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  • Cramped confinement [torture method](1)
  • Disappearances(1)
  • Emotional trauma(1)
  • Facial masks(1)
  • Fear(1)
  • Humiliation(1)
  • Impossible choices(1)
  • Interrogation techniques(1)
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  • United Nations Special Rapporteur On Torture(1)
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  • UN : A/HRC/43/49 : Not available for external loan
    Report of the Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
    United Nations
    psychological torture definition | historical aspects of torture | human experimentation | experimental psychology | interrogation techniques | torture method development | discourse | politics | medical ethics | absolute prohibition of torture | physical torture definition | comparison | terminology | international human rights law | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | UNCAT-1 | torture purposes | suffering | pain | communication technology | Internet | death-row | punishment | intimidation | criminal sentencing | cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment | disappearances | arbitrary arrest and detention | deception | guilt | betrayal | mobbing | social exclusion | noise torture | music torture | ear muffs | facial masks | gloving | blindfolding | hooding [torture method] | soundproofing | facility environment | light | solitary confinement | sensory deprivation | information dissemination | sexual harassment | sexual abuse | forced nudity | intimacy exposure | vilification | calumny | defamation | shame | verbal abuse | humiliation | surveillance in prison | privacy deprivation | self concept | self-esteem | human dignity | impossible choices | reward | sanctions | toilet deprivation | prison conditions | hygiene | sleep deprivation [torture method] | environmental stress | climatic stress [torture method] | deprivation [torture method] | learned helplessness | personal autonomy | chronic pain | PTSD | cramped confinement [torture method] | cramped confinement [torture method] | buried alive [torture method] | phobic disorders | insects as torture instruments | animals [torture instruments] | culture | witnessing torture | mock executions | torture by proxy | manipulation (psychology) | information disclosure | threats to family members | threats with rape | threats with torture | fear | torture method classification | lawful sanctions clause | powerlessness | intentionality | torture threshold | measurement | personality change | IACPPR-2 | OAS. Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture (1985) | ICCPR-7 | UN. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) | forensic evaluation of torture | severity of treatment | stealth torture techniques | signs and symptoms | visibility | physical torture methods | cardiovascular physiological phenomena | death from torture | organ failure | depression | anxiety | emotional trauma | somatoform disorders | mental disorders | physiological effects of torture | physical effects of torture | psychological effects of torture | torture effects | psychological torture methods | universal
    United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture
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