| repression strategies | torture patterns | counterterrorism | national security | counterinsurgencies | criminal suspects | political detainees | torture victim characteristics | disappearances | extrajudicial executions | human rights violations | freedom of expression | political imprisonment | military government | politics | agents responsible for violations | torture purposes | extortion | asylum seekers | determinants of victimisation | transvestites, male | minority groups | risk of torture | inhuman treatment | complaint procedure effectiveness | torture effects | falanga [torture method] | hair pulling | torture patterns | Amnesty International (AI) | human rights defenders victimisation | legal counsel | temperature, cold | water dousing [torture method] | forced nudity | humiliation | sexual abuse | incommunicado detention | dismissal, retaliatory | electric torture | head banging against the wall | suspension [torture method] | beatings | torture methods | ill-treatment | complainant persecution | censorship | protest | police violence | freedom of association | writers victimisation | persecution | cases | trade unionists victimisation | political activists victimisation | lawyers victimisation | journalists victimisation | criminal law | Kurds | state of emergency | impunity | denial | military police | police | death from torture statistics | armed forces | contextual analysis | death squads | international human rights law | state compliance | CoE expert bodies | UN treaty bodies | international relations | judges complicity in torture | medical doctors victimisation | state medical doctors | medical evidence of torture | medicolegal reports, false | access to lawyer | self disclosure | social stigma | missing data | sexual torture | anal canal | vagina | foreign body insertion | risk factors of torture | teachers victimisation | state agents | non state agents | urban areas | rural areas | destruction of property | warfare | death in custody | family members, female victimisation | hostages, female | torture victims, female, adolescent | access to lawyer | criminal procedure | blindfolding | legal confessions | torture victims, child | juvenile detainees, child | children in conflict with the law | Turkey |