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ART : 25367 : Not available for external loan | |
News coverage of human rights : investigating determinants of media attention | |
English | |
20210700 | |
Sage | |
Maier, Scott R. | |
human rights violations | bias | editorial policies | newspapers | television | warfare | journalism | determinants | media coverage | mass media | torture representation | media coverage | attitude to torture | universal | United States | |
Full text (free to in-house users) | |
Journalism ; vol. 22, no. 7 | |
TORT : 21.3.1 : Not available for external loan | |
Learning from the past to face the challenges ahead : celebrating 30 years of Torture Journal | |
English | |
20210000 | |
IRCT | |
Pérez-Sales, Pau | |
Torture journal | goals | antitorture movement | editorial [publication type] | IRCT network | historical aspects | treatment centres | advocacy | medical involvement in torture | torture victims treatment | health personnel | vicarious traumatisation | training of health personnel | medical documentation of torture | forensic evaluation of torture | NGO approaches | Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (RCT) | editorial policies | Denmark | universal | |
Full text | |
Torture : journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 31, no. 3 | |
ART : 25441 : Not available for external loan | |
Filtering information : human rights documentation in Bangladesh | |
English | |
20190200 | |
Oxford University Press | |
Andersen, Morten Koch | |
human rights documentation | editorial policies | case management | visibility | cost control | geography | national institutions | advocacy | human rights monitoring | international instruments | censorship | economics | attitude of victims | decision making | data sources | corruption | political conditions | credibility | evidence | medical evidence | torture allegations | information handling | social change | information disclosure | journalism | data collection | fact-finding missions | institutional aspects | risk factors | politics | bias | prevention and control | knowledge management | information systems | communication | victimhood | media coverage | NGO approaches | torture | human rights violations | Bangladesh | |
Journal of human rights practice ; vol. 11, no. 1 | |
ART : 24603 : Not available for external loan | |
A scoping review of reporting ‘Ethical Research Practices’ in research conducted among refugees and war-affected populations in the Arab world | |
English | |
20180515 | |
BioMed Central | |
Makhoul, Jihad | Chehab, Rana F. | Shaito, Zahraa | Sibai, Abla M. | |
Western Asia | Northern Africa | Jordan | Sudan | Palestine, State of | Lebanon | research ethics | refugees | war victims | biomedical research | informed consent | self disclosure | research methodology | Arabs | editorial policies | individual responsibility | relief personnel | institutional responsibility | researchers | publishing | financial support | |
Full text in open access | |
BMC medical ethics ; vol. 19, no. 1 | |
TORT : 17.1.1 : Not available for external loan | |
Editorial : psychotherapy for torture survivors : suggested pathways for research | |
English | |
20170000 | |
IRCT | |
Pérez-Sales, Pau | |
universal | editorial policies | meta-analyses | psychotherapy | combined modality therapy | research needs | evidence-based practice | reviews | research methodology | comparative method | evidence-based medicine | treatment outcome | outcome assessment (health care) | editorial [publication type] | torture victims treatment | |
Full text | |
Torture : journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 27, no. 1 | |
MON : 2022.029 : Not available for external loan | |
Content marketing for nonprofits : a communications map for engaging your community, becoming a favorite cause, and raising more money | |
20130000 | |
Jossey-Bass | |
Miller, Kivi Leroux | |
978-1-118-44402-3 | |
universal | communication | video-audio media | publishing | electronic media | electronic mail | social media | Internet | communication technology | writing | editorial policies | personnel selection | goals | NGO-beneficiary relations | community-institutional relations | measurement | effectiveness | advocacy strategies | mass media's role | marketing | fund raising strategies | NGO approaches | |
ART : 10317 : Not available for external loan | |
Medical journals : evidence of bias against the diseases of poverty | |
English | |
20030301 | |
Elsevier | |
Horton, Richard | |
universal | statistical information | developing countries | Poverty | Prejudice | Periodicals | editorial policies | |
Lancet ; vol. 361, no. 9359 | |
ART : 07751 : Not available for external loan | |
Human rights in the biomedical literature : the social responsibility of medical journals | |
English | |
20000802 | |
American Medical Association | |
Flanagin, Annette | |
United States | universal | bioethics | editorial policies | human rights | publishing | National Library of Medicine (United States) | doctors' role | human rights violations | |
JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association ; vol. 284, no. 5 | |
ART : 07561 : Not available for external loan | |
Eugenic sterilization and a qualified nazi analogy : the United States and Germany, 1930-1945 | |
English | |
20000215 | |
American College of Physicians | |
Sofair, Andre N. | Kaldjian, Lauris C. | |
Germany | United States | health personnel | political systems | reproductive sterilisation | medical ethics | eugenics | Nazi doctors | sterilisation, involuntary | genetic diseases | editorial policies | periodicals | |
Annals of internal medicine ; vol. 132, no. 4 | |