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  • MON : Electronic resource : Not available for external loan
    Decolonizing the criminal question : colonial legacies, contemporary problems
    Oxford University
    state crime theory | decolonisation | historical aspects | criminal justice | social control | crime | violence | criminology | postcolonialism | neocolonialism | genocide | transition to democracy | social control, informal | politics | patriarchy | prisoners, female | prisoners, alien | death penalty | penal policy | Blacks | immigration detention | asylum seekers | structural violence | attitude to refugees | social exclusion | race | training of torturers | torture methods | knowledge transfer | international complicity in torture | counterinsurgency strategies | repression strategies | prisons | social movements | developing countries | policing | vigilantism | universal | South America | Central America | Peru | Malaysia | Cape Verde | Israel | Brazil | Argentina | Algeria | France | India | Nigeria | Pakistan
  • MON : 2023.088 : Not available for external loan
    The making of international human rights : the 1960s, decolonization, and the reconstruction of global values
    Cambridge University
    universality of human rights | negotiation | disappeared persons | Helsinki Accords (1975) | religion | jurisprudence | international human rights law | racial discrimination prevention | freedom | United Nations' role | decolonisation | international relations | politics | historical aspects of human rights | universal | Philippines | Ghana | Liberia | Jamaica
  • ART : 14704 : Not available for external loan
    Representing the Algerian war in Algerian cinema: 'Le vent des aurès'
    Oxford University Press
    France | Algeria | armed conflict | history | film | culture | postcolonialism | nationalism | torture representation | collective memory | decolonisation | censorship
    French studies ; vol. LXI, no. 2
  • ART : 14677 : Not available for external loan
    Britain's Gulag
    Cambridge University Press
    United Kingdom | Kenya | violence | data sources | insurgencies | book reviews | nationalism | human rights | prisons | torture | history | decolonisation | colonialism
    Journal of African history ; vol. 46, no. 3
  • MON : 1995.232 : Not available for external loan
    Basic facts about the United Nations
    United Nations
    universal | international organisations | international development | economic conditions | human rights | intergovernmental organisations | international law | United Nations | United Nations | decolonisation
  • ART : 13531 : Not available for external loan
    An orderly retreat? : policing the end of empire
    Manchester University
    United Kingdom | police | history | Decolonisation | nationalism | imperialism
    Policing and decolonisation : politics, nationalism, and the police 1917-1965 / David M. Anderson, David Killingray (eds.)