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ART : 31496 : Not available for external loan | |
'The third time Janus died' : resilience and dependencies in coping with adversity during and after civil war in northern Uganda | |
English | |
20220600 | |
Taylor and Francis | |
Harnisch, Helle | |
humanitarian aid effects | witnessing torture | effects on perpetrators | killing | Acholi | developing countries | corruption | poverty | coping behaviour | former child soldiers | community resilience | postconflict situations | Uganda | |
Civil wars ; vol. 24, no. 2-3 | |
ART : 29999 : Not available for external loan | |
Classifying childhood war trauma exposure : latent profile analyses of Sierra Leone's former child soldiers | |
English | |
20210600 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Su, Shaobing | Frounfelker, Rochelle L. | Desrosiers, Alethea | Brennan, Robert T. | Farrar, Jordan | Betancourt, Theresa S. | |
Sierra Leone | former child soldiers, child | former child soldiers, adolescent | Sierra Leoneans | traumatic exposure | exposure to violence | exposure to warfare | mental disorders | forecasting | emotional regulation | combat disorders | interpersonal relations | classification | parental loss | family separation | victimisation | perpetrators, child | perpetrators, adolescent | violence effects | effects on perpetrators | longitudinal study [publication type] | PTSD | armed conflict effects | psychometrics | Child War Trauma Questionnaire | Oxford Measure of Psychosocial Adjustment | Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Reaction Index | Conflict Tactics Scale | Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale | |
Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines ; vol. 62, no. 6 | |
ART : 26373 : Not available for external loan | |
The content and meaning of war experiences : a qualitative study of trauma and resilience among Liberian young refugees in Ghana | |
English | |
20210400 | |
Sage | |
Nyarko, Felix | Punamäki, Raija-Leena | |
Liberian refugees, young adult | former child soldiers | rape | killings | family members | witnessing torture | betrayal | human dignity | state terror | postconflict reconstruction | self-injurious behaviour | traumatic memory | bereavement | humiliation | suffering | meaning | emotional trauma | personal narratives | life change events | torture victims, young adult | war victims, young adult | Ghana | Liberia | |
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Transcultural psychiatry ; vol. 58, no. 2 | |
UN : CAT/C/UGA/2 : Not available for external loan | |
Second periodic report submitted by Uganda under article 19 of the Convention pursuant to the simplified reporting procedure, due in 2008 | |
English | |
20210201 | |
United Nations | |
UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | police violence | prison personnel violence | evidence admissibility | training of prison health personnel | training of prison personnel | training of police personnel | human rights education | gender-based violence prevention | alternatives to imprisonment | refugee aid | legal aid | violence against women prevention | trafficking in persons prevention | domestic violence prevention | violence prevention | amnesty law | community integration | former child soldiers | complainant protection | witness protection | visiting mechanisms | national institution's role | prison oversight | habeas corpus | arrest procedures | pre-trial detention | universal jurisdiction | refoulement prevention | criminal law | torture criminalisation | torture definition | judicial decisions | national courts' role | international legal instruments | national legal instruments | human rights protection | economics | governance | periodic reports | state compliance | domestic implementation | Uganda | |
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Uganda | |
ART : 25495 : Not available for external loan | |
Life after armed group involvement in Nepal : a clinical ethnography of psychological well-being of former 'child soldiers' over time | |
English | |
20200200 | |
Sage | |
Medeiros, Emilie | Shrestha, Prabin Nanicha | Gaire, Himal | Orr, David M. R. | |
Nepal | former child soldiers | adaptation | structural violence | political ideologies | belief systems | protective factors | risk factors | family relations | well-being | ethnographic methods | psychological resilience | suffering | comparative study | etiology | mental disorders | postconflict situations | mental health status | exposure to warfare | combat disorders | |
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Transcultural psychiatry ; vol. 57, no. 1 | |
ART : 30303 : Not available for external loan | |
‘These things continue’ : violence as contamination in everyday life after war in Northern Uganda | |
English | |
20170600 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Meinert, Lotte | Whyte, Susan Reynolds | |
determinants of violence | postconflict situations | armed conflict effects | societal effects | alcoholism | rural areas | developing countries | mental health | domestic violence | Acholi | marriage | family relations | land tenure | social problems | spiritualism | belief systems | PTSD | phenomenology | former child soldiers | traumatic exposure | social contagion | communities | personal narratives | Uganda | |
Ethos ; vol. 45, no. 2 | |
ART : 28919 : Not available for external loan | |
From war to classroom : PTSD and depression in formerly abducted youth in Uganda | |
English | |
20150303 | |
Frontiers Research Foundation | |
Winkler, Nina | Ruf-Leuschner, Martina | Ertl, Verena | Pfeiffer, Anett | Schalinski, Inga | Ovuga, Emilio | Neuner, Frank | Elbert, Thomas | |
Uganda | former child soldiers, adolescent | former child soldiers, young adult | Ugandans, adolescent | Ugandans, young adult | child abduction | traumatic exposure | multiple traumatic events | early experience | displaced persons | life change events | school-based interventions | mass screening | mental disorders | comorbidity | suicidal ideation | depression, major epidemiology | PTSD epidemiology | mental health status | war victims, adolescent | war victims, young adult | psychometrics | Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale Event Checklist | Hopkins Symptom Checklist | Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview | Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale | Violence, War, and Abductee Exposure Scale | |
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Frontiers in psychiatry ; vol. 6 | |