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ART : 09322 : Not available for external loan | |
The role of operant conditioning in chronic pain : an experimental investigation | |
English | |
20020200 | |
Flor, Herta | Knost, Bärbel | Birbaumer, Niels | |
Germany | chronic pain | back pain | psychological extinction | operant conditioning | analysis of variance | pain measurement | verbal behaviour | muscle tonus | heart rate | electroencephalography | electrooculography | comparative study | pain threshold | psychology | physiology | |
Pain ; vol. 95, no. 1-2 | |
MON : 1988.094 : Not available for external loan | |
Sleep movements and associated autonomic nervous activities in young male adults | |
English | |
19820000 | |
University of Turku. Institute of Biomedicine. Department of Physiology | |
Alihanka, Jukka | |
universal | sleep | physiology | movement | autonomic nervous system | sleep apnea syndromes | respiration | young adult | men | heart rate | ballistocardiography | electrocardiography | electroencephalography | electromyography | electrooculography | |