Show record 1 to 4 of 4 from RCT
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  • MON : 2005.126 : Not available for external loan
    EU guidelines on human rights
    European Communities. Office for Official Publications
    death penalty | torture | inhuman treatment | human rights | children | armed conflict | human rights defenders | refugees | torture victims | torture victims treatment | foreign policy | Europe | guidelines text | EU law | European Union | death penalty | torture | inhuman treatment | human rights | children | armed conflict | human rights defenders | refugees | torture victims | torture victims treatment | foreign policy
    European Union. Council
  • MON : 2005.127 : Not available for external loan
    UE orientations concernant les droits de l'homme
    Communautés européennes. Office des publications officielles
    death penalty | torture | inhuman treatment | human rights | children | armed conflict | human rights defenders | refugees | torture victims | torture victims treatment | foreign policy | Europe | guidelines text | EU law | European Union | death penalty | torture | inhuman treatment | human rights | children | armed conflict | human rights defenders | refugees | torture victims | torture victims treatment | foreign policy
    Union européenne. Conseil
  • MON : 2002.364 : Not available for external loan
    Principes fondamentaux relatifs a l'independance de la magistrature et du barreau = المبادی الأساسیة بشأن استقلال القضاء والمحاماة = al-Mabādī al-´asāsīyah bi-sha´n istiqlāl al-qaḍa´ wa-al-maḥām āt [T]
    Morocco. Centre de Documentation, d'Information et de Formation en Droits de l'Homme
    universal | Morocco | human rights | international instruments | administration of justice | lawyers | courts | judicial independence | guidelines text
    Morocco. Centre de Documentation, d'Information et de Formation en Droits de l'Homme (comp.)
  • MON : 1987.040 : Not available for external loan
    Ethical codes and declarations relevant to the health professions : an Amnesty International compilation of selected ethical texts
    Amnesty International
    medical ethics | Amnesty International Declaration of Stockholm | Amnesty International Declaration on the Participation of Doctors in the Death Penalty | UN. Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (1955) | UN. Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1975) | UN. Principles of Medical Ethics relevant to the Role of Health Personnel, particularly Physicians, in the Protection of Prisoners and Detainees against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1982) | human rights protection | psychiatrist's role | torture prevention | psychologist's role | prisons | detention centres | health care delivery | prison health personnel | nurses role | medical doctor's role | armed conflict | death penalty | medical participation in executions | international organisations | professional organisations | guidelines (text) | standards | international instruments | professional ethics | universal
    Amnesty International (AI) (comp.)