Show record 1 to 7 of 7 from RCT
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  • ART : 31496 : Not available for external loan
    'The third time Janus died' : resilience and dependencies in coping with adversity during and after civil war in northern Uganda
    Taylor and Francis
    humanitarian aid effects | witnessing torture | effects on perpetrators | killing | Acholi | developing countries | corruption | poverty | coping behaviour | former child soldiers | community resilience | postconflict situations | Uganda
    Civil wars ; vol. 24, no. 2-3
  • ART : 29999 : Not available for external loan
    Classifying childhood war trauma exposure : latent profile analyses of Sierra Leone's former child soldiers
    Sierra Leone | former child soldiers, child | former child soldiers, adolescent | Sierra Leoneans | traumatic exposure | exposure to violence | exposure to warfare | mental disorders | forecasting | emotional regulation | combat disorders | interpersonal relations | classification | parental loss | family separation | victimisation | perpetrators, child | perpetrators, adolescent | violence effects | effects on perpetrators | longitudinal study [publication type] | PTSD | armed conflict effects | psychometrics | Child War Trauma Questionnaire | Oxford Measure of Psychosocial Adjustment | Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Reaction Index | Conflict Tactics Scale | Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale
    Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines ; vol. 62, no. 6
  • ART : 26373 : Not available for external loan
    The content and meaning of war experiences : a qualitative study of trauma and resilience among Liberian young refugees in Ghana
    Liberian refugees, young adult | former child soldiers | rape | killings | family members | witnessing torture | betrayal | human dignity | state terror | postconflict reconstruction | self-injurious behaviour | traumatic memory | bereavement | humiliation | suffering | meaning | emotional trauma | personal narratives | life change events | torture victims, young adult | war victims, young adult | Ghana | Liberia
    Transcultural psychiatry ; vol. 58, no. 2
  • UN : CAT/C/UGA/2 : Not available for external loan
    Second periodic report submitted by Uganda under article 19 of the Convention pursuant to the simplified reporting procedure, due in 2008
    United Nations
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | police violence | prison personnel violence | evidence admissibility | training of prison health personnel | training of prison personnel | training of police personnel | human rights education | gender-based violence prevention | alternatives to imprisonment | refugee aid | legal aid | violence against women prevention | trafficking in persons prevention | domestic violence prevention | violence prevention | amnesty law | community integration | former child soldiers | complainant protection | witness protection | visiting mechanisms | national institution's role | prison oversight | habeas corpus | arrest procedures | pre-trial detention | universal jurisdiction | refoulement prevention | criminal law | torture criminalisation | torture definition | judicial decisions | national courts' role | international legal instruments | national legal instruments | human rights protection | economics | governance | periodic reports | state compliance | domestic implementation | Uganda
  • ART : 25495 : Not available for external loan
    Life after armed group involvement in Nepal : a clinical ethnography of psychological well-being of former 'child soldiers' over time
    Nepal | former child soldiers | adaptation | structural violence | political ideologies | belief systems | protective factors | risk factors | family relations | well-being | ethnographic methods | psychological resilience | suffering | comparative study | etiology | mental disorders | postconflict situations | mental health status | exposure to warfare | combat disorders
    Transcultural psychiatry ; vol. 57, no. 1
  • ART : 30303 : Not available for external loan
    ‘These things continue’ : violence as contamination in everyday life after war in Northern Uganda
    determinants of violence | postconflict situations | armed conflict effects | societal effects | alcoholism | rural areas | developing countries | mental health | domestic violence | Acholi | marriage | family relations | land tenure | social problems | spiritualism | belief systems | PTSD | phenomenology | former child soldiers | traumatic exposure | social contagion | communities | personal narratives | Uganda
    Ethos ; vol. 45, no. 2
  • ART : 28919 : Not available for external loan
    From war to classroom : PTSD and depression in formerly abducted youth in Uganda
    Frontiers Research Foundation
    Uganda | former child soldiers, adolescent | former child soldiers, young adult | Ugandans, adolescent | Ugandans, young adult | child abduction | traumatic exposure | multiple traumatic events | early experience | displaced persons | life change events | school-based interventions | mass screening | mental disorders | comorbidity | suicidal ideation | depression, major epidemiology | PTSD epidemiology | mental health status | war victims, adolescent | war victims, young adult | psychometrics | Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale Event Checklist | Hopkins Symptom Checklist | Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview | Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale | Violence, War, and Abductee Exposure Scale
    Frontiers in psychiatry ; vol. 6