Syrian Arab Republic 2020-2023 : Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
    United Nations
    20200101-20230430 | torture patterns | prisons | detention centres | cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment | agents responsible for violations | intelligence services | police personnel | military personnel | state agents | disappearances | non state agents | torture purposes | extortion | interrogation | torture methods | sexual torture | torture victims characteristics | detainees, female | prison conditions | returnees | death in custody | torture effects | impunity | Syrian Arab Republic
    Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
  • ART : 30481 : Not available for external loan
    The duration of political imprisonment : evidence from China
    political imprisonment | collective punishment | comparison | Tibetans | politics | arbitrary arrest and detention | repression strategies | death in custody | Uighurs | forecasting | survival | religion | ethnicity | threat perception | determinants of imprisonment | length of detention | time factors | China
    Conflict management and peace science ; vol. 40, no. 4
  • ART : 32709 : Not available for external loan
    Death and denial of care in Indian prisons
    Forum for Medical Ethics Society
    death in custody statistics | cases | judicial decisions | medical examination on admission | prison health care quality | prison health care delivery | health care denial | official records | death cause | India
    Indian journal of medical ethics ; vol. 8, no. 3
  • UN : A/HRC/53/CRP.3 : Not available for external loan
    Detention of civilians in the context of the armed attack by the Russian Federation against Ukraine: 24 February 2022 - 23 May 2023 : Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
    United Nations
    202202024-20230523 | human rights violations statistics | prisoner treatment | civilian population victimisation | arbitrary arrest and detention statistics | agents responsible for violations | foreign occupation forces | access to places of detention | human rights monitoring effectiveness | concentration camps prisoners | disappearances | human rights defenders victimisation | incommunicado detention | secret detention | deportation | summary executions statistics | accountability | torture allegations statistics | inhuman treatment | prison conditions effects | withholding medical treatment | death in custody | Ukraine | Russian Federation
    UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
  • ART : 33138 : Not available for external loan
    Transnational comparison of the impact of COVID-19 on medicolegal death investigations and the administration of justice : early stages of the pandemic
    pandemic effects | death certificates | death cause | communication with family members | prisons | administration of justice | COVID-19 mortality | emergency response | forensic pathologist's role | attitude of health personnel | death in custody statistics | cross-national comparison | mortality epidemiology | Canada | Italy | United Kingdom | United States
    Medicine, science and the law ; doi: 10.1177/00258024231182361
  • ART : 32926 : Not available for external loan
    Alternative report concerning torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in Switzerland (Switzerland's eighth periodic report 2019) : 77ème session of the Committee against Torture (CAT) (July 10 to 28, 2023)
    UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | prison conditions | pre-trial detention | intersex persons | torture prevention effectiveness | repatriation, involuntary | prosecution for torture | judicial independence | federalism | complaint system effectiveness | death in custody statistics | solitary confinement | prison overcrowding | refugee reception policy | unaccompanied refugee minors | asylum procedure | deportation proceedings | immigration detention | quality assessment | training of police personnel effectiveness | training of prison personnel effectiveness | border control | risk of torture | risk assessment | refoulement prevention effectiveness | extradition | financial support | human rights protection effectiveness | national institution's role | NPMs | legal aid accessibility | medical examination on admission | detainee rights | diplomatic assurances | criminal procedure | torture definition | criminal investigation of torture effectiveness | criminal law | torture criminalisation | state compliance | domestic implementation | Switzerland
    ACAT-Suisse | ACT212 | Augenauf | Amnesty International (AI) | Association pour la prévention de la torture (APT) | AsyLex | Brava | | InterAction | Organisation mondiale contre la torture (OMCT) | Organisation Suisse d’aide aux réfugiés (OSAR) | Pro Mente Sana | FIACAT
  • ART : 32441 : Not available for external loan
    Prisoner lives cut short : the need to address structural, societal and environmental factors to reduce preventable prisoner deaths
    Oxford University Press
    death in custody prevention | prisoner rights | risk factors | state obligations | prison conditions effects | right to life | prisoner violence effects | prison health care delivery | prison health care quality | torture prevention | starvation | economic crisis | hygiene | water quality | poverty | food supply | corruption effects | criminal gangs | prisoner self-rule | riot control adverse effects | risk factors | firearms | physical restraint adverse effects | prison personnel violence | prison overcrowding effects | communicable disease control effectiveness | case law | international legal instruments | health services accessibility | medical examination on admission | prison inspection's role | prison oversight effectiveness | universal
    Human rights law review ; vol. 23, no. 2