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TORT : 09.1.4 : Not available for external loan | |
Clinical performance diagnosing alleged exposure to falanga : a phantom study | |
English | |
20090000 | |
Torp-Pedersen, Søren | Matteoli, Sara | Wilhjelm, Jens E. | Amris, Kirstine | Bech, Jakob I. | Christensen, Robin | Danneskiold-Samsøe, Bente | |
physical effects of torture | health personnel | reproducibility of results | elasticity | physical examination | diagnostic errors | disease models | palpation | diagnostic techniques and procedures | heel pathology | torture methods | forensic evaluation of torture | falanga [torture method] | Denmark | |
Full text | |
Torture : journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 19, no. 1 | |
ART : 14665 : Not available for external loan | |
Diagnostic accuracy of heel pad palpation : a phantom study | |
English | |
20081000 | |
Elsevier | |
Torp-Pedersen, Søren T. | Matteoli, Sara | Wilhjelm, Jens E. | Amris, Kirstine | Bech, Jakob I. | Christensen, Robin | Danneskiold-Samsøe, Bente | |
universal | forensic medicine | heel pathology | physical effects of torture | falanga [torture method] | diagnosis | physical examination | palpation | elasticity | biological models | forensic evaluation of torture | |
Journal of forensic and legal medicine ; vol. 15, no. 7 | |
ART : 07362 : Not available for external loan | |
Ultrasonographic measurement of the mechanical properties of the sole under the metatarsal heads | |
English | |
19990900 | |
Chung-Li, Wang | Tsz-Ching, Hsu | Yio-Wha, Shau | Jeng-Yi, Shieh | Kuang-Hung, Hsu | |
Taiwan | metatarsal bones | diagnostic imaging | body mass index | multivariate analysis | ultrasonography | weight-bearing | foot | elasticity | compressive strength | physiology | |
Journal of orthopaedic research ; vol. 17, no. 5 | |
ART : 07358 : Not available for external loan | |
The relationship of heel pad elasticity and plantar heel pain | |
English | |
19990300 | |
Turgut, Akin | Göktürk, Erol | Köse, Nusret | Seber, Sinan | Hazer, Bülernt | Günal, Izge | |
Turkey | heel | elasticity | prospective studies | pain | |
Clinical orthopaedics and related research ; no. 360 | |
ART : 07367 : Not available for external loan | |
Comparison of the mechanical properties of the heel pad between young and elderly adults | |
English | |
19980900 | |
Hsu, Tsz-Ching | Wang, Chung-Li | Kuo, Jung-Kun | Tang, Fuk-Tan | |
Taiwan | elderly | adult | adolescents | biomechanical phenomena | elasticity | compliance | heel | physiology | ultrasonography | weight-bearing | reference values | aging | comparative study | age factors | |
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation ; vol. 79, no. 9 | |
ART : 07364 : Not available for external loan | |
The mechanical properties of the human heel pad : a paradox resolved | |
English | |
19951100 | |
Aerts, P. | Ker, R.F | Clercq, D.De | Ilsley, D.W | Alexander, R.M. | |
Belgium | heel | physiology | biomechanical phenomena | weight-bearing | mechanical stress | locomotion | foot | energy transfer | elasticity | |
Journal of biomechanics ; vol. 28, no. 11 | |
ART : 07361 : Not available for external loan | |
In vivo examination of the dynamic properties of the human heel pad | |
English | |
19930800 | |
Kinoshita, H. | Ogawa, T. | Kuzuhara, K. | Ikuta, K. | Ekstrand, J. | |
Japan | children | adult | acceleration | biomechanical phenomena | age factors | calibration | deceleration | elasticity | pressure | running | physiology | mechanical stress | heel anatomy | reproducibility of results | shoes | |
International journal of sports medicine ; vol. 14, no. 6 | |
ART : 00722 : Not available for external loan | |
Shock absorbency of factors in the shoe/heel interaction : with special focus on role of the heel pad | |
English | |
19890600 | |
Jørgensen, Uffe | Bojsen-Møller, Finn | |
Denmark | heel | physiology | shoes | mechanical stress | traumatic shock | elasticity | biomechanical phenomena | |
Foot and ankle ; vol. 9, no. 6 | |
ART : 02442 : Not available for external loan | |
Influence of age and sex on the strength of bone-ligament junctions in knee joints of rats | |
English | |
19780300 | |
Tipton, Charles M. | Matthes, Ronald D. | Martin, Robert K. | |
universal | animal models | body water | elasticity | mechanical stress | tensile strength | knee joint | ligaments, articular | sex factors | age factors | |
Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume ; vol. 60, no. 2 | |
ART : 03980 : Not available for external loan | |
Low tension studies of collagen fibres from ligaments of the human spine | |
English | |
19770400 | |
Shah, J.S | Jayson, M.I.V | Hampson, W.G.J | |
universal | collagen | spine | lumbar vertebrae | microscopy | connective tissue | physiology | elasticity | ligaments, articular | |
Annals of the rheumatic diseases ; vol. 36, no. 2 | |