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  • ART : 33040 : Not available for external loan
    The 'pains of employment'? : connecting air and sound quality to correctional officer experiences of health and wellness in prison space
    prison conditions effects | prison personnel | working conditions effects | air quality | prisons | facility environment | sound | attitude of prison personnel | prisoner-personnel relations | well-being | employee performance | Canada
    Prison journal ; vol. 103, no. 5
  • ART : 29419 : Not available for external loan
    Individual and environmental contributors to psychological distress during imprisonment
    Belgium | prison conditions effects | prisoner mental health | distress prevalence | risk factors | sex factors | time factors | early experience | contextual factors | preincarceration factors | social perception | personal autonomy | personal safety | facility environment | social environment | prisoner-personnel relations | Measuring the Quality of Prison Life (MQPL) | questionnaires | drug use | prison overcrowding effects | standard of living | social support effects
    European journal of criminology ; doi: 10.1177/14773708231201726
  • ART : 32568 : Not available for external loan
    Greenspace in prison improves well-being irrespective of prison/er characteristics, with particularly beneficial effects for younger and unsentenced prisoners, and in overcrowded prisons
    United Kingdom | prison conditions effects | pre-trial detainees | legal status | age factors | prison overcrowding effects | prisoner violence prevention | self-injurious behaviour prevention | well-being | spaces | facility environment
    European journal of criminology ; doi: 10.1177/14773708231186302
  • ART : 33060 : Not available for external loan
    Informe de organizaciones de la sociedad civil en relación al procedimiento de seguimiento de las observaciones finales sobre el tercer informe periódico del estado cubano (CAT/C/CUB/CO/3)
    UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | torture criminalisation | torture definition | torture prevention effectiveness | detainee rights | human rights monitoring effectiveness | lawyers' role | national institution's role | gender-based violence | asylum seeker rights | refugee rights | extradition | expulsion | human rights education effectiveness | prison conditions | solitary confinement | human rights defender victimisation | journalists victimisation | political imprisonment | facility environment | temperature, hot | domestic implementation | state compliance | Cuba
    Article 19 | CUBALEX | World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) | Red de Defensores de Derechos Humanos en Cuba | Grupo de Trabajo sobre Detenciones por Motivos Politicos Justicia 11J | Raza & Igualdad
  • ART : 31613 : Not available for external loan
    Using COVID-19 to address environmental threats to health and leverage for prison reform in South Africa, Malawi and Zimbabwe
    Oxford University Press
    South Africa | Malawi | Zimbabwe | prison reform | torture prevention effectiveness | prison overcrowding statistics | prison statistics | AU. Committee for the Prevention of Torture in Africa | AU. Special Rapporteur on Prisons, Conditions of Detention and Policing in Africa | AU. African Court of Justice and Human Rights | regional human rights protection systems' role | case law | public health practice | prison personnel | environmental determinants of health | facility environment | imprisonment effects | cross-national comparison | communicable disease control effectiveness | pre-trial detention | prison health care delivery | prison health care quality | prisoner statistics | right to health | developing countries
    Journal of human rights practice ; vol. 15, no. 2
  • ART : 32357 : Not available for external loan
    Interrupted interviews : learning from young people's lived environments in Lebanon
    communication barriers | research methodology | sound recordings | refugee camps | facility environment | Syrian refugees, adolescent, male | mother-son relations | urban dynamics | social relations | power | field work | data collection | interviewing | Lebanon
    Area ; vol. 55, no. 2
  • ART : 31078 : Not available for external loan
    Biophysiological risk-factors for political violence
    determinants of violence | risk factors | Basque country (Spain) | emotional trauma | perpetrator characteristics | perpetratorhood | genetics | aggression | social environment | contextual factors | determinants of perpetration | political violence | Spain
    Journal of conflict resolution ; vol. 67, no. 5
  • ART : 32631 : Not available for external loan
    Rings in the water : felt externalisation in the extended EU borderlands
    Taylor and Francis
    Europe | Tunisia | boundaries | border areas | immigration policy effects | politics | developing countries | outsourcing | Zarzis (Tunisia) | violence | death | environment | communities | spaces | human rights violation effects | European Union's role
    Geopolitics ; doi: 10.1080/14650045.2023.2198125
  • ART : 30242 : Not available for external loan
    ‘This is not what I signed up for’ : Danish prison officers’ attitudes towards more punitive penal policies
    Denmark | penal policy | attitude of prison personnel | Vestre prison (Denmark) | decision making | human security | social services accessibility | aliens | prisoner characteristics | social environment | working conditions | institutional culture | self concept | punishment | prison conditions | prisoner-personnel relations | ethnographic methods | field work | social control | prisoner punishment | authoritarianism | pre-trial detention | cost-benefit analysis
    Punishment and society ; vol. 25, no. 2
  • ART : 31185 : Not available for external loan
    À propos de l’expérience de la torture
    Elsevier Masson
    torture effects | case studies | psychotherapeutic environment | shame | PTSD | torture victims treatment | psychotherapist's role | ego | psychological effects of torture | physical effects of torture | mind-body relations | humiliation | imagination | psychotic disorders | asylum seekers | torture victims | France | universal
    Annales medico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique ; vol. 181, no. 2